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{{betlep061.png}} || betty lee, junior ||

them paid far too much for having a roof over
their heads, whatever hardships of living in this
way was theirs.

The young people hushed their conversation
and the car went slowly where children played
in the street or wagons and trucks blocked the
way. “It has to be in this square, Chauncey,”
said Kathryn, looking at the address which
Betty had handed her. Chauncey and Kathryn
knew the names of the streets, though from time
to time Chauncey glanced at the street signs.

Now a shrill siren called and Chauncey drew
the Allen car as close to the sidewalk as pos-
sible, while a car whizzed by and was followed
by the dashing fire-trucks. “Oh, poor things,”
cried Kathryn, “think of having a fire in one
of those houses!”

They could see smoke at a distance, but no
flames. Budd left the car to look at the num-
bers on the doors nearby. “It's on this side of
the street, by good luck,”
he reported. “Drive a
little farther down, Chauncey. It must be near
the corner.”

Chauncey backed his car from between a
truck and an old grocery wagon, though Kath-
ryn suggested that he just park the car where
he was. “Nup,” said Chauncey. “I want the
car right by where you climb to the top of one


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