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Pride and Prejudice, written between October 1796 and August 1797,

first published in 181 3, and a second edition the same year, third edition

1 8 17; Sense and Sensibility, written in its present form between November

1797 and 179S, though a portion was extracted from an earlier manu"

script, in the form of letters, entitled ' Elinor and Marianne,' first published

in 1811, second edition 1813; Northanger Abbey, written during 1798,

and first published in 1818; Mansfield Park, written between 18 11 and

1813, and first published in 1814, second edition in 1816; Emma, written

in 1815, and first published in 1816; Persuasion, written in 1815 and

1 816, and first published in 181 8. The following were published post'

humously: Love and Freindsbip and other early works, 19.2.2; The Watsons,

1923 and 1927; Lady Susan, 1925; Sanditon, fragment of a novel, ed. by

R. W. Chapman, 1925; Plan of a Novel according to hints from various

quarters, 1926; Volume the First (juvenilia), 193 3- A uniform illustrated

edition of the major novels was published by Dent in 1950. The

Letters were ed. by Edward Lord Brabourne, 2 vols., 1884, and a

selection by R. Brimley Johnson, 1925; also Five Letters of Jane Austen

to her Niece Fanny Knight, 1925; and Letters to her Sister Cassandra, ed. by

R. W. Chapman, 2 vols., 1932. Biographies of Jane Austen have been

written by her nephew, J. E. Austen' Leigh (1870; second edition,

revised, 1871; reprinted 1926); by Goldwin Smith (1890); by S. f.

Maiden (1889); also W. H. Pollock, Jane Austen, her contemporaries and

herself, 1899; C. Hi\\, Jane Austen : her homes and Ixr friends, 1902; G. E.

Mitton./a/ie Austen and her Times, 1905; \V. and R. A. Austen^Leigh,

Jane Austen : her life and letters, 191 3; L. Villard, Jane Austen, 1924; R.

Brimley Johnson, Jane Austen : her life, her work, her family, and her critics,

1930; G. Rawlence, Jcj/ie Austen, 1934; Lord David Cecil, Jam Austen,

1935; K- Seymour, Jane Austen : Study for a Portrait, 1937; M. Wilson,.

Jane Austeft and some Contemporaries, 1938; Elizabeth Jenkins.Jj/ie Austen,

1938; M. M. Lascelles, Jane Austen and her Art, 1939; E. A. Leigh,

Jane Austen and her Bath, 1939; Sheila K. Smith and G. B. Stern,

Talking of Jane Austen, 1948, and More Talk of Jane Austen, 1950;

Margaret Kennedy, Jane Austen, 1950. See also G. L. Keynes, Jane

Austen : a Bibliography, 1929.

