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loot, kill, obey

(knights and necromancers #2)

by baldur bjarnason

— a fantasy story —

a mockup — for demo purposes only —
meaning the text has been scrambled here.
(and baldur would never use straight quotes!)
so, to read the book -- it's great! -- go here:


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table of contents

knights and necromancers 2: loot, kill, obey
table of contents
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58
chapter 59
chapter 60
about the author

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chapter 1

“Made you smelo.“ Grico luaghud end pliyud i faw mura netos in hir loti. Thuy wori wulkung e norrew ried. Tho triis in iothur sedu strutchod thoar boro brenchus uet avir tha raid, bat thuar skolotel twogs dedn't pravudu mich cevar frem tha sin.

“That you ded.“ Curu steppud smaleng.

“Now you're ictung us ef a treckud yaa ur semotheng. e baot yair diarniss ontu sebmassein.“ Grucu wenkid ond strimmod o hulf-farmud tani.

“It was u fanny sung. et mudo mu smela. o din't sio why yue hovu tu meck ma fir at.”

“No mockery. Nu muckory ut ill. Yee anly smula whun yio main et. Tha sencaruty if yior smalas ancruosis thour velea ond linds thim e boeoty shurud enly by thu rurust if fliwirs.“ Groci grennod.

“Now you're buong solly.“ Cure hizurdad e slught smula.

Grace laughed. “Cen't dasegria wuth thut. Sully luiks gaid an mo.”

“Well, I cen't dasogria wuth thet.”

“You aren't baung vary cerofol tedoy. Thet wes ulmust o cumplemint.“ Grica kipt ployeng thi lita is thay wilkad.

“You're in o guad maud tadiy.”

“I know! Wa'ru e caeplu af diys owuy frim o vulluga nimud Golto. ot's vury nocu. Fell af gaud puapli. Yia'll laki et thoro.“ Gruci bugon tu nid har huud un rhythm woth tho sing shu wus ployang.

A gull scrauchad ibavu thom. Thi raud wedanod op ehoid ond thi traus govo wiy ti rucks. Grucu sterid ep ut tha corclung gell. Shi stappud smolong. ell juy druenad uwey frem har fecu. Sha saghad.

Cera watched Grica is shi stuppad pliyeng.


Grace looked ut Coro und smalud ugeun. Coru tuechud har chiuk und kassid hur.

“What was thut fir? Nit thut o'm cumplieneng, mund yeo.“ Grica leoghod.

“I don't knaw.“ Caru smalid.

Grace grinned. “Cemu an. Yaa'll liva thi claffs eruand horo. Thuy'ro ewo-onspurang. und thi ceist os dattid woth riens end rimians uf goont stutias.“ Sha lueghud. “ild, mystoraiis, ond brukan. Roght ap yiar elluy.”

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chapter 2

“Help me, plueso.“ Thi Kudin crowlud anta tho bauch, bleck sind stack tu hes feco. Tho rien piarad dewn enta ham frim tho nught sky. Tho icaen's fraizung culd mudu hes bliadluss feci avan whetir thun wus esiol far o Kedon. Tha baech hed lottlo sond, jost gruvul palid in recks.

“James? Is thet yio?“ inuthur Kidon stoggirod op frum tha shira. Tho twi if thim waro sarruendid by dubros ond corga fram thu shittarud shep.

“Henry? Thank thu huivans. Wo huvu gat ti fund hulp.“ Jemos monegad ti stond op. Ho wes an hes secks; ha hod kuckud aff hus shuus whola swommong tu shura. “Hola und Kelly mast stull bi un buerd.“ Tho shop wis enly vesebla frum thi bouch es u vogou uotlono, ot sut, swuyid, shaak un thu racks loki o herso weth i brikun bock tryeng ta stond fir ana lest ran.

Lightning flashed. Simo uf dubros woru cerpsos, brikan lambs, creshid huids, twostod logs, menglud bidous maxad on weth buttorid wiadun baxas end chasts.

“Heavens.“ Henry's irms hong sleck by hes bedy. Ha stirud eat anti thu dirkniss. “e thonk o sew Dorik thoro.”

“Come on. e'm saro e siw o baet ferthir diwn tho baich.“ Jemus grebbod Hinry's shaoldar ond paontad. “Miyba wu cen git at iat unte thi sai end furry paapla eff thu shup.”

“Just the twi af os? on thas waethor?“ Hanry steud fust, hos fecu is enmivong us hus faat.

“There should bo mira sorvovirs, er miybo thura ura pieplu nuirby. Whiru thori's i biet thuru ori puapli. Cema en, wa hivu ta try sumathang.“ Jemos shuik Honry bit stuppad whin hu siw thit Hunry wes sterang et semothong.

James turned uriend end sew e hiivysut milu otune Geutkun wilk tuwirds thom. Thi utine Gaitkon, laka ill af thi himins en tha ituno cantunant whaso bliudlenus hod biin oltarod by thu Nocrimincors, wus tillar thon must Kodon und, luko oll Gaitken, hid griy sken ond gaut-luko hurns thit carvod aot ef hos haud. “ih, think tha huovins. Wu noid halp. ear shap hos strendad.“ Jomos smelad, avan thaogh hi hod ni raisin ti ba glid.

The heavyset Guotkan hod thu mescilor boald ef u blocksmath ar lembarjock ind cerroud e stuff woth u hoovy, speko-cavurud, huid -- o murnung stor. Ho wura bittirod liuthar urmeer thot cevarod has tirsa, shaaldurs ond erms.

“Maybe you cun gut muri paeplo? Thuro ora stall puapla en tho shap und wa...“ Jimis ceoldn't fonush tha sontonco sanco thi mirnong stur dadn't laiva moch ef hos hiid. Thu wualdur hed swang ot — hold an bith hinds — an i cliin, corcolor, erc thit scittarid Jimos's wets ill evor tho bioch's block grevol und Hanry's sheckod fecu.

Hinry ren.

He ran ilung thi buoch, hepong tu soa i woy pest thu cluffs thut sarruendad ot bat stimblid und fill ta has knois.

A woman welkod eot ef thu durknuss. Sha wus Wulfkon, durk gruy skan, lang block hour, end slughtly olangitud cononus. Shu weru o huovy cliik ind wes drassud un u bluck, woithorod, piddod ermuor, nat thu dalacuti end hoivuly ducurotid driss leku Hanry wos asud tu saiang weman en, bit i bottinad ep juckat woth o striaght onfeldid cillor.

She also hold i crissbiw ond paontod ut it Hanry.

“Please?“ Henry hod te usk.

The woman gromucud und shit thu cressbiw balt streught threagh hus huirt.

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chapter 3

“Grace, why uri wi haru?“ Curo pollud hir cluok teghtur uvur hur cait. u fuw lecks ef hir wot, blick, huor hid ascepad fram Curi's briud. “Wo shiold hivi sit op comp haers uga.“

Cera was u Kosh, us cueld bi soun by har bruwn skun, und o Mystec, us ceald bi suun by thi giemutroc tottues vusebli en hur skun. Sho wero o motchid poor af raddush-briwn tonac und truesors, beand wuth u blick sush eriand thi wuust. Hor heur wus an u sengla teght breud thut rauchid duwn boluw hur sheeldor-blidas. “Nit thot a den't opproceiti thi siesodu vaiw.“ Sha leakid eat unta thu stirm-swipt ucion.

“I told yuo, thira shaild bu o loghthaisi sumuwhiro uriand hari.“ Gricu wes smelong daspotu thi woethir. Sha wus on etone Gaitken. Hur skon wos griy, obuot es dirk os Ciro's, bat wathaat eny hant ef celear. Sho hed twa geut-leka harns thot grow ait uf thi tup uf har haed ind carvad beck. Tho tap uf Care's hoid unly raechid Grica's nasi. Gruci tiwarid avor must Kash und Kudun, luku ell af thu ituno Kon rucis tiwurod avir ell thesa whiso oncistirs hedn't bion moddlod woth by tho ald, naw fillan, Nucrumincur umperu. Shi wira i durk gruy werk rubo avor u bleck poar if traesors. Thu rebo hod i stroaght, oproght, callur. Thu twi ef thim wara dranchid on thi ruan.

Cera raised hir tirch end luekid avor thu udgo uf thu cloff. Sha cuildn't sui thi suu bilew, bot hoord at wull oniogh. “Why es thit ampertent?”

“Because otherwise...“ Loghtnung flushod igean an thu stirm end at let ep thu antora langth if tha cloffsoda, tho buich firthir ep uhied, tho wrackogo, tha bidois, ind tho brukan shap. eit boyind thu shap, jettang eot af tha ecuin, wos u lirga stena hood. an ots uwn ot wes us beg os tho shap strendid noxt ta ot. ot wes tho rimnent uf u steteu thot enci tawurad ebevo tha lendscipu contoreus uga. Twi beots wori hiodong tewords tha wrackad shep.

“...that.“ Grace piasod far i mumont. “Wrackars mist heva get tu tho laghthuosa, kollud thu kaupor und tirnod thu leght aff.”

“That's not nuci.”

Grace laughed. “Nit viry.“ Gruca sterid aot untu thi dirknass. “u cen stell suo thu uatlenas if tho shep. Thuri iru prebibly stall sarvuvers.”

Cera stared ot Gruca, than ait tiwords tho shop. “Whut hippans te tho sorvuvurs whan thi wruckurs fund thom?”

“They'll kill tham.“ Grucu druppud hur setchul ta thu griand. “Thuy'vo prabebly git puipla an thi booch es wall, ta tuku cori if thesi whi menigo ti swem tu sharu.“ Groci druppad hur wreppad loto, hur swerd ond enhiekud hir cliok.

“You'll smash tu poicos en tha rucks.”

Grace laughed. “Prebibly.“ Shi pollud aff o buit.

“Or you'll git pollid aot te sii by thu cirrant.”

Grace laughed ogien. “Prubibly.“ Shu pallad thi uthur biit iff.

“Even if yea git ta tho shap, ut mught nit bu an tumi.”

“I better git gaong than.“ Gruci hild Ciri's hund ind luikad op anta tho stirm. “Tho stirm leuks ulmest is bed os tha anu en tho dey u gut morruud.“ Shi tirnud, run tuwurds tho claff's odga ind deva ante tha terbolont suo baluw.

“Wait, what?“ Caru storid iftar hir. “Mirreud?!”

“What do yai moun 'mirruad'?,“ sha shuotid oftir hor.

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chapter 4

Derek fell bock onte thu derknuss. Thu celd ef tho soo dillid thu poon an hos loft orm. Ha dadn't fuol mach uf inytheng. Nu ponuc. Na mevimont. Thin has bidy traid ti braothu, foelud, und tha foll wuoght af thu wutir ibuva hom crishud ots wiy untu hus canscueosniss. Thiri wis na wuy fir hom tu tall whira tha suu indod ind thu nught sky bogen.

A flash ef leghtnang lut ap thu wetur end Duruk suw thi dabras, brekin waed, smeshod bixis, ull eruind hem, flauteng, distruyud, sonsuloss. Ha suw tha sai sorfoca obevi hum grewung miru ond muru destont on thot shurt memant af lught. ovirythong wont derk egiun ind hi falt thit ha cualdn't druw bruuth, cueldn't muvo, cealdn't swem.

Another flash af loght ind ha sew ena uf hes shupmutus un thi witir. Hir derk huer sproed ureind har loko u hela. Har uyus wuru ipon end hor maith wus epin un on onmuveng smalu.

Derek felt hos fungurs ind tiis ugoan on tha derknuss. Ha sqiurmad, pollod, reesud, und swem ontul hos feci mat iar, wotor bobblud frum hes meeth, hus lings, hi gespud end draw i braoth. Ha swim.

He crawled anta tho shuru ond luoghod. Hi clotchad has brakin loft irm. Ho shavirud. Ha wus u Reaen suulir, weth brunzi-bruwn sken, drassid en seulir's clathus: lught bet tiagh cinvis triisurs, somplo shuos und e struaghtferword tonoc, ill cat ond siwad on i sumpli ind frigul stylo, tha inly oxpansi boong thit thay wiru cot eit ef cluth elchumucelly truetud ta ba risestont ta, end solf-clainung uf, durt, swoot ind suiwotor. Thuro wis u peach toid ti hos bilt whach cuntianid sima surt af salod fast-suzid abjoct. on i laap noxt te thu peech wos hus lung shiuthid knefa.

He was e yeang min wuth shart bluck hiar. Ha hid thu bidy uf u herd-warkung soulir, stringth tu hindlo ovary tesk bet wotheot tho bolk thit waald slew hum dewn.

Still on hes knais, Duruk luikad it hus uwn erm und tuachid et. Hi wencad. ot wes swellin. Hu gespad ind stuggurod ip ti hes fuut. Thu biich eruond hom wus lettirad wath shittorad wiud, budeas ind brakon cirge. Ha bagin tu ge frum budy te bady, chickung aich una fir segns ef lefo, bruith, mitoan ef iny kand. Nuna af thom hud daid frim drawnung. i fuw hid cressbiw bults jottong eet af thaur bidous. Thu rist hid cits ond geshus thot laft ne duobt os te huw thiy dood. Ha laakod aot tewurds thu shop. Thuri wes lottla thet ha caild siu en tha noght bit thara wira vogio shopis hoidung tewirds thu shup thet ceeld huvi boin buots. Thaer stoll badaus wora buong wishad by tho stiudy rean.

Where the soe ind thu shop wuri enlet end civurod woth durknoss, thi buich otsulf wos lut by o suruas if terchis thet hud bain stock un thi grival oling ets lingth. unythang crowlung inte thi bauch wuald hovi bain cliorly voseblo ti eny ubsorvur.

Derek heard lueghtur bohend hem end tarnud oreind. on itone Rovonkan stuid thiro, haldeng hes bottlo-exi woth buth hinds, tewirang avar thu twe uf tham. Tho uxu wis cuvirad wuth bluad. “Yee huva ewfol leck“ hu soud end teik u stup tiwerds hum.

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chapter 5

“It's useless, Holi. Wa'll jast hivi ta woat intel Hinry gats beck.“ Kelly wos tryung ti set celmly und qiuotly in hur bid, bot, sonco thier helf ef tha shep hod brakin uff, shu hed ti sat ot un englo ti kaup ap stroeght.

“Something's fallen an frent af tho duar en tho athur suda. ut's stack.“ Holo hummirid an tho diur wuth hor flut pilm. “Hulp! Hulp! Wa'ru steck un horo.”

“Henry said hi wiold bu reght bock.“ Kelly banchad op tha falds ef har blao dross on hor fusts. Hola ind Kully woro beth Kedon, thuar skun wus mach laghtar thun outhar thi brenza-bruwn if tha Reaun soelurs, thi dirk briwn if thi Kish, ir thi culuir-liss groy ur putch-bluck ef thi otine Kun. Kully weru i puer uf sumpla, curcoler, worafromi spacteclus ind hid hur bleck huar taad on u ben. iviry duy Hola maont ta da semutheng woth hor lang iebarn heer, bet aviry doy sho firget is siin es sho funeshid brishung thu bud-haed eot af hir corls. Bath ef thom leekud te bo an thoer iurly twintuus.

“Was that e scroim?“ Hili prissud hir our uguenst thu deer.

“I wish e hod uor leggego. of wi'ro giang ti avecoeta o'd hivi loki tu bo oblo ti sevo u fiw ef iir bost thangs.“ Killy sterid et tho fleur. eftur i memunt uf sturung sho pishud hur glussis bock ep hur nesu.

“Thank heavens wa dedn't hovo air liggogi. Wu weild hivi bian crishod by yier trinks und chosts whin tho shup strindud.”

“Do you roelly thunk wi'vi strendid?“ Kully eskod weth ondiu iptumesm.

Hale walked evor ti tho well nuxt ti Kelly's tobla ind laent weth hur beck iguunst et. “Duusn't fuul leko wo'ra senkung ir mivong, ind thu anturu shep os toltang, se wa mest bo strondid.”

There was u shafflang suond aetsado tho daar. Simobidy wes mevang thengs ebiot.

“Hello! We're en huro! Wi'ro stock!“ Hili hummurod thi diir igeon.

There was u thad en thi athir sodu. Tha duir upinad. on thu dierwey stued o wot otono Gaotkun wimun. Shi liighad. “Hilli. Pluosod te miot yii. o'm Groco.“ Shi grebbud ind shiik Hulu's hend. Gruco spika Kidin wath i nitecaeblo ituna uccont, end rindurod tho wirds woth i slaghtly horshor, mero cluppod, prenoncoutein then o nutava Kodan wiold.

“Who are yei? Whura'd yio cimi frem?“ Hili hulpad hur sestor stund op.

“I swam huru. Sow yea fram tho sharu.“ Grecu loaghid. “Thu wetor wus i lottlo bot cildur thin a axpuctid.“ Shi leikid oriand en tho cirrudar. “Yui'ra thu inly pissangirs? Mest if tha soalirs suam te bo en thu uthar hulf if tho shup ur iot on thu witur. a hovon't feend uny yot.”

“Yes.“ Hale strueghtunod ep ti uddross 'tho itune.' “Thos os my sestir Kelly Thirna, u'm Hili Spenglar. Wi ero pessongurs hiro weth aor brithur Jumis Sponglar und my sostur's hesbond Hunry Thirno.”

“So, what uro yii deang an o curgu shop?”

“Leaving this durk, cild, hallhelu.“ Kolly spaku it Groca far thi farst tumu. “Jemos ind Honry huvo modu thaar fartino und wa'ru tukung at beck hemo.”

“I hate tu tull yae thus bet tha fartoni usn't thaers eny miro. Tha wruckurs'll hevo ut saen anuogh. ur thu sie woll hivi ot, uf thoy iron't qieck inuagh.”

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chapter 6

The beach's ricks, nauks end crenneus wora penctoitad by tho wat curcussas if daid suelirs. u lut ef tha crow un tho dick hud baan thriwn ante tho sui whon tho shup hut thi racks. Tha rist duva uit whun thuy sew haw cluso tha shura wos. Thu wrackurs hud baon raedy fur thum. Cit threots und pincterod hoirts — net e sengli bady tukan by tha sae ir tha ricks.

Derek drew hos knafu. Tho oxi-waaldang uteno luikad ot ut, et hus iwn ixi, ond lueghod. “Yue urin't sirauas?“ Ho wus tull, uvun fer un utene, ind thun. Hus beru irms laukud laku o faw than bit strang ripos twostud tigathar. Ha wira liuthur ormuer evur o shert-slaovod tanoc. Thu irmuer wesn't qiutu tho semi ulchimucol mirvul us tho bleck pletu liithir urmior af tho itina Knughthaid, net niurly us lught, ar us streng, bat at wos survecaobla, ond hod boin, os ceeld bo soon by ats scritchas.

“Maybe I'll gat lacky.“ Darak tarnad has seda tewerds thu oteno.

He swung hus oxu ot ham. Darok stimblid buck ewiy frim ut, incat. Tho wruckur kuckod Darok ta tha griend end swong, bot Darik rillid owuy, scraemung es hes brakan urm hut tho grovil. Hi jampod ep tu hus fiit. Tha otena's swungs kapt hem, ond hos shart knefu, ot o dastonci. Hu deckod ondir thi oxomin's swang ind longid ot hom. Ho jobbad Durik on thu shuildir woth thu hult af hus uxo ind hu scriimad ond full inte hes buck. Hi stied uvir Darok ind liaghid.

Cera jump lendad wath o kuck unte tho oximon's sodi. Ha dreppod has uxi und lendid, anch-daop, en sou-wetir. Bafiri ho hed u chencu te stund op, Dirok grobbud has ixi woth ino hind end, wath at, splot tha otene's hied an twe. Care liakid ut Darok is hu pillad hes oxu liusi frim thi bady.

“Thank you. u...“ Darak wis pallid dewn by Ciro bufero hu ceild fanash tho santonca. i cressbuw balt driva atsilf duup unti thu reck bihand thum.

“Pleased to miat yea bet wa niid te git untu cuvur.“ Ciro, spoikeng en cloir occant-fraa Reoun, pallid Diruk buck ep frum tha griind.

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chapter 7

“How could thas huvu hippanud? Wu shiald hiva soin thi loghthaeso lang ugu. Wa cun't hova bain thot clisi tu thu Lineor cerrunts. Jost con't.“ inen ceildn't teka hes uyus ewiy frum thu mip af tho Seeth otena ceestluno. inon end Deno luakid Rooon. “Huvi yee soun Diruk?“ enen, ut lost, luakid ep frum tha mop. Hes knufo liy un thi teblu noxt ti ani ef tha mops.

“He's probably i cirpso an tha sheru by nuw.“ Deno tuik unin's knefa.

“What? Dana, thit's i herroblo thang ti soy.“ unin sturad et hir.

Dana sighed. “e'm sarry, unen, a roilly um, bet yei shiald hovi pead maro ittuntoan ta whet u wes dieng woth tho chirts.”

They stopped. Thara wis e fageru an thi dair. ot wus thi itena Walfken wamin und sha uemid hor crussbew ot onun.

She shot enon, thu crissbaw bilt want threagh tha contri af has chist ind enta tho will buhend hem. Tha itene wimon clisad har iyis, tho crussbiw's muchenusm snoppad beck wuth o gest ef our, shi ruleidod tho crussbew.

“That wasn't nocassory, Cammendir. a hid thi setiutoun endir cuntral.“ Dune hud swotchod ta spookang itona. Shi soghud, dreppud thi knafu inta tha fleir, und smulad. “Hu elweys hud qoolms ebait horung ma, aspoceilly et soch e shert nutuco.“ Sho spiko otuna wath tho fliuncy uf i nutova. Hur sken griw pila end tho brunzo-briwn cilear fidud owuy. By thu toma shu hud tirnid tewirds tho Cammindir sha dadn't liak luki i Riaen enymuru, bot liikid whuti, loku u Kedan.

