jaguar publishing system

a light-markup system specially developed
for books and other long-form documents,
all using “zen markup language” — z.m.l.

gutenberg e-text to e-books in 9 steps/3 minutes:

kickstarter web-app demo:

kickstarter project-page, now live:

info for hacker-news types:

above is the link for a web-app tool that outputs e-books from
a light-markup framework developed for long-form documents,
one-click html5/epub/mobi from the single-source .zml master.

the u.r.l. shows the demo was tailored specifically for you cats;
below is the information-sheet answering your usual questions.

this is one big demo sandbox — demonstrating my “zen markup”.
(it’s a form of light-markup that i developed for long-form texts.)

this is one big demo sandbox — no sign-up required, none at all.
(because i know y’all are like me, app-demo lookie-loo junkies.)

this is one big demo sandbox — anyone can edit/steal your text.
only if the kickstarter succeeds do i code a privacy component.

this is one big demo sandbox — stripped to the bare minimum.
(one button to save, and one to convert text to e-book formats.)
i have prototypes that are more fully developed, but kickstarter
likes to see projects in their initial stages, not their final forms.


if this kickstarter succeeds, it’ll ensure continued availability and
iteration of this free-as-in-beer writing tool, and more kickstarters.

those kickstarters will create a stream of free-beer writing-apps —
i’ve got a lot, across the full tool-chain, from draft through remix
— intended to allow writers-and-readers to eliminate middlemen.
especially middlemen of the greedy corporate-type, who want to
collect rent on every e-book, and put a toll-booth on knowledge.

these other apps include offline tools (crossplat to mac, pc, linux),
because you don’t really wanna put your in-progress books online.
(now that we know even “private” places are under surveillance.)

but once the book is done, you want to put it online for the world,
and take advantage of the web's ability to move stuff far and wide.
it's dumb for books to be locked in a store, and not out wandering.


even if i sell some of these apps in app-stores, to serve the people
who prefer that, there’ll _always_ be a free version available too,
directly from me. because we need to make sure that once we’ve
eliminated the publisher middlemen, different ones don’t crop in.
the way we get rid of greedy middlemen is _route_around_’em_.

to that end, all of these free-beer tools will also turn open-source,
free-as-in-speech, because that’s the most empowering way to go.
readers and writers will control our own mutual destiny, together.

and i intend to be part of the solution, and not part of the problem,
so kickstarter is pretty much the only main way i’ll take a pay-day.

plus the kickstarters let me gather the support-base of people who
wanna come help me kill the greedy corporate publishing industry.

if you’re one of those people, come on over and pitch in your $11.
whether you pledge or not, the tool is there for you to use. for free.
it’s a gift, from me, so you can go forth and multiply. use it wisely.

— bowerbird intelligentleman
2013oct29; happy b-day kelly.



