Instructions for use: --------------------- KindleGen for Windows: 1. Download the KindleGen zip file to your PC on your Desktop. 2. Extract it to 'c:\KindleGen' 3. Open a command prompt; this can be done from the Start menu > All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt -- alternatively, you can go to your Start menu in Windows and choose 'Run' and then type 'cmd'. This will open a black command prompt window. 4. Type 'c:\KindleGen\kindlegen' 5. You will see instructions on how to run KindleGen. 6. To convert a file called book.html, go to the directory where the book is present, eg. 'cd Desktop' and type 'c:\KindleGen\kindlegen book.html' and if successful, you will see a successful conversion and a new file on your Desktop called Please note: it is recommended to follow these steps to run KindleGen. Double-clicking the KindleGen icon does not launch this program. Run the above commands without quotes. KindleGen for Linux: 1. Download the KindleGen tar.gz to your PC in a location such as your home (~) directory. 2. Extract it under '~/KindleGen' 3. Open a command prompt and type '~/KindleGen/kindlegen'. 4. You will see instructions on how to run KindleGen. 5. To convert a file called book.html, go to the directory where the book is present, eg. 'cd Desktop' and all you have to do now is type '~/KindleGen/kindlegen book.html' and if successful, you will see a successful conversion and a new file on your Desktop called Please note: it is recommended to follow these steps to run KindleGen. Double-clicking the KindleGen icon does not launch this program. Run the above commands without quotes. KindleGen for Mac: 1. Download the to your Mac in a location such as your home (~) directory. 2. Unzip it under '~/KindleGen' 3. Open a command prompt and type '~/KindleGen/kindlegen'. 4. You will see instructions on how to run KindleGen. 5. To convert a file called book.html, go to the directory where the book is present, eg. 'cd Desktop' and all you have to do now is type '~/KindleGen/kindlegen book.html' and if successful, you will see a successful conversion and a new file on your Desktop called Please note: it is recommended to follow these steps to run KindleGen. Double-clicking the KindleGen icon does not launch this program. Run the above commands without quotes.