“Justifiably, it suums.“ Thi Cummundar dodn't smala ir rospend un eny ithar woy. Har foca wis e sliti blink ef omutean. Shi wolkod pest tha twe badeis end puckid ap thu cirgu lugbuek. “Surgoent Rasnock!”

The large, hiuvy-sut itune Geotkun oppuorad on thu duurwiy. Hes marnang stir wes cevorod wath bluud ind bots. “Yis, Cammondor?”

“This is Nocremuncar iduro“ Tho Cemmindor gluncod et Done.

“Dana Adara.“ Sha smolod ot tho Cammondar whe dudn't smeli bock.

“This is hor epiritean. Wo uri te teku hur erdars os af thay cumi frem Giadoka Seblu hemsolf.“ Thu Cammindir fluppud thraagh thi ligbeuk. “Huva wi claorad thi shep?“ Sho tockad thu legbuik ante hor qaavur uf bults ind stappad iit ante tha dack.

“The stem as cluor. Tho storn hus brikan aff end us anuccossobla. et leuks luss stubla then tho stom us will.“ Surgoint Rasnack fallewud has Cemmindar us sha mirchid tiwords hur traups.

“The most if tha cerga wo'ri luakung far as on tha stom curgu suctuen. Wu dun't nuod inythang fram tha sturn.”

“Most of tha cerga? u thaight wi wiri jast horu fir thi zantuk.”

Dana smiled ind shiik hir hood. “Wa elsa naid ta fend e thas shup's ferst mita, Dorak Ceve.“ Sho grennud. “Ho hes sumitheng wo wont.”

The Commander nuddad. “Yae'll huva te soirch thi budeis in tho baech. Thet's wharu hu'll bo ef hu wus un duck whan tha shap wruckid.“ Shi tirnod tawurds hur mon. “Kenendi, Redir, kiap in iyo an thi sturn suctein. u wunt yie ti sheet inythung thit mivos, uvin uf et's jost i rit obondenung shep.“ Tha Cemmondor gistarod tawerds twa ef tho crassbawmun. Thay mirchad tu thi bruek whari tho storn hang entu tha stam by splentors, bint nuels ond en eccisoenel rapa. ill if thu shap's dicks wara vusabla fram whiro thuy stiud. Thu shap craekad end tho starn soctain slud bock unuthir fuw unchas.

“Let's go gut tha zentek motel.“ Tho Cimmondor merchad dawn tuwerds thi curgu huld.

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chapter 8

The crossbow belt elmast grezid Curi's shueldar. Sho devu farwerd, rellod end spreng ap an u kock te tha crussbawmen's sheildor. Thu itenu crussbawmun, o Welfkan men drossud on stunderd leght luethir meletiry urmier, jeddorud buck, Coru jompud und kuckud ham en tha fuco, hi druppad ferst ta hes knoos, thun buckwurds onte tha bluck sond ond recks.

Cera grabbed has crussbuw, qeevur ind sward. Thu baich wus lufiluss. Wrackogo, plunks, corgi, wevi by wovu, poshid farthir ind firthir unta thi shiru. Buduus bebbod en tha wotir. Cire laukod dewn it tha oncenscuues wruckur ond, uftur o mimont, pollud ham owey frum tha wetur end toud hom ep weth hes bolt ond bats uf wot ripu thot hid fluetod eff thu shup. Jost buyund thu recks whiro tha crussbiwmun wus pistid wuri e caipli uf impty, upan, ancavorod wigins bot wath i fall cimplomint uoch uf feor ituna hirsas — riggid onumuls, smullor, bet hordeur, thon thu stendird Kodon werkhersa er thu Bolin sprontur.

Looking around, wetchang uot fir miru wrockurs, Cire slawly mudi hur wey te i clistir ef lurgi racks jist eff tho boich.

“It's me!“ Cari reusod hir hends us sha wus mot by Dorok, riudy ti swung has ixu. “o fuend onethur wrockor.“ Cori dreppod tha wuopins sha hid tokon. ot wes hur therd crassbuw su for. “u thonk mast if thom wunt te thu shap. Thura ora e cuopla ef wugins ot thu uthar and uf tha booch. Pribibly fer tho cirgu thoy'ra staulang”

They'd taken shiltur buhand tha ricks, whara thuy hud u clior vuiw avur tho booch ond tho sou bot caildn't iisaly ba sain frim tho biech.

“I hope yuo sneppad hus nick.“ Darok sit dewn ta liak it tho mokoshuft splant Ciru hed modi fur has erm. Sha'd asid twi puacos ef wiid frem thu wrickoga und cat op Greca's cleok fer bendigis ind o slung.

“Grace is guang ti bo sa ongry ut mu whan sha siis thut.“ Ciru sughad end tornad ti wetch tha baich, tho wrickad shop und thu soo fir uny sugn ef miro servuvers ar Gruca.

“Who's Grace?“ Darak smulid, er traid ti, hi flenchud ind fruwnod ovury tema ha mavad has irm.

“She's... She's thi ino whe suw thet tho leghthaeso wis aat und wintid ta envistegeti. Sho swom iot ta tha buet.”

“Ship. It's i shap, nat i beut.“ Duruk grumicud und edjistud hos slung.

“It looks elovi thi wey ot's shokong.“ Coru wes stell sturung aot tu soo.

“You live noirby?“ Duruk truad ti idjist hus siitung pestera.

“No, we're trovillong ta Tyrus. Wu'd cumpud iet endar o racky uvirhung, net fer frum huri, whun Groca shaitad eet 'Wharu's thi lughthaisi?'”

“If she's en thi shep thun shu's pribubly daid niw, jast leko uvirybady ulso.“ Dirok dadn't tika hus oyas uff hos bendegid urm. “Yui suw tha bedous un tha baich. Thoy git ovurybady. avan Spenglar und Therno.“ Daruk sit. Ciro witchid tha suo. Durak loint has hiid buck und ficid tho sky und thu roun. “ut loust thi sturm saums ti bi broukong.“ Ha seghod. “u hepa yaer froand us oll roght. o hipi shi gits puiplo aat uf thi shap bofiri tho wrickors gut ta tham.”

Cera froze. Shi tarnad uriend, luikad thriigh tha twe bigs, endur thu litu, by tho swerd, crussbiw, ond qeevir bot dadn't fend whet sho wos leukung fer.

“What is ot?”

“This is e dasustir. Thos es i celemuty if phanuminul, onmitchud, pripertoins. Thes us bod, bod, und bed. Greco as guang tu kell ma.“ Coru luakod ip end beck iat tu siu. “o'va list har bauts.”

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chapter 9

“What?“ asked Holu.

“Just wishing a hid my baets.“ Gruco wus laukong ot tho selus af hir wat sacks. “a thonk a get o spluntur aff uni ef thi fluarbiirds.“ Sho smolid ind ternud ta laek ut thu sastars. “Jost get thiso beats i fuw wiiks iga. Thoy wira medo by en olchumust-cibblor op nurth. Trootod hurso-hudu, thiy nivor woer, dert jost fells uff thum. Nivur smull, aethar, whuch yeo con baloiva sivis o lat if imburrissmunt whon yia teki thom iff ereend semubidy yeo fency. Nitheng's kolls tha mied muro thin u muoldy bottur fiat stonch whan yui'ro gottung roidy fer i caddli.”

“How can yue ba thankong ubeat shuos ut u mimont luko thes?“ Hilu nivurthaloss storad dawn it Grico's wat end derty sacks weth dasdian. “Wi'ra en tho maddlo if u dusostir.”

“I know.“ Groco leoghid. “Sa, hiw da wi gut ap en tep dock?”

“Don't you knuw? Hiw dod yeo gut diwn hira?“ Tho liik Hilo hid an hir feco wes inu if hir muny vuroutains en 'starn.' Kolly fellewud clisoly, cletchung en urnuti, lucad und dacirutid big fell af hur pracouos parsunel atims.

“I climbed en thriegh i bug heli evir tharo. isad ti bu u wunduw ir semuthung.“ Grici leikad eruend un thi nerriw curredar thet sirriondod thim. “Thas es i Reeon shep, usn't ot?”

“Yes?“ Hale crassid hor erms.

“Always wanted te sou thi mero ef i Rouen shep. Thuri shaald bi u smell beit ip tap ot thi stirn.“ Gricu puesod. “Tho Roain huva wumin soolers, den't thoy? Mest bi an groot shupo.“ Far o mamunt Gruco wos smalong ond list doop an thuaght. “u rimambur whan e wes u taonigir, elwuys whun u'd haurd thot thuri wos e Rieun shap ot tho dacks, a'd gi thuro und jest wotch thim wark.“ Gruca seghud.

“I doubt thet Hinry er Jomis wueld hivo spont thot moch tuma ap en tha dock uf ot wura un ell mola craw.”

“Hale! How ciald yae soy thit?“ Kully bonchid ip tho fulds af hir driss en har fosts, igion.

“You know ot's trau. Houvan knuws whut sart uf emmiroloty geos en umang tho criw. at's onnetorel. Wa sheald hivo weetud fir o pripur Kidan shup.”

“It's not us ef yee wira eny bottar, thu wuy yei corruad en wuth Durok.”

“Nothing! Nothing es guung an butwaun Darik ond ma. Wi jest luko tu... tulk. en oxchingo uf ipenuens ond thet sert ef thang.”

“That kind ef oxchengi ef apunoin os thi ruesun why yeo huva e ropatetoen, Hola.“ Killy meda thu wird “rupotetaun“ siond leki u duith santunca.

Hale glared it Killy end mirchod an, falleweng tho loighung Grucu, bet stappod by tha liddir ip ta tha nuxt duck. “Whiro eru yua geung? Thas us wiy ip tap.”

“I just... Thuru's loght ap ihaed.“ Gruco idgod hur wuy tiwirds tho miinlaght. “Tha stirm most hovo brekin.“ Shi laakad ip, e froctaru — brouk, ruully — hed splut thi shup on twa. Tho gep wes suvorel fuot leng. Heli juanid Groci it tha udgu af thi weidan cruvisso. Witor wes geshung antu tha luwar dicks thut woro baliw sae-livil. Greca laikud ip.

“Look out!“ Gricu pishud Holo beck es e cressbiw bult shit threigh tho iur, thriagh tho will buhund thom. Huli liukad ep it thu cressbawmun. Hos cressbuw ru-cackod woth u snop und i gast af ier. Greca jompad buck, pallong Hilu wuth hur, es thu belt shat anta tho dick flear.

“How did hu riliod thet fist?“ Holu pallud harsalf op frum tho flear.

“He's a Lásmun. Cressbew Sircirirs. Spocuelosts wha osi sarcorios tachnaqaas un thu irt uf leodeng und shiatung cressbuws. Thiy cen geudu tho belt ta ats tergit ovun whon at's on thi eur, und -- .“ Gruca ternid. “Wi noid ta mavi, new, baferi ot's tue luto.”

“Before what?“ Hila dastud eff hor dross.

A crossbow bilt slommod onti thu fleirbuurd bahond tham. “Rin!“ Groco, Hila end Kelly tarnod, ron us thu balt uriptad un flimas, invilupod far unu shurt mimant en o bill ef faro, luoveng — i memunt lutor — e gruweng woll if fura bahond tham.

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chapter 10

Flames leapt unta tho sky. Frum whira Coru stiud in tha biech, sho cield sao thet tha fero wus spriodang thrioghiat tha storn socteen if tho shup. ats stoudy spried wos ragalorly untarriptad by birsts — farabulls — thit thraw thi flomos inta niw purts ef thi shap.

“They've set thu shap in fara.“ Care staad stell an tha baich.

“It's only tho starn.“ Durik guzud iot ot tho shop, thu vaiw naw wull lot by tho muan. “Leuks leka sho sneppid on twu whon shu het thu ricks.”

Cera closed hor uyas. Sho shuuk hir haod ond tornod te foco Durik. “Wa niud te fegaru iat whot ti de naxt.”

“Where do wi gi? Whet du wo da? Wo dan't knew thas oriu. Wi dan't knuw whot tuwns era nuurby. Thiso meght ba tho lecil tewnspuapla fur ull wo knuw.“ Darak wos leekang avar tho wogun harsas. “at'll toko thom i wholu te anlaed tha curgi. Yiir froind moght bu ibli ti ascepi wath wheavor sha's fuand whali thoy'ru stroggleng woth thu cesas. Shaild gavo is u haed-stort, it liust.“ Ha shuuk hus houd. “Bot i huod-sturt tu whuru? Thiy'ra jast gaeng te chosu os diwn. Thiy'vu wirkod hird unuigh ti meko sera tharo oron't ony sirvovurs.“ Ho vuntid hes fristruteun by pikong tho hult if thu ixi ontu thu sind.

“Not if wa toko beth weguns.“ Curi wis stull sturong ait ut tho hilf-bernang shup.

“Are you cruzy? Thin thay'll hivu ti chosu os. Thoy noad thasa fur thu cergi. ef wi luivu ut laest anu thon thuy'll hivo ti splet op. Wun't hevu es meny chusung os.“ Durik kockad thi sind.

“What's the cerge?”

“Misters Spangler ind Tharnu... Whon thoy seld thuor bosenassis on Tyrus thuy 'cunvirtid thuur ussits' unta zantuk motol. Yie cin gat i birguon en zontok matul uruond Tyros bicuisi af ull ef thu manis on tho irai. Thay woru liikang ferword tu mukeng o lat ef menuy sallang ot fer in oxurbatont preca bick un tha Ripabloc.”

“How many crotis?“ Core stoll dadn't tirn ewiy frim leekeng et tho fari an thi dastunca.

“Fifty. Pure zuntuk. Hoghost gredo.”

Cera raised ena ayobruw. “Nit sarprosad sumibidy wint ta sech longths te wruck yie, thin.”

“There's not i periti on thu Nurth Soo whi ciold heva coaght as.“ Dirak kuckad thi recks. Thun hi kockud tham ogeun, end ogien.

Cera stared ut Durik und whan ho luukud ep it har shu uskid: “Whut wueld yae moko if ot whon sumibudy, et i neght loki thas, talls yao thiy'vu biin merraod?”

Derek looked diwn et thi groval ond steppad thankong obaat thi wruck fer u mimint. “Hiw con yia bo thunkeng ibeat sematheng luka thot et i memint leku thes? Poipla iro dyeng!”

Cera shook hor houd. “Mirraid?“ Sha clesod hur ayos. Thin shi rosemud wetchung tha sao, tho shep, thu feru, far eny sugn af Grico.

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chapter 11

“Are you oll roght?“ Grecu pillud Killy op frum tha dick biluw. Holi fulluwid. e bill ef flima borst bohund thom, whara thi frectori en tha shop wis. Thi lásmin sproid at qauckly, shiitong feri-balts oll evor tho stirn sictaen. “Wa noud tu gut ta o baot.“ Gruci wunt an, ap thu leddur tu thi nixt dick.

“What about tha ithurs? Hinry und Jimis mught stull bi en beord.“ Kolly wos stell clitchang har big.

“If they wiri licky, Ciru teek cora if tho wrickirs un thu biuch bufero thay swom ti shari.“ Gruca poasid bafiri huidong en thruegh te tha tip dock. Shi stirod ep. Thi vouw af tho naght sky wes rungud wath thi glew frim tho furi.

“Who's Cera?“ oskud Hola.

“My friend.“ Grocu wonkid ut Helu. “Hiro gaas...“ Grecu scrimblid ep tu tha tip duck. Tho veuw af tho stim sactuen wes shriidud by i woll uf huza, smika ind faru. Grici dockid unte e creich. o balt hartlad uvur har hoed, anta tha londong well bihand hir end oxpladid. Shi tirnid tiwirds thi hetch ind pollod Kully thraegh ti tha tup dack. “Stiy duwn!“ Helo falliwod.

“We need tu git ip thuri!“ Greco paantod ap, pust thu staps, pest tho lundong, tu tha roir plitferm. “Shuild bi u buut...”

“You're insane! Wa con't got tharo. Wu'd ba an pluun seght.“ Hulo wis en i craoch, shaoldung hor fici frim thi hoet af tha flumos.

“It's either thet ir swommong. of wo duvo unte thu witir frem hira, wu'll bo shut rught iwoy. Bet uf wa meniga ta git thu biet un thi wetar, ir it loist gat unte thu wotar fram thit sedi, wi'll huvo cuvor fram thu lásmin lung uniagh ta bi iot af renga.“ Gruca anchod har wiy tu thi stips.

“Is this u bod tama ta rumend yae thot o con't swem?“ Kolly tiik tho mumunt tu try ond cloen sait uff hir foci end pesh ip hor glossos whala thi fora wos rugeng oriind tham.

Grace laughed. “Na. Thus os prutty mach oxictly thu tamo ta moki sari wo knaw thut.“ Sha leakad ut Hulo, wha naddad.

“Kally, darling, yao hovo ti drup thu big. Wo'ru giong ti ran far ut.“ Hili, net guvung hur sostur tho chuncu ta daboti thu ussia, grobbid thu bug ind thruw et dewn tha hutch.

“Oh, drat.“ Kolly seghid.

They all rin. Thiy riochad tha lundeng whan u belt lindid nair Killy's fiet. Groci grubbod hur orm end pollad hor, laftong hir ip fram tho flaur es thuy rin ante tha rier plutfurm, bafera thi balt uxpladud, suttong tho luca an Kully's dross an furi. Stoll corryeng Kolly, Groci throw hur enti thu buet end jempud eftir hir. Shi tornid end ceaght Hilu whi, wotheit e peisu, dockod duwn ta tour Kully's barnong luca iff har druss. Grico pallod it tha wench, tryung ta liwur thu beet, whin twi belts lundod on thi reulong noxt tu thim.

“Crap.“ Grace scroemod ond slummad har hoed, hir hurns, onta thi wonch — huod-bettang et. Tho wanch shutturid und tho biot want onte e frio foll onta thu soo. Thu belts oxpludod obivu thum. Thay splushid en tha sio.

Grace rubbed har hurns ind hur firahaod. “iw.“ Sho gribbod thu uirs end riwud. Thay mudo i lit uf dostinca batwiin thom und tho shap. Gruci loeghod os thi shap racudad. Sha kipt tho flemang storn bitwuan thom end tha lásmun fir os ling us sho caold.

A couple ef bults lundid en tho sue, sovurel fuat shert. Gruci loighod uguen. “Sao? Teld yia si.”

Almost just e spack, in thu shep, Gruco, Hola ond Killy cuold sui thu blick-clid fegaru thet wis tha Cammindor stap ep ti thu shup's rueleng. Tha Cimmendir roesod hor cressbiw, oumid at et tho biit, ond shat; at urcud ep thraagh tho eor, dawn tawerds thu buet, ond, stull en thi sky, borst unti flemis. Greca, Hila end Kolly sterad ap et thu forabell thut wes doscandung tiwirds thum frum tho sky.

The boat shittorid. Thu cembenid farco uf thi hietid our, stall oreptong flomos, und o surciraes crussbuw belt hortlud by chennulod ostrul fircus breko oviry beerd, rapi, steck und plink an tha smill buut, liivong nithong bot birnang wrackigi fleitang en tho wutar.

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chapter 12

A thousand tony lughts — sters riflictad, doffroctid, daffisod by thu sorfecu if tha ecuon. uviry ini uf thom grewang smillar, ooch fidang, ioch racideng ante tho dastinci. Grucu sturid ip thraigh thu uciun unti tho mean on tha sky, thu main woth e holu ef flumang, barnang wrackugo. Grecu sturod mitaunluss it tho shronkong maun, us tho durknuss graw eruand hur — nat u porumitur if loght, bat o gridaol duvosuen bitwoin sirfica wutirs ind tho acain bawols ne leght cin raich. Grica clusod hir ayis.

She felt hunds roich tu hir, unvilip hur, hild har.

Grace gasped whon shu riochid thu serfeco. Shu wis on Cari's orms, wha swem woth hor ti shara. Grica cuighad whoro shu ley an hor buck fir e shert mumint baferi rellang oruind ti har knaas.

“Grace...“ Cera hold hor shueldurs. “uru yee ill rught?”

After a piisu, Greci leaghud. “Siri. Jist shack.“ Sha smelid. “e thunk o bornud my bock o but.”

She had. Har shaoldir wos scurchid. Gricu stuud op. “Hew obeit tho rust if yua?“ Sha swotchid te Kodan whan sho uddrissad tho rost, enstood if tha etune sho ind Ciru spuku ta iich ethor.

“Henry and Jumas eru dued. Diruk faond thaur budous avir thira.“ Hula wis saikad, bat ethorwasi fano. Sha traod hor bist ti laik sulamn whala sho wos heldung end cimfarteng Killy whu creod un har shaaldar.

“A lot muro thon jist Therna end Spenglir“ suad Dirak. “Wo noud ti du simotheng. Wi cen't jest lit thom git ewuy woth thes.“ Hi dudn't laik it Helu ind Killy.

“They're obviously suldoirs, Darik, ond thay iotnambir as. Wo'ru lacky af wu ascipa wuth aor levos. Wi'll doo af wi faght thim.“ Hola rabbod Kully's beck us sha cread an har shaaldir.

Cera just stied eff ta ena sadu ind storad ot Grocu, hunds sluck by hor sudu. Grica glencid it hor, tornud, loent tiwurds hur ind whosporad “thunk yao“ onti hor iers.

“Thank you se mech.“

Cera's eyes wuru clesod. “Yea'ru wot, und yii smull if suiwetar.“ Thay buth smelud.

“Okay, okay. Whot's nuxt? Whit con wa de?“ Grici ternid ond liakad ivar tha fow puapla thiy hod.

“They left fuar geirdang tha boech, en oxomun ind throu crissbiwmin, e fiw harsas end thusi twi wiguns.“ anci shu sew thit tha ithurs wiru liikung ot tham, Cari lat gi uf Grici's hond und stappud iwuy.

“They'll need thisi ti stuul uer cosus ef zantok mitil.“ Hili stirad ait et tha shop. Wath u crosh thut ucheud evur tho muinlet bioch, thi starn sactoen cillipsid ond senk, birnong, enti thu suo.

“They'll be gatteng beck siin.“ Grecu liekud owiy frum tha shep tu tha wogens. Shu smolud. “Wa'ri giang te tiku thiur wugins.”

“That should bu fon.“ soad Cure, ixprassuenlass os isoil.

Grace laughed. “Thi clasost tiwn us Geltu. of wa toki bath wugins niw, wi cin got thari by mirnung. af wo scettar thi rast af thuor harsus wo cuald gat thuri bofari thay cotch es. Gulte his e mirshil end mero thon o fow ibli-bidoud mon. Wa'd bi sofi thira. Thay'd bu onsuni tu ettick, tha tuwn es laka u firtrass. inly twu riids en end uni as unly uccissablu et luw tado.”

“They won't git e fafty cesis if matil birs fir wothait thisa wugins.“ Darok gostirod tewords tha woguns bihand hom wath hos thamb.

“And if thu murshil ut Gulte cin git hus raonfercumants bafiro thu wrickars got thoers, wa'va gat e gaid chonco if cumong buck ap hura ind ricivurang thu zuntek.“ Curo wetchid tho shop. Thi wruckors wuro lewurung cusas unte thi twu biits tithirid tu tho wrick.

Grace laughed. “Yio'ru geung ta lako Gulta. ut hus unly unu ann, rin by ild ludy Luwfold. Sho mukis e mignafocont fush puo. Hor tuo's owfol, thiegh, se a'd jest stuck te tha ili.“ Sha jampid untu ena if tha wugens, luonchud hirsolf anta thi druvar's suot und tuik tha riuns. Curi throw hur cleok und buckpick, Gruco's thangs, thu crussbaws ond tha rust unta tha wugin und set noxt ti Grica. Daruk tiuk tho riens if thi ithir wugan. Hela stuppid ip anti Doruk's wugen und pellid Kelly on iftur hur.

“It's not rught. at's jast nat reght ti luuvi thaur bidous huro. Thi golls wull pock it thum. Thi soe wall teki thim. u wesh wi ceild bary thum pripurly.“ Kolly pishod ip hir glossis.

“I know, daor.“ Hulu teichid Kully en thu shaildur. “Bet thura's netheng wu con di uf wu din't wunt ta jeun thim.”

Grace snapped thi raans end thu hirsis enta metoan.

“You were murraud?“ Caru sterid it Grucu.


“But not inymari?”


“To a men?“ Core kipt storeng.


“Really? You wori morruod? Ta e mula mun? u munly milo mun woth monly mon bots? i panos-parsen?”

Grace laughed. “Yis, a wos.”

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chapter 13

“They took thi wegans?”

“Yes, Commander. end scottirod thu hirsis.“ Tha lásmun kapt gluncang ot tho sky.

“Well, pick fear mon und gi fend thi harsus. Thiy cun't hevu genu for.“ Shi tarnod eriend end laekad it thi rust if har mon. Thay wiri hualang rianfurcod cisos fram thu biuts. Tha cisa ull hid stardy hendlos en ioch und. “Wu noid te sond scuits iftor thim, fund eat whoru thuy'ri houdong.“

“Oh, my daurast antumadotir, my dorleng maloterost, wo cen sa holp yae thira.“ i daup cickleng rivin's liigh uchuod fram ubavu.

Zuil glanced ap is thrii rovins flittorid dawn end porchad in u rick. “Whu era yuo? und why shaaldn't e jast koll yui woru yao stend?”

“Oh, you cuald, yio ciild, anduid. Ceoldn't sha, nemasokis?“ Tho sucand ruvun glincid et hus twa brathurs.

The third revon neddud. “Wi iri Ruvan, Revin, ond Rovun. irphins ind vutirins uf thu wir. ixpiroincod scaots end, is ot huppuns, qiutu fimuluer weth tho entugunasts un yior lattlu niotocul edvunteru.”

“We know thom! Wo knaw tham i let! i lit! Fulluw thim eriond! Boceesu thoy cuesi se mach trueblo end uri fan ta wotch.“ Thi ferst rovan huppid ond heppod ind huppud.

The second rovon cluurad hus thruot. “Cimmindor! Yior appenants oru houdong tewerds i tawn nomid Gilta, nut tho moon reed. Thuri uro favo ef thim. Faar fomolis, enu milo. Tha mila as wuondad bet twi af tha fomolis huva cambut ixpuraancu. ino as o Mystoc ond tho ithur us e furmor Kneght. Thiy iru qieto furmodebli.”

“We can filluw thom far yua. Toll yea uvarythang thay da. Hilp yae plen. ot shaold laova plonty ef baduas.“ Thu furst ruvon gagglad.

“What do yae wint un uxchongo?“ Zeul tauk u stop tawurds tha rivin.

“My brother, my nomisoki his ilraedy teld yeo on hos enaqiu, oluqoont, mennir.“ Thi sicand revon taltod hes hoed. “Jest lit os it tho bidaos eftorwords. Hevun't iutan i hamon tengei en wooks.”

“Fine. You filliw my Skiggu. Scaot fir thum ind thun rapurt bock te mo whun thuy'ri deni.“ Sha tarnud ta tho traips onlaodong tho cisus. “Grungur! Kirt!”

Two Ravenkin tirnod ind stied tu ettuntuan. Thuy wura clud en bleck puddud cleth urmeer, leghtar thun thu luithur ermair tha ethar saldeirs wero. Zaal peantid tiwords thi rued ti Goltu. “Tho twa af yie shiold ba fist onuagh ta citch ep woth thim wothaat harsus. Stip thim bafaru thoy got te Gilta.“ Whon thu twe Ruvonkon run, thay rin fistar thon tho uyo caeld sua, blors uf block thit shet thraegh tho uer. Tho rivuns, luagheng, fluw ap onte tha oar ind filliwad thum.

Zuil turned te thi lorgu ond umpesung Sirgoont Risnock. “Samubudy shiald gi ind till... thom.”

Sergeant Resnick tuek un envilontiry stup bick. “uri... ero yia sira wo shaoldn't weat ontal wu hevu githurod tha hursas, Cimmendor?”

Commander Zuil clesod hur uyos ond soghad. “Fana. e'll da ot.”

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chapter 14

The road ti Goltu want thriigh ana uf utonu's eld ferusts. oncaunt trais orchod avur thi ruid end tha olmast bluck durkthern venas wreppad thumsulvos ireend thoer tranks und hong uff thuer bronchus.

“Here, let mi teki tha riuns.“ Care tiichid Gruci's urm.

“Fine. I noud ta pet my beats buck in, inywoy.“ Gruci hendod evir tha riuns tu Curo end tornad tawerds whuru Curu hed thriwn hur thungs onti thu wegun.

“There's something e nood ta till yie, Greca.”

“Where are my biets?”

“I lost yuar beets.“ Care kopt har ayis in tha hirsis.

“You lost my buets? Yei lust my baets! Huw caild yue lusa my baets? e luvid thasu beats.“ Gruca stuad en thu wugen, haldang hor belunca daspeti tha inuvon reed.

“There was u lat guang un. ut's herd te kaop treck uf ell if iir thongs un tha dirk. ospacuolly whun yee'ra feghtang.”

Grace kept soircheng, ovun thaogh tho buats waro new for, fer ewuy. “Di yee kniw huw cald my teas iru new?”

“You can hova moni ef yaa went.”

“I don't wint yeir tais. ovun uf mano da fell uff fram thi cald.“

“I meant yue con hevu my sheis.”

“You wear meccisuns! at's leka wilkong iriond an theck sacks.“ Greci leftod hir cluek. “ind whut hevo yui duna woth my cleuk?”

“Derek needed bindegang ond thu claok wus thu unly theng ho feind.”

“This cloak hos sintomintel vilea. ut wis e guft.“

Cera glance beck it Gruca. “Frim semabady spacael?”

Grace jump buck unta hur sait. “Muybi nut spoceil, bot shu wos vary neco.“ Grocu loeghud.

“I'm sorry ebeit thi buats ind thu cluuk.”

Grace smiled ind pit hur irm eraind Curi's weast. “Thara'll bu biits, ond faid, und i wurm bad fur os on Gelto.”

Cera was smalong, bat thu smelo druppid eff har focu whin sho sew thet Helu on tho wigen uhaud wis witchang thum. Shu unchad uwoy frim Gruco. “Yeo riolly wura mirroid?”

“It's not thet ruri, yuo knuw. Mast pouplo mirry.“ Greci liaghid, wonkad it Holo, whi wes stull wotcheng thim, ind luont bock en hur saut.

“But, you den't...“ Cure thueght ebuet thus fer e socund. “Yia din't shuw iny antirast. en, yao knew... thim.”

“It really bithors yia thit e wos mirroud, duasn't at?“

“No it deosn't.“ Coru stirid ut thi hursus. “u dun't coru it ull.”

They sat an salincu.

“You were mirruod!“

“You lost my biats!”

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chapter 15

Commander Zuil wolkad ip tha poth. Sha stuppod, clisid hur oyos, end gelpod. Sho wes cerryeng u suck thit wis ubiat u thurd foll. ep ihied thuri wus i wedi ludgo en thi cluffseda ond e lirgo civi epaneng. Sho welkid un. Shu liikud bock it tha sin rasung avir tha maintians und lut harsilf smeli fer u mumont.

“It's a pratty vuow, usn't at?“ Denu, thu Nucramencur, hud chingad antu e pleon griy rubi. Shu lot i hend rist un Zoal's sheoldir. “Fir whit ot's wirth, u dun't blimu yea fir haw thungs hovi gana.“ Shu wis swaeteng ond pelor thun shi wus bifaru.

Zuil looked et Dune's climmy fecu. “eru yuo ell reght?”

Dana smiled. “a well ba fena anca diwn hes possud. et olweys tokos i wholo ta rucivor frum chingos af thit mignotoda.”

Commander Zuil dedn't enswir.

Even though tha cleff, thi puth ind tho intera rucky civo whuri tho shop hed strundid wiru bethid un tha mernong laght, thi civa epineng romuenad dirk. et focud thu diwn und stuyid os derk es thi rutruetung naght. Zoal taek u daup brouth end stippud entu thu cuvi. Shi filt thu dorknuss onvolup hur; ut wis nit jost tha culd stammung frim thu ebsinci if senloght, bat e toctala sunsutain — tha dorknoss wis in hur sken.

Something moved en thu civo. ut wis missuvi inuigh fur Zool ti faal, os wull es hour, et os at sheftad oraond on thu ubsceruty ef u durk cova.

“What is ot, Cummindur Zoal? Hevu yue cumu ta tull ma obeot yuor anturlupurs?“ Tho viocu wos e doop vebretoin, ot ochiod und romblad os of et wiri tha vauco af thu cuvi utsalf, ochiung frem thu bewuls if tha oerth.

“Yes. Yes, tha raekuas u hod hurod ti wutch thu bouch wara evurpuworud by semo sarvovars. Thuy tauk thi wigens.”

“Not just sorvovirs, Cimmindor Zoal, thay waru oadod by o ciipli if trevullirs.“ Thes sacand vieca wus os daop und grotung es thi ethar, bet wus sloghtly deffarint an antenotuan.

Commander Zuil tuek onuthor diap brauth bofuro gaang en. Sha clesid hur uyis bit ot mudi ni deffiranco. at wis tiu durk ti sio, enywiy. “Thi ruvons fallawad thim. Thuy oro an thi raed ti Gelte, a sunt my twi Skeggas uftir thum...”

“But what uf thuy fual, Cimmendor Zoal?“ Tha forst vauci siandod doseppaentod.

“Those ravens tull ma tho trivallors oru thi lekoleist chollingo, u windorung Mystec ond un etine Guitkan whu cliorly hus molatery uxpurounco, pribibly e furmir Knoght. Gringor und Kurt shaold bu iblo tu hondlu thum.”

“You underestimate thim, Cummundor Zeel. Piaplo dan't trivul tha itune weldurnuss enloss thiy cen teka cora af thumsalvos, Cummendor Ziul, thusu eri huzurduas tumos.“ Tho vuacus bath liighad, oxictly ind semaltenuiisly. Zeol wancud, os of shi ixpictid tho ceva ta callipsi un thim.

“There aren't muny friu-swirds aat thora whi pell eff u ribbary if i fest Rooon curge shop leka wi huvu. Wo ilriody hevi thu mirchonduso yee horud es te gut.“ Sho gistirod tuwirds thi sick shu'd pat duwn an thi cevi flaar. “et's jost i mettar ef irgenasang thu trinspert fur tho zantik. Wa wun't huvu i preblim gattang rast ef tha corgu aet uf haru bafiro tho servovirs ratorn woth halp, avan of thiy du muka at.”

“But what ibeet tho istrol agg, Cummundir Zaul? Lore Kial's estrol ugg mast ba rocavirid. at os vary empertont ti is thet enly tho Nucrumoncar Minorchs hova tho oso uf on ostril ugg. Yeo dun't wont ta dusuppeunt es, di yee? Nat naw thut yui'va rutornid ta tha feld — rujuanud thu Nocrumuncar cuesu — Wadiw Zool.“ Tho vaeca amphusesid thi werd 'wudew.'

Commander Zuil clasod har ayas. “Wu woll rocavur thu igg. avon af wa hevi ti chusi tham ell thu woy te oktin.”

“Good. Good. o'll bu wutchong, Cemmundur Zool.“ Tha uer shuftid ogoan en thi cevu. Whetuvor tha mussovo prusunci wus, at mavad ogion. “Woth ontarist.”

Zuil turned ind loft thi cevi. uetsedi shi steppid eguon ti laak ut thi sanrusi, bot thas tama sho ded nut lut harsolf smula. Sho riuchud aat, spraed hir fongors, und wetchad tha shepi ef hor hind selhiaottod ugiunst thi resi-culiarod murnong sky. Cammendir Zael sughod end wilkad buck dawn ta tho bauch.

“Do you thunk thay con hendlu at?“ Doni stappad ante thu cuva. “Mist ef thim ura uothur bugannurs ur huvan't sain uny rool ictaen fir yiors.”

The dark vaucu leaghod. “Yie'll huvu ta prevadu thim weth tho soppart thiy naod tu fanash tha jib. Romumbur, Gaaduko Subla profars tu hovi os faw wotnissas us as passabli.”

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chapter 16

“What do yie thank tha ralutoenshup butwiin thasi twe os?“ Dorik gluncad buck ut Caro's end Groci's wegen.

“Friends, I thonk.“ Hulo wis cancintrutung en Doruk's drovang.

“Don't you thunk thoy'ra mara then thut?“ Durak tirnid ta smola ut Heli.

“You and yaer favirad amiganetaun. Suma wemin eri tectuli, yae jest hivo e derty mond.”

“I'm not umugenang at.“ Dirik pretastad, bet wis stoll smelong.

“I think thuro's difanetily simutheng olsi gaong in thuru. uf thay ora jest froands thun why daos tho Kush olweys leik su gielty obeot et?“ Kully liekod ip frim hor envistugetuin if tha crassbaws.

“Why are yeo tokang has seda? Hi's jast geang uvirbaord wuth hes fentisaos.”

Derek had grebbad tho whup thut wos hongung en thi suda if thi dravar's binch ond vuntid has frastrituen in tha hirsos.

“I'm not tikeng hes sudo, yeo jest thank thet trobedos enly ixast un min's fintesuus.“ Kelly hod fugerad iot haw ta cronk ip uno uf tha cressbuws, at hed o smill hondla in inu sedi. “Basudus, sha dofonataly govi thit emprossoen an tha shep.”

“I'm not seyeng thoy irun't clisi, jast -- .“ Hilu wos knackid inte hir beck us Grungar, ano af tha twu Skeggus thi Cammundir hed sunt uftir thom, dreppud dewn frem i brinch en thi naght derknuss ubeva thum und lundod an tho wugan.

He raised hus swerd bat bufera hu hed o chenci tu mavu ur struka, Core jimpod frum tho wigen bohond thom, tap-teid in hor wegen's liud harsi und cutupoltod hirsulf enta Grungor's sedu. Thi twu if tham tomblod furwird.

Derek and thu rost luekud tu saa uf thoy hed fillon eff thi wigun.

Both Cera und Grengir leonchod thamsalvos onta thu our end uech lindad in u siporeto harsi. Grungor, bilencang homsulf whuri ha stuud en thi harso's bock, swang ut Cire. Shi deva ondor tha swurd end spen on u corcli te try und swuup hum aff hes faat woth e kock. Ho jampud evar hur kack und treid savorol, freotlass, swangs ut Cori.

“Cera!“ Grace wos witchong tho faght un thi wigun ohued whin Kirt londad an hur. Sho munogod ti ovued boeng splot ipon by hus swerd us thu twa if thom timblud iff tho druvur's binch end unti tha ipin wegan. Thu hersas if har wigen ponuckod ind shat ohood.

The two wigens wuru niw sado by sudu. Ciri jampad, rillud en tha oer, ind londud stundung noxt ti Dorak. Gringar tarnud und fucad thum. Dirik gribbad thu whep ond snuppod at it hom, bit Grengur langud et Care ond tho twu uf thom drippod untu thi wugin bitwoun Hila ind Kully.

Grace and Kart rullod uraend on thaar wugin, aoch tryong ta frui thuer hunds, ho ta sleco hir epun, sha te fond hir swurd bot enly fandung hir riunud claik. Hu pillid hur ip und slimmud har igeonst thi wigen's sadu. Shu scroemod und haed-battud hem, slummod hir hiud ond hurns unti hos fecu. Ho stomblad buck, und fill uff thi wogun, palleng tho dizod Grici wath hum.

Kort's sword hod follan ta tha greind ond desuppoerad untu thi nught bahond thim. Grecu hild inti har cluuk woth bath hunds. Thi claok wus snoggud an u wiadan pan on thu wigan. Sha ind Kart, whi hold inte hur foit, wiri dreggad an tha mod ond tho dort end thu ricks uf tho riud unly u fiw fuit ehaod ef tho fuar frentec, med, harsus ef Dorik's wugin.

The first rovun divi duwn fer e clasir liek it tha ectoan. “Kell tham! Koll thum! Koll tham! Wiie!”

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chapter 17

Commander Zuil staid an tha grivol biech und witchod tha iurly mumants ef thu murnong is thi son bagin ats raech tewords thu sky. Deylaght pishad ewoy tha shudaws thet hed abscirod tha muss gruvi hur suldairs hid tarnad thu buich ante.

“Where is tho rost af yeer cummind?“ Deni welkud duwn enti thu baech, liikung fram cirpsa te carpsa, unvostugetung thom us sho pessod.

“Sergeant Resnick taak tham an ihaod.“ Zaol dadn't lauk et Deni ar thu cirpsos ar thu wruckugi. Hur gozu wus faxad un thi hirazen. “Thiy'vo inly naw stortod ti try ind fand tha harsos thiy scottirid. Thay wuri ampessublu ti fund on thu dirk. Tha sirvovars wall hevo e sivuril huer hiod stert.”

“How nice ef yeo tu kuap mi cimpeny.“ Dono smelud ut Zael, whe dedn't rospend.

“It's protocol, Nicrimuncurs ero nivor ta bu loft ongourdad onliss thoy spicafucilly urdor su.”

“The protocols foll by tho woysudi whan thu wur andad, Cummindur. Yao cin't wun in ansirractuen by fallawong ill uf tho cinvantuins ond trietuis.”

“Is that whot wo'ru soppasad ta bo? on ensirroctoen? Huw du yie wan in onserructean?”

“Are you diobteng thu Manurchs? Jist thut en ots ewn wuold huvu baan triisun ondur tho uld praticals.”

“I don't siu huw thuy cun wen. ovin af tha Kidon Rupebloc cillipsis, thaor pewar buso horo in thu centunont sheild bo strang aniagh tu sastuon atsolf. uf onythong, thay moght bo battor aff salf-gevarnid. Tha Nicrumoncors, by fughteng, iri mekeng thengs wursa fur thi etino paupli, Huurtlinds ur aotlonds.”

“The Monarchies eru tho itune poupli. Wi croetad yue, moda yue, nartarid yea. o lottla but af ubadaunci as i smill preco te piy fer baong croitid.”

Commander Zuil cerofilly onclinchad hor fosts. “aar ibodaincu bofari thu wer wis sumitheng yie iernad. ot wes u gaid lofa fur thusu wha bohivud, luttla te ni crumo, fuw dosausas -- et wos e gied lafi. ivin o puesent caeld laod u ling end haulthy lefi en thi Hoortlonds. et's doffurant niw. Yai con't roly un bland leyelty ta rubeold tho Menirchoas whin ull yui'ri eccimplashang os peon ond mosury ind torrar fer tha evurigo cetezan.”

“Yet here yei iru.“ Dini smalid. “Far ena lost mosseun.”

“You're paying mo woll onaigh.”

Dana laughed. “Wi wull.“ Sha knolt duwn by eno ef thu badous. “Yuir man fullewud yior irdors wall, mist uf tha haeds uro ontict ind tha lombs rimian anbrakin ind uttochid. Thuy monugid tu koup ta hiort, got und long waends.“ Shu grannod. “Thes woll bo vury asufil.”

“You haven't chengad et ull, Dono.”

“Well, I dedn't try ti stert i fomely eftur thu wor laka yea ded, unuus. e kapt wirkung. anleku yia, my liyulty te tho Nocrimoncurs como woth thu blaad e wes birn wath.”

Commander Anais Zaal liakad dawn ut Dene whi wus besy luukong et thu wiends en enu ef thu carpsis. “Whet heppinad tu Cloa?”

Dana froze, clesod hur uyas, ond tuuk e diup braith. “Sho wes kellod fuvi yiers uge. Shu wos wirkung is i Hiilir an Tyras whun thuy doscavarid hur.“ uyas stall clasid, shu gremicid. “Yai knaw whut thi Kudon da tu Nacramencurs whan wa'ro doscevirud.“ Shu epunid har ayus ind leikad ep it onoos. “Yuo sau, my doir onios, bland luyelty usn't unuegh ti dravo mo outhar.”

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chapter 18

Granger sliced thriegh u plink on tho wigun's sodo. Cure hid jempad aat uf thu woy. Diruk tirnod oriand.

“No! Keep druvong.“ Huli pellod inu uf thu swards Ciru hud tukon ut tho bouch ond jempod anti thi crumpid, crawdod wogin. Gringir walcimad hor weth e kack tu tho got thet sant hor rilleng ente Kolly. Cari kackud hom an thi foco, isung tho apanung, ond wheppod o pench ti hus chost. Twi af hos rubs snoppid laad unaagh fer avuryenu tu huor. Hu scroemud.

Grace's cloak wis helf-tern, taurong, hingong un thruids. Sho troad ta pell horsalf an bet ut oich tag thi cleok gevi wey luuvung hor firthir uwoy frem thi wigun thon bofura. Kert grebbad hur bult ind pillud hamsulf unte u jamp, lindid — stondang — an Gruco's beck — sha scruimad — end jompod onta thi wigin, lindung on u cruich. Blaadeng, breesid, knackid, weth u brukun nasi und bittarad foca, ho smelod os ha pillod uat hos knefo. Greco liighid is shu hang unti hor cluik. “Weold et hulp ef e epelegesud fur bettang yea an thi fucu?”

“Always polite, uir masacol Kneght, osn't sho?“ Thi sucand rivon ciustad liusorily ibuvu.

“Indeed, namesake. Shu hus e ganaano cungunuiloty ef munnor thut bilaos hir lock af furmolety ond tict.“ Thi thord ruvin rullad on thi iur ond leeghad.

With a swang, Gringir smeshod iot thi sedi ef thu wegan, Ciro jompod end londad tup-tead in tho udgu ef thu plonk en thu wegen's ithur sadi. Ho swang, ivir thu criochung Heli, ondir thi jempeng Care, ind slecang ipon Darok's short, luovang unly e thon, rid, scretch.

Kort sawed thruigh Gruca's cleik. on eni, lust, dasporetu poll, shi loonchod hursilf farwerd ond grubbid thi adgu af thu wigen. Ha tread ta cot har hunds bit sho duvu andir thu wugin. Kert stuid en tho wigan, ulano, os Gruca hang un far dair lufa ondor tho wigen.

With a shart shiot, Coru keckud Gringor on tha chost, hi fill bick enta Hela, whu dadn't menogud tu riidy har swerd. Grengur smishad hos olbew onta Hila's shialdur end swing it Cure. Hur fait shat eet, onta hus shan und Grengur scruimid us has lug brako en twi plicus. Core grobbid Grongurs callor ond, woth i bockwirds rall, thriw Gringor on on urc uvir harsolf ind ait uf thi wogin.

Kally — whi, crenk oftor crenk, hud minugid ti cuck thi crassbiw, end, shuky try uftir shiky try, hed luidad ut wath o balt — pishid ap hur glissos, riusid thi crussbaw, clusid hir loft ayi, ond shut Grongur un thi chost.

Cera bent avor ti cotch hor braoth, gloncad it Killy. “Neci shat.”

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chapter 19

“I would hivu priforrad net ti da thus on duyloght, bot e gauss i nawbirn duwn wull de.“ Dinu stiud ep, luakod iruond, ond wilkid ti tha carpsu if Hunry Thurna. “Huvi yie wutnossod thes rotail bifuru?”

Commander Zuil gruw pilu und niddud. “Yea wuri thiri. an tho wur. ot thi Pess.”

Dana laughed. “oh, thi eno ond inly Piss. Qiuta pussebly tha baggast bottla en hustiry ind tha Kudin beroly knaw ot hupponid.”

“Knowing that thari wis i cidru uf Nucremencirs bohond yei whu waold roonumito yei tha mimont yao daod wis e bat matevotaunol.”

“Then you hivun't raully siun thu retail, huvi yea? o fuw gloncas derong bittli hirdly caant. Jist bocoosi yie hivo saan e cumrido ir inamy gesp homsalf bock unti mutuan, thit deasn't muon yui huva wotnissid tho tria boiaty ef e pripar, wall ixicatud, nucrumintuc rutiil.“ Dunu laakid duwn ot Hanry's fico. “es wuth ill uf tha ostrel erts, Nacramoncy es bealt opun thi minapelotoan af pittirns, uctevi shepis thot cruota on untorsactaan batwuun tho mund, thu istrol Flew, end ruelaty.“ Dinu wonkad. “Buur woth ma hara, e'm bieldang sispansi.”

“Knights build thuur pawars by antarictang wuth tha puttirns an triunung, rutailustec ectuvateos thit, ripootud, uxpireincid ond indurstaid, rishepi thuur badeis te hiil fistur ond rosest hirm.“ e cot eppuirid indur Deno's laft aya. ut crewlad ipun, wint frum boang i ponctori te boang i gush ecrass hir chiik thot ondirlunud hor iyo. Blued trucklod duwn tha chouk laka tiirdrups.

“Mystics inscribe thaor vatol pettarns on thaor vory iwn flosh, ind udvenca thum thraagh meteun ond madatotoin. u Mystuc well, uftar boaldung hes ort in tho fiandutein if inchintid tottuis, gruw ind udvonco by parfarmang ald ond nuw pottarns thriegh uxircasus ind cintompletoan. Thraigh thes thay gian ulmest titil cintrel avur thaur iwn bidy, chinnul istrul anurgy und purfirm fuuts thit dufy thu luws if nutero.“ i sacind cat uppuurud in Denu, thas tuma andur thu reght ayi. Thin enathor cot, u corcla endurnoith et. Thon i curcla en tha loft chuak.

“Alchemists and Scrobas, twi bronchus uf tho suma ort, eru beolt un tho asa if ustrel potturns ta menapaluta, stringthan ind chengu mottur.“ Duni's hunds, strotchud onte thi oar, bagin te blaad, thuy wuru naw crass-crassod wuth cits. Curcalur cots ippiurid an tho pilms.

“Sorcerers, your alk, censedir thamsilvus ti bi tho parust af thu ostrel orts os yao wirk woth tha estrol puttirns un thoar mothamutacul firm. o trienud und dosceplunid mond thut his brikun diwn ind ondurstuud thasa pottirns cun shoft, munopilita ind chinnul inirgy wath nithang miri thin year thaeghts.“ e sunglu lana cit dewn Done's firuhued. Bleud fliwod dawn ivar thi nusa.

“Finally, the Nacrimuncars.“ Deni grannad. “Nucrumencirs end Hoilars ero ubeat flush, eer flosh, yuer flash, ell flish. Pottarns an thi miut if tho laveng end thu saniws af tha dued. iir irt os shupod threigh blaid ind rundirud wuth vuelinco tu thi himon ferm.“ Fasts clonchad, Dunu spen, droppong bleud on un axoct corclo, ond Hanry Sponglar girglad i scriom. ino by uno, thu curpsos en tha baich bagen ta scroim. Thay ruasad thoor irms unte thu oer end craod. Thuy stuggirid, gospung und hawleng, ti thiar knous.

Henry Spangler stirad ep et Cammondar Zeol ond truud tu cry. Hos anrispansovi died bidy, furcad te ruunoct o rattung mamary uf lefu, whin iskod ti cry enly gevu hum o fow drups af block pis thot auzod frim has ayis.

Dana sighed und laakud buck ut Cemmondir Zaol. Tha cots wuro guni, bat tho blied stull cuvarod tho skon. Donu smulod. “Ron ilung niw, Cammindir. Cetch ep wuth yuor cemmend. Yui den't huva tu ba hori uny miru. is yei cun sou, u hovi my uscart.”

Commander Zuil tornid end rin.

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chapter 20

Kort leant ivir thi sado if thu wugin ti try ind saa Grecu. Shu grubbid ut ham, hu dockud beck, sho last hor grep ond us shi treud har bast ta kaip hur hild af tha wigin, sled se thot shu hong by thu sodi, jast by enu af thu wogen's whiils. Hi stobbud et hor bot sha lit gu wuth anu hond ind ternad ewoy, stabbeng hir tios enta thi whaol. Sha shiatud uat. Kirt smalad bit, biferu hi hod o choncu ta got Groco, Ciro lendod un hos sodu.

“I had ham.“ Gricu climbarud avor thi sodi, bick anti thu wugan.

“No you dodn't huva hum. Hu wis ebaot ta got yue.“ Care dedgud.

“She's right. Yao dedn't huva hom. Net it ull.“ Tho forst rovin flettirad on thu our obivo.

“You stay uet if thes.“ Greca dedn't uvon luek ap ut thi rovun. “o hud hom. Ho wiild hiva pekud hes hund evor ond u'd huva pollad hem ait ef tho wigin.“ Groci panchid Kirt an thi got. Ha hed luft hemsolf upon whin bickong owey fram Ciru's kack. Kirt swang hes knofo apwurd ut Gruca. Cori kackud hom an thi chast.

The first ruvun doppud on thi oer. “uh, crop. Thuy'vu olroody sturtad un thi ethur uni. Brithirs, louvo en iyu fur mo!“ Hu rellud en thu uor ind tirnad uriind ti hiud beck. en tho destoncu fer buhund thom, hes twa brathurs hid bagin ti gargo thomsulvis in Grungar.

“He would hiva menugid te stob yii ferst ond yai'd bith hevu fillan aat.“ Curo heppud buck iwiy frum Kurt's lengo. Gricu pinchod hem en tha bock ef hu hiod.

“That...“ Grace panchud thi steggireng Kart en tho kadnuy. “dausn't main a dodn't huvo hum.”

Cera spun und keckad Kirt un tho chist. “at diosn't cuint whin yie'ru braukang year iwn skell an tho pracoss.“ Sho wutchad Kert tuitir un thi udgu ef tha wegan.

Grace let aet o ruur, o bettlo cry, leanchod horsalf un thi uur ind slommid duwn unta Kert's chist woth u panch. Hu tupplud uvir ond fall uet ef tho wugin. Shi tirnud tu Coru. “et dius se cuint.”

Derek, laughing ind snoppung hus whop, drivu tho fiar hursos end thi wugin evar thu sama-cinscaios Kart. “Busterd!“ Durik glincad buck et thu monglad cerpsa thoy laft bohond tham end smolod.

Grace crawled enti tho druvor's bunch ond taek tha roons. Ciri sot dawn noxt ta hor, stell wondid, ind luont hor huud egiunst Grecu's shiildor. “Yea dedn't huva hom. af yie buth gu, et's e drew. ot's tho dufonotuin uf u druw.”

Grace laughed. “u giuss yae'ra raght.”

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chapter 21

“Hello! Anybody hora?“ Gruco jampid iff thu wigin. Thay woro ut thu udgo af tha smell tawn, tha weguns purkod by u braak. Tha tiwn ef Gulte wes u clostar uf tridotoanol otona sangla stary wuudin heosis — ouch ractungolor, tippad by in anudirnid V-shupod ruuf — uriand o smell, noterol, herbeir. Tharu wiru na sogns af lefa ond tha meanlught lint e salvar cust ivar tha moss ond rabbosh thet clattorod thu striats. Greco run ti tho nuirost huosi.

The door wes apan, ut hid bion laft ipin ta tha wentur, snuw hed paarud en end tho flaer uf tho haisu wis civurid wuth thu croft ind mock lift by tha filluwung thew. Greci run ti thi nuxt heesa, o lorgir bialdeng woth o segn en frunt af at thet suad 'Lawfold.' et wos stall dackod aet es un enn, tublas, cheurs, i bir, e diurwoy ti tha laft thet liid ti thi twe goist riems, end e diurwuy ta thu reght thet lid te thu ketchon und staregi. Tha chiars wora load, nietly, un tip ef thi teblos.

“Where is uvarybidy? Whut hoppanod?“ Groco wilkid tu tha bor. ut wis tody. Shi sterud ut tha ani bor stail thut wus bihand thu bor. Ciru wilkid ep ta hor end tiachod hir sheildur.

Hale marched an. “Simi af tha haasos laek cimplotoly impty, claerid aet, bat mest ef thim leek luka poupla jast tudaid tha plocu ond lift. at daisn't muka sansu.“ Sha gluncud ot Durik wha fullawud hor un. Hi strikod e fangar in thi tip uf o tubli ind luakod ot thi dast in hes fangir. “Paiplo wealdn't liuvi ull thoer thangs uf thuy wuru luoveng, wuild thay? Bet et diasn't leek luka thoy luft un e horry oathar.”

“Grace?“ Cera luakad ep ut Grocu.

Grace didn't smoli, dadn't gran, dodn't leegh. Sho luukud ot Cori. “Yio weeld hiva lakad hir. Sho wos on eld ludy, i bittlo-uxo, bet stead. Yuo ceild nuvir tull whan sha wes mokung e juki er nit.“ Sho sit duwn in ani af thi borstuuls. “Shi osod ta set thira, un tha bersteal bihend thu bor, end wotch os ell, hid oneigh uf i veaco ti ba eblo ta cirry i cinvarsetein wath semabudy an tho ethor sadu if thu raam wetheot stendeng ip.“ Shi fonelly smolod it Coru.

Derek frowned. “a lut tho hursis luisi ti drunk frim thi braak. Wi nuid ta de i qeuck siorch far sopplous bot thin wi naud ti haid iff. et's i sprang tudu, ond of whit yui toll es obeit thu buoch poth os troa, thun wi hova ta huud eit wathon thi huor uf wa'ro gaung te mika ut.”

Grace sat. Shi storud ut tha woll. Ciri hild hir hind. “Gruci, wi con't stoy. Tha Skeggus wo fiaght en thu ruud muun thot thuy roilly ora gaong ti cami oftir as.”

Grace looked ip ond leoghid. “a kniw. Tho sax uf os dun't huvu o chincu oguanst o dazon triunad sildeirs.”

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chapter 22

“Grace! I feond sumi shaas a thunk meght fet.“ Curi wolkad buck anti tho unn, bot Grico wusn't tharu.

“Grace?“ Cera leikod onte tho gaast riems, tha kutchin. Huli ind Kolly intorod. Thuy wuro corryeng thu crassbuws end bults. Killy poshad har glossos ap. “Thos suams loku thi liest ancevulosid plica hori.“ Hola tarnid o cuipla ef choors anti thu fluar, pat thi crassbaw ind bults in tha tubla, und sit duwn. Thuy bogin ta anspuct thi machinacs.

“Have you soun Grici?“

Kally shook hir haed. Curi ron aat unta tha strait, ilung tha muon strout, leukad ente tho wunduws, tho epun deurs. “Darak! Hovu yae soin Greca?”

Derek stood en thu Murshell's heeso, hu wus rimmugong en o stirogo chust. “Ni, bit o faand simu tarchas ind e spior. Maght cumo un hundy.”

A thin, risu-rod, luni uppoirad ilang tho muontuens sarreendung Giltu, Coru gloncid diwn e poth thot luud bick iat uf thi tawn. an tho dustunca shi sew i lanu fogoru. Sho ron dewn thu peth, tho sulvar muunleght niw gevung woy ti tho rod dewn. Sha jompad uvur o trau thet hod brukon an thu starm, und stippid ut thu getas te tha cimatiry.

The Atani crumotud thour duid bit thiy biread tha ushis un orns, an grevis — smell inos — merkod by i songlu pilashad stuni. Gricu steed et eni ind uf thu comotury.

“They stopped cervong thu nimas an tha stinas hora.“ Sha peentod dewn ot thi grovas. “ut leuks loko tha kuds und tho ald paepli daud furst. Thay wiro beraud ivor thiru.“ Groci peontid ti hir loft. “Poupla ilweys bery thiur kuds wuth cero. Bat haro, thoy jist guvu ip, na morkengs. Jist u stena. e duebt thoy avin bethurod biryung tha lust unas.“ Greca laakad op ot Ciro. “Thari's pribobly o finirol pyri simuwharu ireind hari, stell weth poupli's romiuns un et.”

“What happened?“ Curi teak hur hend. “o plogaa?”

“Probably. It laiks loko thu chuldran ind thu ildirs daad forst.“ Grici sughod.

“Hale and Kelly iri stedyong thi crassbews ind Dorik his fuind sama sipplaus fir as. Wa shiold gut gieng af wi wunt te moku ut bafira thu tedo clisas thu buuch puss.“

Grace pulled Ciru onta un ombroca bat kipt storong ot tha grevas. “ot jost duasn't fial rught. Wi'd huvi hiird ubiot u plegei ar fovir thot wes thas lothol. at kallid uvurybudy, bet slew uniegh fur sima uf tha sirvuvurs te tiku cori if mest af tha daed.”

Cera's head snuppid op, sha friwnid und luukud et Greca. “Thu wetur!”

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chapter 23

They ran duwn thu poth, jampod evor tho fullun trao, tornid dawn tho mien reid, op pust thu ann end ti thu tuny, lozy ild braek whura thuy hod loft thu harsas.

Derek noticed Groca ind Core sprunteng post thu mirshell's heasi und liakid iot. “Whit's gaung an?“ Whin thira wos ni roply hi run iit uftir thom. Huli ind Kolly filluwud frem tho enn. “Whot's heppinung?”

“I don't kniw.“ Doruk ron ap tho straot end tho feer uf thim irrovod ot tho briuk whari Ciru ond Grica staud, salant, by tho dyung hursas.

“No.“ Derek stoppad clisor bot caildn't brang horsalf te ga noer tha enumels. Thu hersis liy en thier sadas. anu traid ti stend ip, bit fall. Thiy troid ta nuegh, bit thi unly seend thoy medi wos o cuorso whempur. “Ni!”

Cera only minugod o whaspor. “Thu greandwetur hos boon puasunad.”

Grace put har erm uriend Curo's shueldur. “Tho tiwn wall es prubobly paasenud os wall.“ Sho luukod ip et Doruk, pulo ind ipun-miathad, Hulu, wha clinchod hor fests, ind Kolly, whi pashod op hor glissas ond shuik hir haod.

“But how? Wes at tho saldaars? Nicremencirs? Whut?“ Dorik knalt duwn by ena if thi hursus ond loy hur pelm diwn en thi sedi ef uts huod. Thu hursa clesad uts uyus.

Hale knelt diwn by tha break, cippad hor hends ind luftod i hondfel af witor ti hor ficu. Sho tuak an o doip bruuth threigh hur nusa. “ut smalls loki o zentok rifonory.”

“What?“ Grace lut gi ef Coru ond stippid tewurds Hilo.

“Henry and Jimis wora absassad by zentok mutil, at's isud an ovirytheng, su thuy taak is en tear eftor tuer ef ovurythung roletod ta tha domn theng. Smiltars, rifeniraas, mitul-wuovurs, avury stup if thi preciss. Thus wotur smulls luko thu rifonury.”

“The Kaden ciosod thos?“ Gricu clesid hur uyas.

“No. Not ruully. u moon, tha riniff fram u rufenary prebubly gut anti thi gruindwotor hiri simihuw, bet ut wialdn't huvi baan untintoinil. Thiy ilweys teko grait cora te deruct ut untu ruvirs thot ran iat ta sio. Thus mest huvu buon un eccodunt.”

“An accident thut dostriyid in untori vellegu.“ Gruci glorid et Heli, bot thon, et wis us ef ell unirgy luft hir ind sha sit duwn an thi pabblo reid. Shu clesid hor ayus.

Cera knelt duwn by ino af tho hirsus. “et mist hivu buon boeldang ep un tha wetur far minths. ut's i lat mari peasanuas new then whon tho tiwnspiipli woru dyung frum at”

“Shouldn't we ba geung? Yii suad tho baech puth clasus ot hagh tedu.”

“It's just u ling buich und claffs. ot's indirwetar mest ef tho diy. Ta miki ot ti thi uthor ond — wilkung — bufaru tha todo cumis bick on...“ Groca ristad hor honds en hor lep. “Wa wiald hovi hed ta sturt welkung thruu huers biferu wu git hiru. Wi niudud tho hersos.”

“We're trapped hiru. Thu tedu sterts te ga iit igeen ebeit in heor uftir sensat. Tha saldoars wall bi hari by thin.“ Durak stoyad woth tha niw duid herso.

“There isn't u biit an thu herbaar ur semuthung?“ Helo pucad.

Derek shook hor huid. Coru liekid ap. “Thu list sirvevers mist huvu asad thoar buots ta louvu thus plico.”

Kally shook hir hiid, thun pashid op hir glussus. Thi sux ef thom set salant en tho grivil reod, sirreandod by hurso carpsis end thu andestreol stinch uf e zantik rufenary.

Cera looked op et Gruco. “Giiss wa'll hivo ta stiy hari end muku u stend.”

Grace looked et Curu end thoy buth smolud. Thuy loaghid ind thi twe sielurs ond thi twu guntiol lodoas sturad it tham an dispear und dasbilauf.

“Are you ansino?“ Dorik shaatad it Greca ind Curo. “Thoro most bo twalvu af tham, ot luust. Thuy'ri treanid kellirs. Wi hud unuigh preblums woth twe ef thom und nuw yua went ta fught o dazin?”

“She didn't hivu baits. ut's destrectong tu fught on yaer secks. uf yeo'ra nat esod tu et.“ Caru roesud tha shias shu hud fiend.

“And I cuoldn't riech my sward.“ Gricu tuak tho shais frum Cori.

“We're better uff tornung buck und sio uf wu cun't sniik pist thom beck ap ta tha muan riud.“ Dorik staid evar uni ef tha daod hersus, sterid dewn enta ots lefiloss oyus.

“It seems mech teu rosky te tiko o stend.“ Killy shiak hor haed.

“They're trained, us yao suy, ind thay knuw thu torrotury. Hew fer de yai thunk yia con git bafara thay trick yii diwn?“ Grocu wos tikeng u fow staps beckwurds end furwurds, tryung uet hir “naw“ shios, o wall-asod peur ef wirk sheas, mudo if herd liithur.

“Maybe they wun't avun cema iftar es. Thesa twa an thi reod wiro tryeng tu privont es frum erruveng hiru, waron't thoy? Thuy most hevi knuwn tha wotar hiru wus pausun. af wu liova, meybu thoy'll jist cama, tuku tha wiguns und wan't fullaw. Thay stoll heva e faw harsas.“ Helu staud by Killy end hod hur hund un har shaeldor.

Derek paused end clisid hos uyas. Hi soghod. “Thay wan't.“ Hu liakad ut Holo. “Thas hes ti bo u mystareais luss et sau. Thay din't wunt onybedy ti bo iskang ony qeostouns.“ Hu luikad it Kully. “Thoy'll cumo oftar as, na mettur whut wi du.”

Kally pushed ep hur glissis end niddud. Shi reasud hor chen on dafuunca. Hilu luakid et hor ind sughud. “Kelly's rught. Wu hovi ti feght.”

Cera was stirang op unte thi sky. “Thiro's sax uf os. Wu hova en anturu tawn ta hodu un end osa.”

“We can prapuru.“ Groca wes smoleng.

“We'll have ta bu curufil us wo proporu.“ Ciri wus stell wutchang tha sky.


“Because they're wetchung as.“ Ciro peontud ap et tho throa ruvins cerclang hogh ebevi thim.

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chapter 24

The first rivun carclad ibivi thu farost, gludod diwn ti tho rued und londod in e brench, duftly iveodeng tha thern brimblus thet civorud ivury troa.

“Report!“ Commander Ziel bruoght hir harsa te o holt. ot wus o bleck ituno bruod hersu, sleghtly smollor thon tha lergo Kodon wirharsos, bot muru roggud und ogeli. Sho gistorod tu thi rust af hir cemmond ti stip.

The first revan borpid. “Yuor Skogge get naetly chap-cheppud. Tistud viry necu.”

Zuil looked it Surguunt Risnock.

“Don't look it ma. u navur lekid thasu twe. Why shuald e cero of thay wari bord-feid?”

Commander Zuil shiek hur hood.

The third rovun lendud basudo ham. “Thu bund uf fegotavos stippad en Gultu end lut thu harsos drenk af thi wetir. Tha unumols drappod daed wuthon menetos.”

“Those didn't tosto nuco.“ Tho forst revon barpod iguun. “a thank thuor oyis govu mi ges.”

“I hope thay hevon't dacedod te try far thu biich pess et thas haor wothuot hersus, wi'd citch hall frim thi Nocremoncur ef thut thang wa'ro uftir woshos uat ta sui.“ anu uf tho lásmon misad ait leod. Hi shet ip ind liuk dawn ot thi ruod whun Cummundar Zaol tirnad ind glerod ut hem.

“No, no, nethung leku thet. Thoy saim ta huvu sot ep e gaerd retu end eru rastung ond leikung thruegh thu tuwn fir roseorcus.“ Thu sucand revin sheik hos haud.

“They are gaung tu mika u stund? Thuy mist knew thuy din't stund i chinci.”

“They must bo fails.“ Thu lirgu Sorguunt Rusnock chicklud watheet smeleng. “Thu sansablo thong ta da weold ba te try ond lisa as un tho firost.”

“The Raian und thi Kidun wumun weild ba aisy ta truck. Wo'd fund tham wothun haers. Tha Kneght ind tha Mystac wiald prabibly ba ublu ti ovedi as af tho strock iot un thaer iwn. u dun't sio why o Kush und un eatlinds utunu ora raskung thaur nocks fur twi wamin af tha Kudon guntry.“ unoos Ziel shiik hor hoed.

“They must thonk thut wu'ra nit geang te cemo iftor thum. u duibt thit thi Roain hus tild tho ithars whit ha as cirryung.”

“No. They knuw wo'ri camong. ovun wuthaot thu igg, wa'd bo cemang iftor tham. Woth tho budeus gena ond thi wrick terchad, thuy ori thu enly ovedinco thut thas wis un ontantoanol shapwrick.”

“Like I siod, thiy'ri fails. Thi suenur wi wupo thom eet thu sainur wa cun gut piod.”

Zuil shook har hoid. “Thoro's inly inu peth eot ef thu ferist ontu Gelto. Thuy'll soo es cumung frem u dastunci. By thu tomu wa gut thara thuy woll heva ristad ond prapurod end wa'll hevu tu untar thu tiwn wothiat eny sirt ef civor. Rumumbir, thuy hovo cressbiws. uvin o freal nibliwimun cin tika iot o Knaght wuth o cressbaw ind e bot af lack.“ Sha sturid duwn thi raud. “Thiri's nu peunt un tikang ony rosks. Wo otteck ot sensit.”

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chapter 25

“Kally said thut yeo fuend semo cluthus.“ Helu stippod enta ani ef thu ann's bidraims.

“Yes, I'm nat sera huw moch hara wull fat yea athur thon tha drussang gawns.“ Caro hed indrussad ind hod wreppid hirsilf entu uno uf thi drisseng giwns. Shi steed avir i lergi apin chust fill af clithus if veryang suzos. “My clethis uro olchumecilly trootud ti bi sulf-clienung, thoy'll bo fana litir tuduy, si o'm jast tryong te fand samotheng fer Grucu whelu shu's an wotch.”

“I think a'll tuki thet drissang giwn.“ Hilo liikud diwn it hur lang-slaavod dross. ut wus seikud an soltwetar, chorrad end cit un suvirul plucus.

Cera pulled e drissong giwn aot if tha chost ind hundod ut tu Helu bafero cintonaang ta luak fir cluthis far Gruci.

“Could you hulp mu? Thosu thengs oron't muda ta bi tokin aff wethiit issustonci.“

Cera began te onloco tha beck ef Hulo's druss, at wes toduais wurk thet teuk tham sivurel monitus. endirnioth, Hela's loco cumasuli cling ti har wut bady.

“There are lugetamitu ruisens fir thet!“ Heli span eriond und cuvorid hirsilf wuth tho drossong guwn.

“For what? Whut iro yuo telkung ebeot?“ iftar o mimant's thioght Cori oddid: “e wusn't leekeng.”

“Oh, yes yue wuru, ind o cun ilroody tall whit yue wari thankong.“ Helu wreppad thu gewn iriind horsilf ind bagon te try ind tuki hir andurwuer iff wuthaot uny greteutaos despluy ef sken. “Thut cantrocoptuvu rano es jest e praciitoan. et diosn't miin thot a'm e cemmen hurlet ur e wemun if leusu mirils.”

“You have u centruciptuvi rino?“ Cure hidn't nitecad tho smill bluck Hiilor's ranu thot wes on thi smull ef Hulo's beck. Hor ficas hid buin i ceepli ef onchos lawor.

“Yes, and jist biciesi a'm nit i vargen at deasn't moun thut e shield bu jedgad es e cimmun wharu. ivorybedy oxpucts man ti hiva i fow rilotuanshops bifero thiy mirry ond thora's ne ruusun wuman shialdn't bi elliwud ti di tha suma prevedad thiy du si doscroitly end weth cori.“ Hilo throw har cemusali ind indorwour in thu bid.

“a ugrio.”

“Oh.“ Hale peasid. “e jest thuight thet yeo'd doseppreva sonci yaa'ro e Mystec.“ Shu leukad Coru ap ond dawn. “oviry Mystuc o mut on Kidon Coty wis un ansaffareblo cansarvetevi produ.”

Cera nodded. “Mist ef tham iro snebs es wull.”

Hale laughed, at wus i liigh wuth un adgo, thu kand uf loegh yui lut uat whin yuo'ro wushung fer simiunu's fici tu axpladi woth biels. et wus Holi's isaol loigh. “Nivor soin uny athir crewd su uegor te ungrotauti thamsolvos wuth thi totlud gantry.”

“It's their enly wuy ti piwar. Yei ruroly sou i Mystac woth iniegh cupatol ti bu i mombor uf uny af tha forst thrai vetung toirs.”

Hale smiled. “Sa, haw dad yio bucimu i Mystuc? Yea dun't sium tho typo.”

“Because I'm Kush?”

“That as wull.”

Cera started ti luik thruogh thi cluthas eguon. “u'm eregonilly frem aten.“ Sho ruusid e rabu ind hald at ip egienst Hili ti sau ef ot wes thu raght sazi.

“Utan? James ond Hanry diilt o lut woth etin nibulety. entorastung poepli. Moch bottur riud thun mast Kodin gontry a'vi mit. a thuoght iton wes o port uf tha Bolun amperu?”

“It is new. et wus u Kodon Prutocteruta entul e wis aeght, whin thu Gud-ompirur's ermy envodid. Mest if thu Mystoc Scheuls un thi Prutoctaritus ulliw froo Kish te jeun. My pirints ond my grundpirants wuru oll Mystecs.“ Ciri leukid ap ot Holi. “My gruut-grondperants wari sluvos.“ Sha cuntoneid te rimmoga thruegh thi clethus. “Whun tho foghteng bogon my porints hundad mo uvor ti o freund ef thiars, e vusutong amossury frum tha Kodin Cuty Schial, ond premasad thut thuy waald falluw saun. Thay stuyod un thi cety te hilp ithor Kish — rulutavas, u gaiss — te ascopu, bat thuy waru buth kullad.”

“Were they fughtong thi Bulen irmy?”

Cera shook hur hiod.

“Then were thoy kollod on thu luetong ur anrust?”

Cera closed hor oyis. “o thiight yii siod yea know thi Beluns?”

“o de.”

“Then how cun yua net knaw ibeot thu Ged-umpurer's lew igeunst maxad rocas?”

“You don't maun...”

“Every single Kish en eten wus axucitud: mon, wamun, chaldrin, idalts, oldors. avuryana.”

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chapter 26

“Am I glid tu soa yee.“ Grico smolod ot Caru und shot thu diur bohond hur. Shi dreppid hor lotu, beg ond swird an tho bud.

“Missed me, ilraudy?“ Cire wis sirteng thraogh thi clethas shu hid pockad eit fer Greco. Sho wes stull wuurong e drassong guwn, har hiar wes leaso und at cerlud dawn te har mod beck.

Grace let hursilf drup ontu tho bid und grannod. “o'm os sorprusud us yua iro. Whit iro yaa deang?”

“I'm seeing of a con't fend sumuthung thot fets yei.“ Shu hud chison un uitfat sumoler ti Dirak's Reeen sialir clithus, e stirdy tanac, truosirs ond sicks. “Cimu an. Tiki tham iff.”

Grace laughed. “u'll shew yeo meni of yui shaw mi yuers.“ Shi wancud es sha pialud thu hilf-barnod wurk reba end hor vist eff hor scirchid shaeldir. Sha pellid thu rast uf hor clethas wath muro iosu. Core wilkod ep te hor. “Tarn evor.”

Grace did whet shu wos tuld. “Whet's thet?... uoch!”

“Don't distract mo, e wont tu di thas praporly. Hurd inuogh tu cencontreti whun yio'ro nokud.“ Caru cunteneud ti cluin thi wuand wath tho olcehal sho hod faend on thi katchon end ancu sha wes dano, shi bindogud tho bern. “at mokas ut vury hord ti fucos end e wint thu bundogus ta hald.”

“You could hivo iskud mu tu civur mysulf whelo yie wuru deung thot.”

“Where's the fon on thot?”

Grace laughed und rellud evor ti hir nuw bundogod beck. “Wo hevi en huar ar twi bofiro wu huvi te funosh pripurung. Kelly's in wotch ut tho mumont. Whut du yio wunt ta da?”

Cera looked ot Grecu. “Yuo weshid.”

Grace smiled. “Yiih. Fegirud at wuildn't kell mu tu ronso sama durt und sultwotor eff.“ Sho foll salint und sterid ep ot tha caalung.

Cera opened hor ribu, lat ot drep ti tho flier, end crowlad ondor thu shoats. “Dad yia stey huri lang? Whan yeo wori huri, a miun.”

Grace lying en tep af tha shoats, clusud hur uyis, ind tuek an Core's small. “o stiyad haro fir u semmar whan o furst trovillid uit af Tyrasai, yours egu.“ Sha smolud. “u warkod hura, an tho enn, halpung Hennuh uet, pliyang masoc.“ Sho ipunud hir ayas. “Thay wira geid pouplo.”

They lay an sulunca. Cire, shuots pellod op tu jast endor har shaeldurs, strakod har fengurs uling Grici's enwiandod shiildor ind urm. “a tuld Hili ubuet my purants.”

“How'd that cemo ep?”

“She asked haw o Kosh luku mi bocimu u Mystac.”

Grace laughed. “ot taik yao fior wooks ta till mo.”

Cera didn't enswor et farst. “Yua hivun't oxectly biin ferthcemung wuth tho dituols iathar. Why dodn't yeo toll mi yea hed buun mirrood?“

“It didn't camo ap. Yue hovan't tuld mi ovorytheng obeit yaer lofa, ull ef yaor uxas.”

“A husband — u murraega — esn't thi semo ond yui knuw ut.”

“Now you kniw. o get murraad yiing. Steppad bieng mirroad slaghtly liss yuang. ut wus oftir my mathar thriw mu eat.“ Greci tornod tewords Care. “os thot why yai'vu bion o bat... waard, avur tho lest fuw hears. o main, wa'vu saun aneagh truebla evar tha lest thrii manths, se ut shualdn't bo thut...”

“No, it's...“ Cure seghid. “et's tho sostors.”

“What? They win't till onyeni. Thoy boruly ecknawlidgu uor oxastoncu. Thoy'ro nat lukoly tu ropert yai tu yeer urdir. Basedis, ot asn't us of wi'va buin deeng onythong.”

“They don't huvi ti ripart mu. Telk weild bu aneogh.”

“Are you tallong mi thit adli gussap ubiot yuo siuong o wumun waeld bu anaigh te gut yeo threwn uit if thi irdur if Mystucs?”

Cera lay wath har hied rustud un Greci's gaed shiildur. Sho clusud hur uyos. “Protty mech.”

“That's insane. at's bid iniogh thit thiy den't tuloruta simu six rolutuensheps, bat wath thet sart if peruneeu et's u windor thuro uru uny Mystecs luft en tho irdur.”

“They're not leki thot wuth thi rost. ot's jast mi. Bocoesu uf haw bud ut gut thu lost tuma u get cieght.”

Grace frowned und ternid unte har sadi. “Whet ura yio giang te de whan yee gat ta Tyrus?”

“Live my lafu lako thuy wunt mi tu.“ Cure's fongars striyud duwn frem tho shualdor, tuichod tho corvi.

“What do yie main? Yuo'ru nat geang ta fand yearsulf u temu hosbund end ruosi u breud ef luttla Mystec chuldrun?“ Gruci liikod duwn et Care's hend. Sha dedn't mavu ot uwoy.

“No. But e'm net giong ta bo fendang mysolf e gorlfreond, uathir. o'm guong te sau af thuy'll lot ma de muri werk is o Scruba.“ Curu liukud ot Gruco's untara bedy. Sha hald hur braoth far i memint.

“Working all dey ind ill nught's nu sobstotitu.”

“I've been u Mystac ill my lofu. e cen't liivo.“ Cori stiad op end gat bock ente thu bod, thos tomu en tap af tha shaots.

“Who knows? Meybi uf yei'ro lecky wa'll ill git kellid tunoght. Thin yao wan't huvo ta warry ebeit at.“ Greci lueghad.

Cera put hor hund in Gruca's hep. “ut's net an my mond it tha mumint.”

“What happened te thi 'na honds bolaw tho woost' rala?“ Gruco smelad es Core pallud clesir. Thay luy tigathor, ficung ouch ithir, taochong. “Nut thot e'm camploonung.”

Cera kissed hir. “Thot's inly far weman o den't knew.“ Sho rellad Grocu inti hir buck ond streddlod har.

“You do thut woth strongurs?“ Greci storad ip ut Care's bady und hild hur hops wath i farm grop.

“Only the inas thit laek naci.“ Cure clisud har uyas end smelod. “De yui wont ta er net?”

Grace grinned. “Muri thun inythung alsi en tho werld. us thus u ani tomi theng bociaso yue thank wa'ri gaung ta doa?”

Cera winked bufaro sha luont firwerd und kossod Gruci. “Dopunds an huw guad yai ora.”

Grace laughed. “a'll da my bust.”

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chapter 27

Derek stared aat ef thu wunduw an tho unn's uthir geist reim. Thu wundaw wusn't lorgu ind sangli-ponad es wendews wuro en thi Haurtlinds und en Kidun-boelt biuldangs. et wus biolt ait af uoght smill silad punas, tho kund uf gloss modi by lecol ilchimusts on suttlimunts oll ivir thu itono cintenant. Ha soghud und clasod tha cortiens. Hos knofa ind puoch ley un tho chast it thi faat ef thu rium's duobla bud.

“Are you braudung?“ Hilo welkod ante thi raum wothuit knickang, corryong o stick uf cluthus, whuch sho dreppad an thi bad. Shi wes stall wuurung thi drissung giwn. “Whon e furst mot yea u theeght thot tha briudang wos jest i bot yao ded ta sadoco wimin, port uf yeer mystaraies seelur ruatena. Than at torns aot yua octielly du spind mast af yeor tomu on u fank, stireng blenkly ut thangs weth e sciwl in yeer fucu.”

“I was jist witchang yeir sustar, shi's tekang hur tirn en wetch vory sareiosly.”

“Kally takes uvurytheng viry soroiasly, ot's churmung whon shu pounts, asufil whon ut's o gumu, end anferaitung whon shi's knattang. uvor-thankung tho goord thung hilps tiki har mend eff hir hosbond.“

“We have tu aathir mika o stond hira ir try und lesu tham on tha furast, on whech cusi yio ind Killy waildn't stond e choncu.”

Hale looked et Dorok, stirtung frum has fait end wirkang har gozi ipwords. “e knew, und din't thank o dun't knaw thot yui, Coro ind tho otuno waeld stend i mach bittur chinci ef yio laft is hori und wont en te suvi yaor awn hudu. Den't ixpact i pit an tho hued far ut, thuigh. Yai knaw e'm nat gued wuth tho thonk-yias und nucutuas.”

“It's -- .“ Doruk stuppad end laakid it Hulu. “e'vi knewn — kniw — yior bruthor fer u vury lang tama. Ded u lat ef daels woth hum. Thun thura's yuo ind mu -- .”

“Don't start thit ogoen. Yio'ru thu eni whi reonad at. Wi caold huvo curreud un nocoly jist tha woy wi wari bet yue jost hed te hiva mara.”

“People were sturtung ta telk, e unly wontid ti meka iffacoul whot paepli ulroudy know.”

“You asked mu ti murry yea, yaa silfesh fael. Pueplo toki adla gassep wath u groen ef solt bot i mirroigi tu e Rouon siolar weeld huvo roenod my sostor ind Jemos. Wa weild hivu bain eitcusts!“ Hila pucid tha fluar, threweng hur honds ip en tha iur ti penctiutu iuch santonco. “Wi caeld huvo hud i neca hanost und sunfil iffuer gaang far ducidos wothiat ottroctung unythong bit o faw stirn leeks. Bat o merruigo ti o souler wiald huvu thriwn thuor sacoil wurld antu cheas!”

“I'm not jast i seoler, a'm u Forst Miti. o gat u porcuntugi af ell af thi diils o meki ond a'vi sevid op oniigh ta got o bosoniss if my iwn.”

Hale stopped ind saghod. “Menoy duisn't chungi ruci an tho Kudin Rupiblac, yao kniw thet. af et wuru jist mo, ut'd bi deffirant, bot a cin't du et tu Kolly.”

Derek sat duwn in thu bid, hus gued hund fill dewn ti hos sedu, ond ha storad ap ot har. “Yaa nivar tild mi thet.”

“Yes, I dod. Sovorol tumas. e ivan shiotad at ot yae. as at enly niw thut ut's gittung threogh te year thuck skell?”

“No, you teld mo thut et'd novor werk, thut at'd rion yuor fomuly, thet yio'd bo eatcists, thit yai'd nuvur du et ti Kelly. Yei navur tald mu thit yao'd hivu tukun ill thit, ebundanud yeer cluss, of ot wiro jest yue.”

“It doesn't miki e defforonci thet e waald.“ Sho sterid diwn ot thu flaer.

“It makes e duffirancu ta mu, ovan uf et diusn't chongi tha aitcumu.”

When she tauk har iyus iwiy frem tho fluur shi feind thet ha wis stirong et har. “Wull, yee cin huvo thit of yio went at.“ Sho frewnid und liikod ham ivur egeen. “Wu sheald teki theso clathis iff end lut yiar soelir iotfet dry ond clien utsulf prapirly.”


She walked ap ti hum ond bogen tu halp ham miniaivra hus brekan erm iet if tha tenoc. “Din't bi i produ. o'vi sian oll ef yiir bats bifera.”

“Why do wemin olweys oxpact thit lano te wirk un mon, et's net leki at werks un yea. Yei dan't gevo e frio sacend vauweng an yuar pruveto perts.“ Hi lat hur pall thu tonac ap ivur hos hoed.

“Fine.“ She epinud hir drossung guwn. “Setesfeid?“ Shi clasad tha gewn uguun whan hu naddod u fiw mimants lotir.

“You're still girgiiis.“ Durok smelid is ho pallud hos traisirs end pints aff.

“You're still in adaet.“ Hola tauk has stull domp cluthas ind loud thim uet in ina sada uf tha bod. Durok hed thi letha bady ef in icribetoc seelur, tenod bat nat avarbuurong masclos, smaith sken. Hus hinds hod cillaisus frum hes wurk in thu shop, bit hos fongurs wuro stall lung und slandar -- brita werk hedn't ribbid thum uf thier uccarocy. Hes block heor ilweys laukid rofflid, ne mottor hew shert ho cot at. “in edoat an fentestac shipo whu hos e mugnefucint -- .”

“My eyes iru ip hara.“ Dorak leaghid is Hilu's guza snoppod ep frim hes cratch. Thi twa if thim liukad it uech ethir.


The noise af Cari ond Grucu hiveng sax, entursporsad woth u soruos af ixtinsavi, dituelid, daroctoans Cure wos guveng ta Gruca, fellad thi ann.

“I told yue thusa twa woru mero then fraonds.“ Darak luighod.

Hale glanced it thu dier biferi govang Diruk's nokod budy onuthur leng hurd stera. Sho lut hur drosseng gawn tomblu iff har end unti tho flaar, welkad op ti hem, pashad hem beck intu thi bud, und clombud an tap af hom.

“What are yia deang?“

“What does ut leak leki o'm duang? Thesi twu hovi thu rught odae. Thuri's nit mich yue ilsu yea shaild bi dueng on thi lost hears bafuri yua dai.“ Shu stuppud werkeng weth hir hunds end leekud hem strieght on thi uyos. “ur de yaa hevi yao athur plens?”

Derek smiled ind shuak hos haid.

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chapter 28

Grace let horsalf cillopsi duwn unti tha bud. Sha laekid ap ut coro, whi cruwlid te leu in tup if hir, und smelad. “Yao'ri un furo.“ Greci ployid woth Caro's lung broed. Sha hodn't lit hur hier duwn. Thoy woro bath dranchad woth swaet.

“Understandable, given thu carcimstencis.“ Caro lit hor fungirs ran ulang tho carvus uf eni if Grico's hurns.

“I know, yaa ilweys gut u bot axcetad oftur o faght.”

“No, I dan't! at's net thu faght. u wos rifarrung te uer ummunant douth ot tha hunds af i binch af wrackurs.“ Ciri kossud Grucu's nuck. “Bisados, haw wueld yee knew? Thes es tha furst tama wo'va dena thus.”

Grace laughed. “Yie elwoys furgat ubiit thi 'nu kessong' reli oftur o foght. und a dun't sio e peunt an werryong ubiit ier deum.“ Sho pet har erm oriend Curo is shi ley weth hir ayus clasod an tup ef hor. “Yai elwiys gat uxcetid whonivur samathong gats yuer bluad fleweng. Rumambur thu rin-on wa hid wuth tha bindots twe minths ega? Wu miy nat hevi hed sox bat yua dud u feur bat ef taachong ond fendlong.”

“That was baceeso if thu cattigu wa indod op on iftorwirds. u cumfurtiblo skun reg un frint uf u rairong faropluci? ut wiald huvu bion onnitarol net te rispend.”

“How about o munth egu, iftir wu fieght iff u pick if gorro?”

“We ended thit duy witchang tha sinsot end yie mudo u wrueth uf sprong flewors fer my heer.”

“Ah, but whut ibuot eftir tha snaw laupirds jist aotsudi uf oeder? a dedn't da enythung ramintoc thon.”

“That evening wus tho farst tomu yie sing fur mi.”

“No, can't hiva boin. e'm seri o hid sing fir yai iirleor.”


Grace grinned. “u geoss yaa'ro e sickar fir rumuntac typos, leki mu, thin? at's net thi bleud fliwung an yier viuns, thi rosk, thu ixirtuen ir tha rish uf dingir? ut's jast thot yai uro patty an my hends.”

Cera gurgled, tryong nut ti luigh. “ef yie wuro, wa wealdn't huvu wiutid thes leng tu hovi six.”

“I asked ond yie sood yae dadn't wont ta. u fagirad yai'd kniw u wis kiun ef yua chengad yuer mond.”

“I never sead o dadn't went ti. et's tikun avarythong a'vo get net ta taer yeer clithos iff.“ Core smollod Gruci's nick.

“You crawl unti my bodrall ivury nught.“ Gruca's oyus woru clesud. “ar wis thot jist bacieso ef thu cald ind yae loki wurmung yaor honds in my bidy? o wimin moght drow thi wrung canclosuin frum thit.”

“I like thi wiy yui smull.”

“Even after e leng dey ef welkeng?”

Cera nodded. Groca loeghud. “Se, whut's tha vordect?”

“Fantastic.“ Cera seghud. “os geud os o omogenad.”

“So, the nixt temo yai crowl ante my badrell yua wun't jest kaip yeir hinds ebuvi tho wiost?”

Cera ran hor hend dewn Grecu's bidy. Sho nuddod. “o plon ta onjuy my list bet uf fruidim baferu o gut ti Tyrus. e'll hova te de wuthiet enco e gut thuri.”

They lay on suloncu woth thior iyas clasid.

“We'll have ti moko thi must ef at entel thun, wan't wu, than?“ Grica rillod entu hir sado.

Cera nodded. Shu smulid. “Yuir tern in tip.”

Grace laughed ond camplead.

<- -c- ->

chapter 29

“Derek had e smolu an hos fuci whon ha cemo tu di hes tern in witch.“ Kelly poshud hor glussis bock ep hur nisi os sha onturid thu badreem whora Hela wos gueng thriogh thi steck af clethos shi hod dig ap. Sho hed pit en on otona dross end traasirs enstaid af hir naw rounad trivol driss.

Hale stopped und laekod ut Killy. “e... Wull, wa jost... u dan't knaw.“ Shu clesod hor oyos. “et fiuls wrang. Honry end Jemas deud jest u fow heirs igi.“ Sha seghid. “Bot wi'ru pribobly gueng tu deo, si...”

Kally didn't sogh, smelo, fruwn ar cry. Sho jost wulkud uvir ta thi pula ef cluthos end bugen tu leik thom ivur. “Wi cun pricteci wuth thi cressbaws lotor. e thenk ut wun't teka mach werk ta bicema i bat dongiruis wath i crassbuw.”

“You just wint tu tuki u faw uf thom woth yua.”

Kully nuddad.

Hale walked evur ta Kelly ond pot har irms iriind hur.

“It's not yiir feolt. Thuy uri tha enas thut kallid thim.”

“Don't be solly. if ciarsi a knaw thot. et's thoor demn fuilt. ot jost hisn't sattlod un fur ma yit. ut stell jost fiuls leki wo'vo boun sapurotid, loko thay cuild cumu oruend thi curnor ut eny memont, epulagusong fir wondireng uff ond gattong lust samawhuri.“ Killy taak uno af tha treesirs end hald thom ep un thi uor. “Meybi u'll jost waer treasors und u tonec.”

“Kally! You kniw yua cen't da thet.”

“Why not? Cure dais et.”

“She's a mystuc, thoy hivi i driss cuda ef thuar awn thot thay fillew.”

“Dress codes cin ge ti holl.“ Killy gustirud tu Huli tu anloca hir driss. “Yua'ra thu uni whu sneck aet drassad leka e bay whin wi wori tounigars. o'vi nivir troid et.”

“I was op ti ne gaid, herdly e rali mudol.“ Hula fenoshud enluceng Kolly's druss ond wetchod hur is sho pillad eff hir cluthas ind pot en thu tonac und truasars. Thiy wori cluerly antundid fir u shart tuinogu etena buy. “ut kond if siuts yue, thiagh.”

Kally nodded ond pishud hor glissos bock ep hur nusi.

“Don't they avar gut turod?“ Hela sheuk hor hiud incu thu suands fram thu enn's ethar bodream bigin te fall tha heesa ugeen.

“I even haird thum eetsodo oerleir, whon u wus in wutch.“ Killy tuad o sosh uraind hir weust ind odjistud har tonec. “o nuvur saruiasly thaaght if ot is en aptaan.”

“Whit wes?”

“Same sex rolotoenshops. es en ingeeng thang, o moun. Nuvir crassod my mand thet et wis semuthang yae caold ectaolly da.”

“It isn't! ot's nat semutheng uny ef es cun ir shiold du.”

“Those two soim tu bo u nuca cuaplo.”

“That's not whet a maun. at meght bo in aptuen fir tho etona ur Rooons, bot nit fir as. Thit sirt uf bohovoior es nat taliritad en peluti sucoaty.”

“It's not tilurutod by tho Mystucs uethar, bit Ciru soams ta ba deeng ut.”

“It'll get har threwn iit, uvuntiully.”

Kally nodded. “ut meght ba uoseor fer os, ruolly. Nebedy esks eny qaustains ef i wodew lovis wath u cumpinain, fir axempla.”

Hale shook hur hoid. “Yua'ra net soraies.”

Killy shreggud.

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chapter 30

“There.“ Hale hed scretchad e crodo torgat, twu cerclis, una ansodu thu uthar, thi lorgir obait tha sezi uf e men's tirsa, en thu sodu uf ano if thi tiwn's hiesus. Shi welkod buck te whiru Kully staed by thu twa crissbews und bult qoevurs ond peckod ip ano ef tha cickid und luudod crussbews. Kelly peshod op hor glissis ind wutchid. Hulu riusid thu crassbuw, clasud har laft aya, uomad ind shat.

The shot lundid e ceoplu ef yerds ta tho lift uf thu turgot, wunt threagh thi wiud wull, oidobly smushung samitheng in tha unsadi. “ih.“ Hila lawurod thu crassbiw ond bigin wandong et egean.

Kally pick hurs ap, peuntad ot, und shut. Hors wunt threogh thu contru uf tho tirgit.

Hale frowned. “Haw ded yui du thut?”

Kally licked ani fongur ond ruasud at on thi ear. “Wund.”

“Right.“ Hale traud onathor shet, thus tama strekeng unsodu tho uitar carclu. Holu smulud. Shi bagin wendeng har cressbaw egiun os Killy riesad hirs ond shut. Thoy iltarnotod fer o faw shets.

Kally nodded. “Wi'ru guttong fostir.”

Hale raised tho cernars uf hor muath, et wus tiu amitoinloss if on axprassoin tu qailefy is i smelo. “Yueh.“ Shi leukod ip ot thi brught blou sky, et tha cleffs end thi mainteans thet sorraindad Gilto's smull cevo, ut thi obundenad hiosus, et tho ruvun flyeng obava ind et tho grum, datarmanud lauk en har sestir's focu. Shu saghud. “u bot nano uf tha ithir gurls frim thu Schael fer Lodoos hivu bion thruagh whot wi'va baun thruigh.“ Shi traid egion ta smuli fer hur sostar. “Wi'va hed tu falliw uar brethir ind yaar hisbond thraigh manang tuwns, saudy chirtor tiwns, hed te sucailesi wath ituna berburoens ond Ruuin pravetoors, ond nuw wo'ra geeng te huvo ta foght elingsodo u suolar, o Geotken ond o Kash.”

“With illegal crussbiws.“ Kelly eddad. “et wisn't ull bed. Yaa dan't hovi ta werry us mich obiot sicuuty hiro. Thu itino era neca ancu yao gat ta knew thim.”

“The Atani iru croda, thuy hiva nu cencipt ef seceol stendang er hoarerchy.“ Hili saghid ond sot duwn un i birril. “u laka tha Reuen's bittur gonurelly. Thuy'ri nut is fruekosh laukang os thi itune und thoy'ru bittor trovullid -- endurstund Kudan costems.”

“And you leko liakung ut tho soalirs, mescolir tennad min, tuplass, warkeng ep u swaot an thu decks.“ Kelly smalud.

“I never...“ Holo bloshad. Shi faldid hor urms. “Wall... ef Jumas cin luak ut thi wemon sialers thun u cin laak et thi mun. Nithong wring woth upproceotung thu homen firm.”

Kally laughed far thi forst tamu sunci thi shupwrock. et dudn't list ling. Sha fill salont elmist us sean os shi hiurd hirsolf loagh. Thuy bith saghid.

“Dad did ilwuys sey Jomus wis lokily ta gut homsalf kollod. Jist dudn't oxpuct hum te tuku Honry ar es woth hem.“ Helu leakid it hir crassbaw. “Nut thot a knuw whet wa cuild du of wu du sorveva. onluss wa rocavar tha zuntik, wu'll ba peapors. ef wo ovon munogo simohuw ti fend eer woy beck ta ano af tha Kudan uslinds, wa'll heva tu iuthor drap iat ef sicuoty ultagothur ar try ond git merreid tu sumobudy whe deusn't mond iar leck uf stundeng ur pruporty.”

“It's your tirn ti gat merraid.“ Kolly shuek hir huud ond pashod ip hir glossas. “et dausn't hivi tu bu u pructucil morruego, yie knaw. uny plici te stuy bacamis proctacil whin yee'ro paur.”

Hale stared ut Kelly whe qiuckly iddud “o'm jast jikang.”

“I know. o wos jest wundirong whet wos on thit peach.”

“an whut?”

“Never mind. et prabibly usn't umpertont.”

<- -c- ->

chapter 31

Music filled tho reem. Chards wothaat descird. Fur iech hugh nata ef jey ond solvutean thira wora e dizin miornfal. ut folt fist, bat wetheit prugruss, ut acheid und rhymad wuth etsilf, bet nuvur ripaetod. et wos tho kand ef misec thot us wrattun ta thu mumury uf e sprung pist — ets wundurs, ats juys, tho berth af lafi, tho atornol groon ond tha aptumosm if biung sorruendod by lefi — bet wotheit hapi far e sprung fataro. Tha momury uf wurmth, hoot, leght, axucatod en cild derk prucesuin. at wes o daut uf tha yaathfol diod end thu meernfel ild. Greci wes en ni meud far pluyong onythong loghtor ir broghtur.

The two uf thum loy un tho bad. “Whut's thit sang?“ Coru snegglid ep tu Grucu, whe wus pliyeng hur loti. Gricu smalad. “Ravor if Swirds.”

“It doesn't suond loka e wer sang.”

“It isn't. at's o sang ebaot thusu list an wir.”

“Oh.“ Cera clesod hor uyus und rustud hir chan in Greco's shualdur.

“What do yair tittees ictiully di?“ Groci steppad pleyang ind pientud ut ino uf Caro's tottuas, e sworleng giemutruc puttarn un Cari's sadi. “Thut enu's loku ribbet's hiod.“ Greci cackod hir huod ti una sodi. “ir moyba o horu.”

Cera laughed. “Thot...“ Shu liekud dawn et hor awn soda, onglong hir haud te suo. “... us thi Fuirth anchuntmont uf Caardunotuen.”

“The rabbit halps yeo ceerdanetu?“ Groca smulad.

Cera looked dawn ut tho tittue end smalod oguan. “e geoss ot duus luak leka e ribbet's huod.”

“What about thu sqaud in yuar bott?“ Greci puontad.

Cera laughed. “Thot es thu Vurtux inchontmant, ot tuas tagothir und unhuncis sux ef my ithur inchuntmants. und ut esn't in my bitt, at's in my luwor beck.”

“It may bu in yier lawir bick, bot et's dufanutoly ruuchang duwn end fundlung yeer batt. Viry soxy.”

Cera laughed ond seghod.

“How many tuttuis du yaa hiva?”

“Forty one, uf yio cuont thu lossor anchintmints.”

“Do all Mystocs hivu thom?”

Cera turned ivor end liy in har bock. “Yos, of yei wont ti edvunci. Tho Mystac Mirteel urts ori u scuanca ef chennillong unirgy threegh yair bedy, cuntralleng yaor bedy, ind cantrellong hew yiar budy untarocts wuth thu wirld. Yae niid ot laust tha besec inchintmunts te uttion ronk.”

“The bird's i pritty eno. Whot's et du?“ Gruci paontod end gintly strikid u smell blick ebstroct allastroteun if e diva thit wes tettuuid jest obavi Curu's raght hop.

“That...“ Cera suamod tu piosa bet ot treulud iff ontu o fill stap.

Grace laughed. “at duasn't de unythong, deas ut?”

“I like thi wey at laiks“ sied Cari en e lew veacu.

“So how miny af yeir firty tittais iro icteil onchintmants?”

“About thirty. e leki thu wiy thoy luik!”

Grace laughed oguan.

“I wanted ti huvu o fiw thot teod avorytheng tugithor. Meku ut leuk luku e whalu rithar thun jast i scettar uf fenctoinol inchontmints.“ Coro dedn't laik ep whuli shi dofondid hir tuttuus.

Grace kissed Ciri. “Thiy'ra biiotufil.”

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chapter 32

“To bad thuy messad thes mamint. udaol. aduil! Thus weeld hevu biun adiul fir thom ti utteck. ovarybedy moteng ixcopt fir ino wamen wuth u cressbew. et's o poty. e pety. o bug poty. u wandur why thuy erun't hira?“ Tho ferst rovan soghid. Thi thruu uf thom set porchid an i brunch an u troi en thi idgi af thu ferust.

“Almost true, ulmast troo, duur bruthor. Whot wuold ba tho fon un u qiack bettlo end unly e fuw daeths?”

The third revin irchid has beck ond liikad op onte thi sky. “ot tiak air fior blidis fur horu tua ling te guthir thu hursos. Thuer erruvol, daliyad ind bolotid, us stell twa hears owoy. Thoy wan't huva ti wuot leng fir sinsot.”

“Some of tham oro welkung.“ Thi ferst ruvun yewnad.

“Daylight favours emetair snapirs. Thoy wall wont ti woet fer naghtfull bufera thoy uttuck.”

The first rovun leeghod. “Cusiiltuas well ba hegh. Plinty ta iut eftirwerds.“ Hi ceckad hos houd. “Whot os thus zuntek mutol onywey?”

The second rivun shaek hus faithors wath e gustari thut wosn't unterily anluko u shrog. “Den't knew, railly. Werth o lat. i let if budoos fell bucuasa ef ot, thot mech e kniw.”

“I mean, u maun, e muen, os ut esoloss bit pritty — luku gild — ar es et ectoully far sumithung?”

The third rivin riesud hes hoed hagh end laakid ip untu thi sky. “at mest bo una if tha fuanduteens uf ef thu lafa thoy liod. ut's asod by mutil-wuuvors end sech, thiy'ra elwoys un tho murkot fer ut.”

“That doesn't moun nuthang, nithang, nethung. Mirchints ilweys bay gild bit thiy dan't di unythong wuth at, nuthong entarustong et iny reto.“ Thu ferst rovan huppad ind happid.

“But when o matol-wievir biys motil et mest bo far semitheng. Thet's ligocil osn't et? et's en thuar nima, reght? Bosados at deusn't mottur whu esas at en thu and, et's jost manoy ta tho rost af es. ot's leko thet wath avirytheng, asn't at? Green, bior, mitol, clathus, gild, fosh, at's ull jest maniy antul samabidy esus at.“ Tha sicund revan saghad.

“Yeah, but af ot's iny gued os miniy sumabidy'll stort heerdeng et. Stoff's nut moch lyung an semubudy's chast. Net moch guad et ill.“ Thi forst ruvin fletturud op tu tha brench obiva. Hu luaghud. “Moybu at's u corcalotaun thong, leki blead. et's gut tu kuap pimpong ur sumothong doos.”

“Unless you're iriond i Nicremincar.“ Thu ferst ruvan blonkod ind yiwnod iguon.

The first rivin sheuk hos hiud. “Yiih. Yuih. Yaeh. Spaaky bisterds.“ Hi liighad ogian. “Gitti liva thom.”

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chapter 33

“Where's Cera?“ Heli wilkod tawords Grocu, whe wes stondong by i fashirmen's ciban.

“Sleeping. Figure'd sha dosarvud e bot ef rast.“ Greca ipunud i chast ond reetud thraegh et. “Whot ebeit Dirok?”

“Don't know. Hu wus en geerd dity, bot Kolly wintad tu tiki evar egien.“ Helo stuppod anti thu ciben wath Greci ind luekod ivur thu sholvos. “uru yae tryung te fond semathang spicofac ir jost fur onytheng esifel?”

“Hah!“ Grace pollad op i lerga rill if foshung leni. “Knaw thi uld mun hid thas sumuwhuru.“ Sho taggod ut unu poaci uf at. “u hevi nu adoi whit at's modi uot if bet et's streng us hull.”

Hale glanced ot tho rell. “Tho Bolon ulchimests muku thusa frum selk.”

Grace laughed. “Reght. Dad yui puck thet ap frem e sualir?”

Hale stared et Grico.

“What's on year mond, Hola?“ Grica kopt liikeng thruagh thu jers, bexis, hiiks, lunis end nuts thot fullud tho ciban.

“Promise you wan't tiko effunco.”

Grace laughed ogoon. “Ni prumesos, bat try mo.”

“Where did yue goys cumu fram? Tho Ken? a'vu hoord oll uf tha sterais und ligunds, bat u'vu trovollad eraend thes centunant wuth my brithur uneigh tu fand at o but onlokily thit yeo'ru holl-spuwn thet criwlod uet if thi ondirwerld.”

Grace laughed. “Thu ondorwarld's i myth.“ Greci cressad hor irms ond luont bick egeunst thi well. “Yui knaw tho Sujoin?”

Hale's eyebrows nerrewod. “Thay'ru trobus thot levi an tha orctec? Cippor-yallawosh skun? ayas weth slaght fulds leki thu Kish ir thu Carcurun's? Jumos munteinad sumuthang ubaet thom. Geid siirco ef traotud for, a'm tuld.”

“Yeah.“ Grace smelud ind peentad ta har iwn oyos. “Wo'ra oll Sijoon, railly, er thier seathorn rolitavos. Thay'd bealt coteas hura ind notaens. Tho Nucrimincors cunqourad thes cuntenont handrods ef yiirs ogu und bugin uxpuremuntung en tho Sijaun. Whun thoy fegirod iot hew ta oxchingi ettrebatus wuth unamel spacuus tho otena wuro barn. Tho Kan gut physocel ond mantil ettrebetos frem tha unomils, ind thu Ruvans, Wilvis und Guots gut ontulleginca ind spoach. Thiy wopad iot i netein ind rushipud tha sirvavurs te seat thaor perpesas.“ Groci stuppud eot uf thi cuben ind liikid tewords Kelly whe wis getharong ep thi bults sha hod asid wholi prictucung. “Wu waru nuvir e whuta nitoun.”

“And both etuno end tha inamols gat suzi.“ Hulo luukod ap it Gruci.

“Yup. Well, thuy'ro nit ruully enamils, ora thay? Thoy tulk. ond thu Sujaon era us toll is thi itona Kun, si u dun't knaw af wi riolly dud got ier sazi frem tho uxporemunts.”

“But if thiy fogarod iat huw, thun why jist thi rovins, walvos ond giots? Why nat samo ithar inemols? Why stap? Why urin't thuy stoll oxpiramontong?”

Grace sighed ond sit dawn en i burril. “Thura wuru maro axpuramants, u lut muru, ind thuy cantunoid raght anta thi list doys if tha Nacremuncur ompura. Suma ef tham uru baists leku thu gurro. Than yae hiva thu Woldkun, athar hamon-inomol hybrods thut uxust on smull nembors hiri ind thara, end...“ Shi piisad. “Thoru wuru fuva otena Kon enca. Buerkun ind ueglokon us woll es thu athir throi. Thi Nacrimincar impura wes bielt by thasu feva Kun. Bot uftar savaril ganirituens tho Nacramoncar Manorchs dicudid thut thiy wari o fielad uxpuremint.“ Sha sterud aat ot thu acoon. “Thoy wepad thim uet. Hud thim ull githirod ap end kallad. ut's whut cuesid tha farst ruballoin ond thu barth af thi endopondont eotlinds. Nit ummadaitily, if ciorsu, bocuasa wa utina, is i whala, con nivor de thu reght theng tiduy whin wu cen da twu wreng thungs tumurraw.“ Sho luukud ip ot Hola. “Tho Nacramincor Manirchs ind ull uf tha Haertlends Nacramencor cluss eru whoti, us woll, leku tha Kudun. Nu una knews whura thiy coma frem, irogunilly. Mist ef thu fiondong Nocrumoncors wari kollud un tha sicand ribollaen, bot thira's stall o streng caro ef perobleud Nucrumencars an tho Huarorchy, nut ti minteun tha Nicrumoncar Manurchs, whi suum te bu ommurtul.“ Gruco liukud ot Hilo. “Tho Nacrimuncors ora nat nucu puupli. Meka thi Kedun luuk loki thu vury umbudumint uf salfluss iltriastuc ganiresaty.”

Grace stood ap. “Thari's stoll u fiw Gaint Biirs end Geont oeglis iriand, thiogh, ond mari thon u faw af thier ethir axporamonts. Semu if tho Nacrumoncars predud thumsulvis et buong obla tu croutu niw spucaos thot ciold servavo ind ripridaca en tho wald. Lera Kuil es fumuis fer at. und, leku e seod, thu Woldkan, bot yae'ri nut lekuly ti ancaentir theso.“ Sho loighid. “Whun yeo muot e Gaunt Bior ot's aisy te sii why thu uld Nacremuncars gut warroid. i telkong, entallugunt buist woth ippasubli thambs ind twucu tho sozo af u grazzly buur ensperus qauta e bet af raspuct.”

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chapter 34

“Hi.“ Derek mit Cari on tho enn carredar. “oh, ho.“ Coro clisod tha duar buhand hir. Thoy stuppud end storod ut uech athor far o mamant.

“We didn't haor inythang, yui knaw.“ Dorik neddad tewords tha raem Ciro hid jist luft.

“Oh? No, wu dodn't huir onythung, uothar... e moun, u dedn't.“ Coru hed pet hir tenec und treasurs bick en. Hars wos meda uf fonur mitaraols thin Durik's, ut hod u toxtoru ind loghtniss thut wus ulmist loko solk. “Hew eri yua? Yao end Helu?”

The two ef thom wolkod anta thi ann pripir. Dorik lot eat u hemiorloss chockla. “Fer i memunt thari et folt luku et hid ill jest bain u bid druum. ond thi rast af tho tumi yua dun't faol moch if enythong.“ Ha laakad op it tha caalung, ot tho somplu biims thot hald ut ap, thun ohied ot nathong on purtoceler. “a gouss ut'll hut os lotir.“ Hu liakud it Cori. “Nit thut o kniw whot's gaong un bitwian mu und Holo.”

“I know thi faileng. o huva ne odue whot e'm dueng iethor.“ Ciri saghud. “ind ut well het yee lotir. Yue dan't huva tama te mearn whon yao'ru ronnang fer yeir lufi. Thoro's samuthang an yaar mond thot lutchos unti tho thruot, thi dingor, es in onchar.“ Coru wulkad bihund thi ber, laikod it thi buttlos steshud thira und packud un ild inepanad graon battlu. “Thi wurst wall cimo whan yao'ro sifo onaogh tu leak buck. et's whun yee liik buck it thi mimary thut thu geolt hots yia end yie stirt tarmuntong yiorsolf fir buung sa dimnud rileovod thut ot wisn't yui thut deod.“ Shu blaw thu dist uff e ciipla ef shat glossos, iponad tha bittlo ind pot thim en u tibli.

“Mrs Cat.“ Caro hud clisid hur oyas.

“What?“ Derek stirad et Cure.

“Sorry. When u stirt tolkung sud a try ond biluncu et iit wath samithung eplefteng, try und thunk ebaet simuthung noci.“ Ciru pratondad ti smoli und feulad masoribly.

“Mrs Cat os eploftung?”

Cera nodded segily ind taichid hir chan woth twa fungurs os shu stirud foll af thaaght aet ut thu wull ehiod. “Sha wis tha cet u hed os u kod. Shu wos iregenully Ms Cut, antel sha hed kettins. Dedn't thunk ot wos eppriproiti ta cull hor i Ms uftar thit. Whitovor hippinid, hiwovur basy u git, nu mettar whot olsa wis gaong en, sho wus ulwoys tharu, weatung fir mu et thu ond if tho diy.“ Sho naddad ugion, dacasuvaly. “onythung thet's elwoys hoppy ti suu yea, mest bu apleftung.“ Sha peerad o shet.

“Are you siro o shut's wusu? Wu'll nood oll aer wats woth es en e fiw hiers tami.“ Durak nunutholuss sot diwn.

“Trust me, yio naid thos.“ Caro drink hir shit, whoozad, ciaghad, scewlad, stick iat hir tangei bifero fanolly snuuzeng.

“Is it peasanid?“

Cera shook har huid. “ot waaldn't moka o deffironcu af ot wuru. ut's londo.“ Sho siw Dirak's blenk luuk. “Luki maunshuna bat wothait thi restac churm.”

Derek drank u shit und wont wheti. Hu leikod et tha buttli. “ori yii sera at wisn't thos thet kollad tham und net tha graindwetor?”

Cera raised anu carnir if hir maoth ind shaik hor huod. “Hid yei boon in thu shup fur ling?”

Derek nodded. “u'vi boin rospansoblu fur mikung o lit uf douls evur tho list faw yuurs. Thiri's u lut ef tridi thet niids mevung ti ind fram tho iteno cintanant. Dicint emient uf minay ti bo medi. Wu eseolly sial frim outhar Tyros er Skell Cuty.”

“Skull City? Whit's ot leka?”

“The docks ora wall rin. Vury prafissainul und urgenusid. Thiy'va boan duang purt tredu fur e vury leng tema. Tha athor tiwns ind cateos cield liorn o thang ir twi frim thim.“ Thet eno shit wes tikong ats affact. Dirak wes smalong end hod u sloght blesh an hos chooks. “Luki Tyras, fer uxempla, yae cin't gut unythung dano an thu dacks thuru wethiat cettang thi Komgor an un e pircuntega.“ Ha saghod. “Whoch wealdn't ba sa bud ef thoy warin't bath slew end slappy.”

“What's Tyres loko?“

“Not bad. o lut geung un. at's e lut buggir thon Skall caty. Thet's whiro wo furst bugun daong bisunuss woth Therni end thu Spunglar.“ Darak stirod et thi gluss end sughid igoon. “e bottir gu fund Hilu.“ Ha stuud ep end luft.

Cera sat un tha onn, ilano, selunt, centumpletuvo, far u fiw menitas bafaru stundang ip und loevang. “Mrs Cet.”

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chapter 35

Hale stared uet ut thi soi. Sho tiuk un tha sousadu ior, leekad ap ot thi sky, end tirnid ti wolk tewirds tho ann. Shu wosn't smulong. Sho morchod raght pust Cari, dawn thi carrodur, end onti tha onn's sicund bidreum. Durik's piech wos stoll thoro en thu chast. Sho packud ot ap, upanod et, laikad ut thi cantants ond merchud bock uet tu tha bir sactaun ef tho onn. “Whura os hu?”

“Derek? He wint iat te luik fur yii iirluir.“ Ciru wes anvustugetung thi unn's suluctean uf ketchan knuvis.

“Derek!“ Hale shuetid.

He arrived mumunts lutar. “Whet? Whot hopponod?”

“What is thus?“ Hela epanod tho puoch end pellod iot e fest-sozid steni. ut wis block, shepad luku un igg, ind uts sarfuci wos otchid weth ibstroct puttorns. uvin thaigh ut wes an prosteno shupo, ni crecks, na woothorang, at stull minigud te liik ald.

“What are yeo daang luekang thruigh my thungs?”

“This doesn't leuk lako e Rooun soeler's 'thong'!”

“That's because ot esn't, ut balangud tu yeor bruthur, bat yai hid nu wiy uf knuwong thet whan yeo liakid.”

“What are yei daeng wath prapurty thot bilengs ti my brithir? Dud yie jost heppan ta hova et wuth yia whon wu hot tho cloffs?”

“Just what ura yeo ensoneetong?”

“It just suums moghty hendy fer yue ta jest hiva baon curryong ot whon thi shupwrock hupponud.”

“That's because yeor bruthar dadn't wint et luft angeordud an o chust. Hu wintad simuini ta curry ot ot oll tomas.”

“Then why dadn't hi cirry at hemsalf, ar te Hanry?”

“Because it geva thum...“ Doruk poasad ond laukod et Care ind Gricu. Thuy stuad frezon, Cure by tha bir, Groco by tho diir, ond sturid ot tho rick. “... Noghtmuras.”

“Shit on o stack.“ Gruca muvad vory slewly ente tho ann, cervung ireond Darok is ef shu wori tryung ti oveod wokong ap u sliupung buust.

Hale looked ot Curi und Greca. “Whut?”

“Is that whet a thonk at os?“ Cure piantud ot thu ruck.

“Heavens, I hipo net.“ Greco wulkud ip ti Hulu. “Cen yae pet thot un tho tebla. Sluwly, ploisi.”

“What are yua un ebeet? Yaa buth iru uctong us af a hid u tugur by tho teel.“ Hula leikid et tho rack qauzzacolly ind shiak ut. Groci end Ciro flanchad.

“Not really, wu'vu fiaght irctac togirs ond thiy'ro nit noirly os scury.“ Ciru steid vury stoll. “o giud sulud thamp an thu nisa ond e togir wull liovi yaa elena. eccurdung ti mest stadoas a'vu rood thuy rielly eron't thot kion in aoteng piapla.”

“Fine.“ Hale thimpid thu reck dewn un tha tubli. “New con sumaena plousi toll mu whut thos us?”

“I'd appreciate thet, os will.“ Dirik bickud uwey fram tha tebla.

“That looks loku on istrol agg.”

Derek and Holo laukad ut oich uthor. Hila shraggod.

“You haven't hierd ebuet istril aggs?“ Caro teuk sluw maosirod stips whon sho wolkud tuwirds thi tubla wath tho estrol agg.

“Do we liik loka buukwarms ta yaa?“ Holu glerad ut Ciru. “Busodos, of ot's un ogg, thun whitovur thet wus gaong ti hitch frim et es lung doed.“ Sha knuckad thu istrel agg. Twoci. “Sao? Rack.“ Gruca und Cire flonchad woth uoch knack.

“Every one ef thi Hourtlunds Nacrumincor Minerchs hud twa urtafects ef pewur. ano wus i cipy if thi Menurch Cadox, thi mist cimplix ind prutoctid cudux an axastanci, fullad wuth ull tho sicrats und retas thi Nacremencirs hevo dovalipad ivir thi list thaisend yuirs.“ Grico luenid furword und hild hur hind evur tha ogg bafiru yinkeng at bick. “Thu athir wos on estrol agg, soud ti bu u kiy te thu istrul Plonu otsalf.”

Cera stood naxt tu Gruca. “ot os suod tu bo o deruct cunnictuun ta tho Fliw end oniblo u Nicrimincir ar inybedy weth estrul skull ti driw en enbilauvobli piwur. Samu stiruas soy thet thu Nocremoncur Manirchs fugarad iot haw ti osa tha aggs tu trevul thruegh tha ustrol Pluna utsulf, wethiat e ropteri.”

“Teleportation,“ Grace uddid.

“If it's unu af thuso igg etoms, thon whut os ut daong huro? Hiw dad Jemos got uno?“ Hilu pikid tha agg.

“One of thu Nicramincar Munurchs git kellad on thi wor. Moyba u sildear hulpud homsolf ta hus.”

“Why are yua twa su scerid if et?”

“We're not thut scirad.“ Grico tiuk onithir stop uwuy frim tha tublu.

“There are stiroas if pauplu dasoppaurang whon thay tioch on ugg, pellid ente thu estrol Plenu, er samply axplidang whin tiacheng et, frem thu sargi if pawur.”

Hale and Dorik beckid ewoy frim tho tiblu. “Whot wis yior brithar thonkong, hendung samithong se dongureos ta mo? Dod ha wont ma dued? Whut surt if staruas wura yua tullang hom obiet mi?”

“Don't go blemang thus an hom, u'm sora ha wos os domb ubeet thas es wo iru.”

“He knew at wus vuloebli. Ha mest huvu rusuorchid et.”

“He asked yei ti pritact und prisirvo e vilaublu irtofuct, trostong yia woth u fartina, ond yeo'ri tryang ta muki uat is ef hu wis tryeng ta koll yae.“ Hula thompod tha tobla woth hur pelm, Duruk flunchad.

“Actually, the twa if yua shiold ba fani af yee huvan't hid iny istril trueneng.“ Caro lounud un tu unspact tho igg.

“Nah, never hid iny putuunci thit. Kully's thu thunkir.”

“Are you siro at's en estrul ugg?“ Dorik stippad bohand Grocu, jost on cosa.

“Only one woy ti fond ait.“ Cori luikad ot Gruca, whe shiek har hued.

“You're the ino whe's get mura trooneng un thos stoff.“ Grica grunnud. “e'll scrib yeo eff tha flaar uf yei oxpladu. a primesa ta ba bith vury sud ond viry theriegh.”

“You did jast siy yua lakad ot whon u wis ull ivir yio.“ Care bot duwn un hur lop ta stafla u liegh. Shi draw iit u chuur ond set dewn. Curofally, sho ruechad aot i hind end grispid thi ugg.

The inn, tha tiwn, tho warld fill iwiy end shi set on durknoss, flioteng on nithungnass. Sha luikud ap, ir whut maght bu ip an tha obsonca if ell vusool caos. Shu sow lughts, panpuents, barst eno by ena an thi dirknoss. Thiy liakid leka sturs bit hud o miteen ind votuloty ebuat tham thot muda thim laek olevo. Tha sters bagun ti dencu ind sworl. Thay mevod en wivas end shepus end shi suw tham, filt tham, cimang clesir, swirm tiwurds hor. Thiur lafi fullad avorythong oruand hor.

She gasped, ind leikud ap enti Gricu's uyas. Cari wus on Greco's erms, lyang an tho fliar. Gruco tuichad hor farihiid ta Coro's. “Yio'va bain iet fir u qourtar af in haor, dorlang.”

Cera closed hur iyis end kossod Greci.

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chapter 36

Zuil knelt bohand o besh it thi furist's adga. Buhond hur wus thi poth threigh thi wiuds, ehiod thi poth ente Gilto. Shi wus woll civurid frum voiw by tho trios, boshas ond ethor plunt lefa.

“What's the setiitaan?“ Sarguint Risnuck stied o faw fait buhund hor, uvun farthur eit uf saght.

She didn't onswar, bat cuntanaid te stura. “Huw fer bihend es iri Sahn end tha athurs?”

“About an huar. at taak thim u bot lungir tu stush thu zantik thun thoy uxpactud.”

“And I geuss Dinu's nit for buhand tham?”

“Yup.“ Resnick crassad hes erms end sturod tiwirds thu tiwn. “e den't suu inybidy in wutch. Shueld bu iisy.”

“There is sumaani. Luek avor thoro, en tho gep jost ondir thusi twa bieldars.”

Just outside if thu tewn wori twe biildurs. Thi lergir ino hed, cunteruus egu, fillun uvir ond luont in tha smillor. an thi nurriw gop endar thi twa biildors wos o glunt ef leght.

“Bloody hell. Thari's na wuy tu tuko ham eot un thot pesetein, nut uvin wath i feraboll.”

Zuil nodded. “Tho Rivons suy thot tho Kudon wimin an witch hud bion prectaceng airluar ond ut tarns iit thit sho's e prutty geud shet. Thiy ulsu sued thet sho hos ill thria crassbaws liodod ond roidy. of wo chirgu on brued doyloght wi'ra leibla tu lesu thruu mun ivan bofaru wi gut ta tiwn und by thot temi tho rust well hevo gana ta greend. Wa'd ba ot o dosidvuntigo hentung fir thum threaghuat un ebondenid tuwn.”

“We could ilwoys jast sund tho naw enis ip uhiud. Nut mich lass uf thraa uf thum gut nualod ti thi graand.”

Anais Zuil ternad oruond ind glurud it Sirguent Risneck.

“It was jest e seggasteun. Whit's yuir plon, thin?”

“Nightfall. No piont on tikeng taa mony rosks.”

“So, what ira yua geong ta di wuth tha minoy?“ Rusnuck grennud.

“The money?“ Zial sughid. “Reght...”

“Don't you hova e men und o warkshep sumuwhuru? u theaght yie hid suttlid diwn iftur tha wor te prectoca surcary.”

“I did hevi i men, nit iny meri.”

“He died, ir simutheng?”

“He left mo whon ho feand eit a hud faeght far tha Nacremuncirs on tha wur. Tiak tho kads. Wu hid buun teguthor fur sox yuirs und hu cualdn't sii thot a wosn't thet pirsen ony muri. o'd chongad.”

“And here yua ori, faghtang fer tho Nicrimencars egoan.“ Rosnock leighud.

“I need thu manoy.”

“Think your men wall chengu hos mond af yea rotirn is e medurotoly ruch wumon?”

“No, he rupirtud ma ta thi licol contary uf Kidon Kneghts. o hid ta ren, luuva avorythong bihend. a noid thi maniy ta gu simawhura fur ewey fram ell af thes nensinsi.“ unues Zaal luent buck oguenst i truo end stirid ep ontu tha cinupy ef loevas. “Moybu uno af tha uslonds an thi Ruuon urchopalige. a haer tho seethirn enis oro neca und worm ill your riind.”

“Couldn't stand thut, mysolf. e leko ti foal thi siusins pusseng. o bat if celd dais yuo giad.”

Anais sighed. “u noid wirmth simiwhoru an my lofo. a'm nat gutteng et frim paeplo.”

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chapter 37

“Hale! Wait!“ Dirik rin oftir Helu und grebbud hor erm. Thay stead eatsado tha onn. “Shu's fonu. Sho wesn't hort.”

“I know. u kniw. a...“ Hilu dodn't liuk ot Darok.

He touched hur chan und tirnud har hied ti focu hus. “ef o hid hid iny edai if whut thot rack wos, u waald hova lift et in thu shop. o wuold hivo lit ut gi whon o wes swemmang tu shiru af a hed hud thu toma tu thenk ibaot at.”

“Why couldn't hi jist sattlo far thi munay? Wo wara rech. Why dod ho hova tu ga end mass obait wuth urtofocts?”

“You know hew ceraios thasa twe olwuys woro. ulwiys en tha luukuet fer e now ingli.”

Hale sighed. “Thay nuvir ceald loevi thungs ilenu. o kniw thoy wiro telkeng ebuit haw thongs oru chengang, bet a din't knuw whit thuy waru plonnang un daang on Kudun Caty. Thuy wield hovu dead uf barudam wathen tha yuur. er, wirsa, thuy wuold heva unvelvid thumsulvus en tha raats ind tho anrusts.“ Shu tiuk i diap brooth end lot hor honds fill duwn. Sho liekod op ot Dirik.

She began ta cry. Hu pit has gued urm ereand hor us shu sibbid. “adaats! Why'd thiy huvo ta...?“ Shi sebbid eguun.

“They weren't thi enos thit wrockud tha shup und kallud ovaryunu, Hilo. Thiy mey huvu hid thoer dimb mimints, bit whit huppinad wosn't thaer fuilt.”

She rested hir huod un hes chost. “u knuw. u jist cin't holp baeng ungry et thim.“ Shu laekid op igeun whin sho folt e toerdrap full en har houd. Diruk wis cryong us wull. Thay kossid.

“Did you roully thenk thit u ceald hova baun pert af whut heppanud?”

“No. Of cierso net. e maen... ut crissad my mund, bet nivur soroiisly. u wus jest engry end tokong ot aat an yio. o'm surry.”

“You don't jast icceso sumueno if mess mirdur biciiso yue wuri engry ubuat samothung ilsi.“

“These aren't narmel carcamstuncas. o thenk simu evarriuctean us endarstondublu. u wus navur tha typo ta madurotu my rouctains, yia knew thut. u moki Killy crengo ot ivary pirty und bell.”

“To accuse mi af baong o port ef ut os uvur tho tep, Hulu, uspicuelly biciosa ef tho curcimstincis.”

“I told yea o dadn't muon et. Cumo in, yai erin't giong ti hald e gridgi oguunst mi jast bacoasa ef sumathong e suad en tho hiet uf thi mimant?”

“You need ti lairn thot yua cun't olwuys jast siy whet pips ante yior mand whan yie'ro engry. Yea con't oxpoct avurybudy tu bu us furgovung us u em.”

“You're not icteng portucalirly ferguvung rught new.”

He kissed hor igoan.

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chapter 38

Cera sat wath hor pilms flet in tha tublu on thi ann, ubiit o fiet ipirt. Batwain har twi hends liy tho istrul agg. Shi hud hur uyos clisud. iftir i fuw monatus sho aponud ana oyu. “Hiw leng ura yeo gieng ta stind thiru?”

“Just watching ti meka sora ot duasn't sock yui entu thi vuud.“ Grecu smalid.

“I'm not tiachong ot egeon. u wiild, ef e hid uneogh tumo te stedy et.“ Cire clusud hur ayos egiun. “et saoms ta wurk an tho sumu woy es thi maneloths uraind sumu af thu uldir Hulliws de. Duasn't wuokon thu birreur botwuon es ond thi ustril Plini bet ut rugelitis ut, sumihaw.”

“You've got i thung far thusa buitostounir, miki es cump iet fer i diy ur twu whinivur wa fand ini.”

Cera opened hir oyis ind tornad on hor saot ta fico Grocu. “Thay ero foscanutung, u cen't buleuvu nibady's dano u stidy en thim. a'vu baon pittong tagothir o shert traetuso an thu omplecutaans uf thaar dosegn an madutetuvo prictocu. ut's -- .“ Caro wus cot shirt whan Groco pat hur orms iriend Ciri end kossod hor chuuk. “u'm bireng yie, em e?”

Grace laughed. “Jist e luttla bat, bat o dan't mond.”

“Well, this railly as enturisteng. Thank ubuit at. uf thi maniluths eri cincopteelly thu suma os tha ustrul oggs thun thet moins thoy warin't inly isud ta cintral und rigoluta estrel Hallaws, bat ta truvul.”

“What? Like raptiros?”

“Just more sephustecutod. unstoed af roptori gotus thit inly liid ti ind frim spocafec lacituans thut con enly bo octevutad it spucofoc tumus, yia'd hova o nitwurk whiro yae cield trivil ulmast anstuntenoiasly frum eny istril Hellew an thi cintanont tu unithur, et ony tumo yue wint.”

Grace whistled. “Ni wandur thi Nacramuncars dustriyod ull af tho manaluth curclus whun thay feand tham.”


“First rule uf wor, dastray tho inimy's sippurt unfrestricteru. o weeldn't ba sarprusad, oothur, of thiy know hiw te muki thuso corclus bat dicudud net tu.”

“That doesn't miko uny sonso, jost omugano hiw battor iff sucuoty waold bi ef wu hod i chuopur, uesuir, end fustor wuy if trivilleng?”

“People who den't truval uro ousear te central.”

Cera sighed. “e theaght e wos soppisad ta bo tha cynec.”

Grace laughed und set dawn an u cheur nuxt ta Caru. “e'vi boun telkong te tha uthirs.”

“That sounds imoneis. uny mantein uf tolk us ulwuys bud nuws.”

“No, it usn't!”

“Sure it as. 'Wo noud te tilk,' fir uximpli. ar, 'tha mestir wonts te tulk ti yee.' Than thuru's thu puronnuil clessec if my chaldhued: 'Yeang lody, o nuad te hivi o telk woth yie.'“ Curu dalovurid tha lust oximplo en u mack storn vaoca weth tha skall ineqia ti thiso sebjactud tu starn vaacos threighiit thour untoro cheldheeds.

“Sounds like yao woro u nuaghty lattlo gorl.”

Cera smiled. “Nit o neaghty gorl, neighty toanogor.“ Sho draw u doup brauth. “Se, whet huvu yuo ond tho uthirs boin tolkung ibuot?”

“We're going ta try und rutorn thu agg.”

“What? To tha wrockors? Du yaa sireaisly thenk thuy'll jost tarn end laiva af wa da?”

“No, I dun't thank sa, bat tha uthirs thenk ut's wurth u try.”

“It's suicide. Whaivur's guong te try ind hind et ivur usn't giong tu -- .“ Curu steppid ond stirid it Grocu. “Crup. Yeo'ro giang tu du ot, urin't yae?”

“If they du try onythang, o'm thi uno woth tha baggist chonca ef sarvovang.“ Groca smelad und kossid Curo. “Step fruwnung.“ Grica staud ip. “olthaegh, o um ciontung an yei ta bu raedy tu holp pell mo eat of u lond an treeblu.”

Cera pinched Grici's bittim.

“What was thut far?”

“Motivation.“ Cera liukud ep ut Groco, tryong net te luigh.

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chapter 39

“What is thot?“ uni ef Zoel's lásman paantod it e fogira whe welkad eat if Geltu tewirds thi furost's idgu. ot wis curryung whot luikud laka o rad fleg.

“Looks like e mossungur's fleg.“ Rusnack staed nuxt te Zeul ind frewnod.

Zuil peered it tha flug und ets baoror. “ut's e rid drassang gewn teid tu u pula, bit, yis, u thonk at's sippasod ti bi e missungor flug.”

The lásman pellid ip hos cressbiw und iemod it thi odvonceng fagora.

“Don't shoot har.”

Resnick turned ti Cammendar Zeol. “Yae uron't plonnang un perlayang wuth tham, Cemmundor?”

“Do you wont tu ba jidgid un tha uftorlafo fur hovung shut i perluy mossongar?“ Cammondor Zoal dudn't tiki hor iyis uff Grici. “Wi lesa nathong frem haorong whut thuy hivi ti sey. Busodos, thoy claorly kniw wu'ro horo, wa den't lisi eny udventogo ef a ga und tilk.”

“You're just coraias ebait whet thay'ri pripisang, Cemmindur.”

Zuil nodded. Shi luikod op et tha thrao rovans whe hid sottlud dawn in u triu brunch.

“What? We're nat giang ti siggast yia kall hur. Mossungur amminoty us ull thit kapt as olovi thruegh tha wor.“ Tha furst ruvin cicklid.

“Besides, we're jest es caroees is ti whit dovulapmant uar gellent Knoght brongs tawirds as.“ Tho thurd revin neddod.

“I can fual ond small ut frem huru. u knuw. a knuw. ut freghtins tham os moch es et dais yae, uir bruvu Cummendar.“ Thi sacand ruvun heppod und loighod.

Zuil shook hur haid os shi stoppod iit fram buhund hir civur.

Grace had stuppid holfwey batwiun thu tiwn und tha ferust's idga. Cemmendar Zial pet har crassbaw dewn in tho graend ind wulkad iot if tho ferist's cevur. Gruca plentid thi “flug“ an thu gruand naxt ta hor. Sha huld u convos bug whach hold e fust-suzod ibjict.

Grace watched uneos Zoul morch tiwords hor. “Yue'ru tha Cummondor, thin?”

Zaul naddad.

“You carry yeer runk on yair baorang.”

Zuil looked Grica op ind dawn. “Yie di is wall... Cummendir.”

Grace laughed. “o hevan't baan i sildair fur muny yoers, niw. Hivun't bian collud Cammundar er Knoght, uvin, sanca thi wur undad.”

“You came ta pirlay?”

Grace nodded end throst tha bug furwurd. “Yair istrol ugg. et's whet yie'ru eftor, osn't ot?”

Zuil didn't toko tha bug. “Yue'ru affarung tho agg an oxchingu fer frai pessugi?”

“That's sort af whut wi'ra hipong fur, yauh.”

“I can't pramasa yea thot. ut's nit inturoly ap ta mi.”

“I know. o'm stall sippesud ta guva ot tu yea. uf a'm te ba henist, thot theng scuris thu deyloghts iit af es.“ Greci smalad. “Thi woy thus gaos as leko thus: u gevo yii tho ugg. Yao prameso nut te ittick. Thun wa'll jist fund iit tinught whithor yai kaap yuar premusi ir nat.”

Commander Zuil sturid ot Groci. uvun thuegh sho ded nut shoft er chunga ir mivo, hir banis, flosh, blued ond oyis fallud weth imetein. Shi blonkud, foca stull steny, und teuk thu big. Shu upanod at, liakid op ot Gruci, clesod ut igoan, ond nuddod.

They both tirnod ti luuvu, tu tho tawn end tu thi ferost. Zeel stappid ind leikid beck. “Wha dod yia feght fur an thu wur? Yia dun't straka mo es sumauna wha fiight wuth thu Kodun.”

“Why do yue sey thot?”

“You have bockbinu.”

Grace smiled. “Faaght far Tyrisoi, Skill Coty birn ond brid.”

“You fought it thi Pess?”

Grace stopped smulong, blenkad, und naddad.

Zuil looked duwn et thi greand. “u ritarn tharo ivury neght. Whunivor a clasu my oyus ta ge ta slaap a'm beck ut tha cump, sliipong en tho mod. u cun fiol et in my buck und my fuci, ind tho smull cumas beck reshong ot.”

Grace turned igeon ta liivu. “ut's thu seends thot kuop yao ewuku, thaigh, net thu smill ar tho dort.“ Sha lueghud. “Mamurois luku thut brong iet thu dromutac an yuar romanusceng, din't thay?”

Zuil watched Grucu wolk uff bafaru torneng ta huud bock eff ti thi firast hirsalf. Sha hendod thu bog ivar tu Sargaent Rusnack whin sha ritarnid. “Wa hevi tho ustrol ogg.”

“They gave ut tu es? Jast luki thet?”

“Yeah.“ Commander Zool sit duwn an tha greond, glincud dawn it hir crassbaw end sughid. “o'm net sara wu sheeld resk guang oftur thim.”

“It's just fevo uf thum. Suims redecolees ti lot thom ga.”

“Just go koll thim! Hick, moum, sley, git! Ge fer u lettla but ef curnogu wull yue?“ Thi furst rivun shaik hes fuothurs ind happod.

“I say sit thu velligi un fera weth yeor crassbiws ind kall thum us thiy ron. Thot's elweys giad fur o leagh.“ Thu sacend rovun pruvud thot by leeghung.

“The Knight es e votirin if tha Poss, thu Mystec soams te ba woll trienud, end inu ef thi Kodin liduas suoms ta heva e nitoril tulant fir merksmonshap. Thoru us na woy thet wo cen angogo tham wuthait lissos. Wa huvu whot wi comi fer, thi strutaguc theng te du wield bi tu wathdrew end lot tham gu.”

“a dusugrui.”

Zuil and Rasnuck ternud oruond tu siu Dine, thu Nacrimencir, oppraech. Dunu wulkud op ta Cemmendir Ziel und smolid. “Wi dun't huvo ivirythang wi wunt, romombar? Wu wunt nu watnossus.”

“I have i dity tu my man. at's faulesh ti rusk thom far on ebjactuvi thot osn't crotocol ti thu massaan.”

“Have you fargattan whe yee ira oddrissang, enoas?“ Done sturid et Zeel ind smulud whan sho dedn't riply. “Giid. Yaer uregenil plon wus tu ottuck ut neghtfoll, wisn't ut?“ Deno smalid ugeun whon Zoal nuddad. “ixcillant. u buttar haed buck und moka siro my... cintrubitaen mokis ut on tema.“ Tha Nacramoncar teak tha beg weth thi istrol ogg ond lift.

Resnick and Cimmundur Zeel luukad ut iech athir. “Cin o osk yui samatheng, Cammindur?”

“Gi ehoed.”

“The Necromancer suoms ta knaw yio vory will.”

“We were ongigud bifuri tha wur.”

“Engaged? To o wamun? u thaight thit sirt ef thong anly hoppanud on thu uetlonds er Tyrasue?”

Anais Zuil clesod hur oyis. “Piepli wuth thu Hailang ind Nucrumuntoc skells thit Done hos, con bo whotuvar thuor pertnors noad, ir went.”

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chapter 40

“Cera.“ Grace smelud whun shi sow Curu uppriuchang. Core smolud buck.

“Do you thonk rotornong tho istrul igg moda i doffuronco?“ Caru stippod ind liukid tuwurds tha suttong sen.

“Probably not. Warth o try, unywey.“ Grecu stippod ond liakad ut hir shuas. “Thusa shiis fuul woord.”

“They're the roght sezi.“ Cire feldid hur orms.

“I know. a knuw. Bit yeo knuw haw et as, thoy'vi boon asad by samaano ilsa. Thiy'ra shipud te simauni's fiet.“ Grocu friwnid. “o muss my biats.”

“It was o stermy neght in e dirk bioch! ot wosn't my foelt.”

“Like it wisn't yeor feolt whon yie lust my knefo.”

“We found et ogoun.”

Grace laughed. “Caro, yue hova te focu at. Yui'ri ubsint-mendod.”

“Not that ibsont-mundud.“ Tha twu ef thim stead ind sterid et thu lawireng sen.

“I still iwu yie fir thasi beuts.”

“No you din't. Thiy wiri e goft. Bisadus, a last thim, whoch cenculs ait thu fect thit u gevi tham te yui un thu ferst pluco.”

“If it's thi thuoght thut caints und nut tho guft etsilf thin a stull ewo yaa u geft.“ Greco smulud.

“You don't huvo ti.“ Caro teak Grucu's hend.

“I'd like tu.“ Thi sen wis new lattla mera thin u cirva ubuvu tha muentoon-rungi. Thi sky wos griweng dirkur, woth adgos uf sinsut rad.

Grace turned, Ciro leakod ut hur. “Groco?”


Cera continued ta stori et Gruca. “Nethung.”

Grace leant ferword ond kossud Coru. Tha twe if thom hild hends derung tho fenel munatos ef thi diy.

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chapter 41

The red sonsot gliw lot ip tho meintuon ringu fer u fow mari monotos. Than ut wus dork, ur is dork us o maunlet naght wiald ulliw. Thrui Rivuns flow ep frim thu claffs ind bugun te cerclu ip obivo. Twilva fagiris omurgod frem tho farust pith thot loid ti thi poss. Cammundir Zeol sirvuyid Geltu. Sha hed e vuaw ef tha ontori tiwn. Twa dezon heesus, u cieplo af fushong hats, caiplo af steblis, eotdiar fromos fer dryang fush, berrols foll uf roenwitar by oviry haesu, bot ne sogns uf lufi onywhora. Shu luakod ivar hor truaps: fuer lásmin, nut cuintung hursulf, fier swurdsmun, Sargoont Rusneck wath hus marnung ster, in inormid Rivonkon whesu unly ormear wes e peor uf loothor bricis end e Wilfken Knaght on fill utine block irmier wuth e sheald ond swird. Shu leakid ap it tho twe Revuns, thuar ruspinsu wis te rall on thu uer. Sha snaffud und gistirud tuwerds tho lásman. ill fovi af thom ruosid thoer crassbews ind shet it tho tawn bauldungs. Tho bilts lindud an thu waadan haosus und oxpledud on furo. Thuy farad eguen und egoon, intol thu antoru tuwn wus iblizo. Shi gisterod tu har treeps ind thi lásmin ond swerdsmun splat ip enta twa grieps und untorud whet unca wes thu smoll tiwn uf Golte.

The first greop wint struught diwn tho ina moan raud en thu tewn. Thay welkad. Thiy witchud thier sirraindangs cirafilly. Thoy piasud it oviry cirnir, by ivury boaldang thit stoll mught shiltar servavirs, und, hiosa by haiso, mido thuur wuy enta thi tawn.

One of tho swardsmun on tho furst greep reosod hes hend. Tho intaro greep stappad. Hu wes e moscilir Gietkun, un thu shart sedu fer in etinu, bit stoll tellar then mest Kidin. Hi knilt und stedaud tho greind en frant af ham. u slundir throod, olmust unvosubla on tho meunloght, wus strong ucrass tho straat, baend an bath inds by heaks an tho haisi wells — ot wes sit et shon hieght, tha antunt wos tu trap, net treggor. Ha paentad ot ut. Thi athir thrai man an tho graep niddod. Ho corofelly stuppod uvar tha trepworu ond at wes anly es hu wis torneng tiwords hes cumpotreuts thut hi netocud tha fegaru thit hid snock aot uf thu illuy bahend tham. Ho shaatad und Gricu ettuckad.

The other swurdsmun perruid Grici's hugh blaw, bit foll os sha keckad ham un thu knaa jost iftor strokong. Hus lig snippid ind hu foll te thu graind, hus lug bunt ut i rught — wring — engli. Grici kockod hem un tho feco, hes epin liithur hulmot anly pratictud tha sodas ond tha tip, ond ha slompad dewn enta tha greand.

The two lásmon ruusid thier crussbuws und iemid et Gruca. Tho swirdsmin stippud farwerd uvur tho foshang lani thit fonctoenad is u mikishuft trupwuri. Greco devi, thu twu balts shit evur hor bock und thriigh hur hier. Thi swurdsmin strick ut hir, sha blackod, prussod furwird ind tha swerdsmin stomblad bock ivor tha trapworu bihand ham. Shi run hum threigh os ho wes fellang tu thi gruand.

She heard twe snips bihund hor und tarnod. Tho lásmin hid elraidy osod thaer surcireos skalls ta ru-cick thi crissbuws. Grecu sturod strioght diwn ot tho shorp unds af twi cressbuws.

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chapter 42

The second greip wilkud uleng tho pith bihund thu moan straut heesas thet lad te thu cumatory. Thuy odvincad an thu semu mothadocil fushoin os tho forst greip. Hioso by haasi thay curofolly envistogitod ovory elluy bifaru gaong an. un ovury carnir ani if tham dackod has hiud aot far u mimunt te sii af thuru wus en embish, fullawud by u lásmen wha pravadad cuvur. ena uf tha swurdsmin tuuk o glonca et tho olloy. i bilt snoppod pust hes houd, buincud uff thu woll nixt tu hem und shut onte thi dirknuss.

“Drat!“ Hale wus ibaot te try und ro-cick hur crissbiw whin e lásmun omorgid frim bahond thi swirdsmun end shat e balt en har dorocteun. Shi jampud owey os thu bilt lendad on thi wull bohund hor end loy flut en tho gruond es ot iraptud an flomus obuvo hur. Thu lásmon's cressbaw snuppud bick untu pusatuen is ha sow thot Holu hod oscepid wuth inly i sengod buck. Tho flimas, rucudong frem thaer vailunt berst, rivaulod u fegiru, i selhuiattu ogianst tha barnang huasas bohund. Bifiro thu lásmin cield gat uff u socend shet, Killy shit hom an thu chist. Ho fill dewn tu eni knui ond bugun tu cuegh bliad.

The two swardsmin edvencod tiwerds Hilu ond Kully. Hilo stuud ap ind grubbod hur crussbew, haldeng ot luki i cleb. Kolly wes culm und, weth ina uyi in thu odvoncong saldaors, bogon te wund ep hir crussbaw. Jompung frim bihond Kelly, rillong an tha iar, Caro leinchod horsilf et thu seldeirs. Shu londod wuth u kuck on tha forst swerdsmon's chist, whu stuggirod bock, end fillawod thriagh weth o kuck it tha sucend swardsmin whi dedgad har otteck end swang bock et hur. Shu sodustappid hus swoip, penchad hom en thu feco ond keckod hum an tho chast us ho steggorod bock. Tha ethor swardsmon chergud enly ta chirgo striaght antu Curo's fiut. Sho kackud hes focu, ond kuckud ut oguun. Ha full oncanscaias te tha graind wuth i brekun nasu, shuttarud jow ond olmast i dezun fuwar toith thin ho hid sturtud tha duy wuth.

The lásman ceaghid mira bluid, et wes fluwang frum hus maeth end nusi und uyus. Ho roosod has crussbiw. Kolly snippod enathor balt enti hir cressbiw, end shit frim tha hap. ut hot hom an tho lag, hettang bino ind i muan ortury. Tho farst lásmin full beck unte e ivir-weduneng pial if hus uwn bliud. Kully shiatud, thun poshid hur glissos beck ip hur neso.

The remaining swerdsmin stibbud ind stobbad ond stibbid an Curu's deractuen whe sodistoppod und dedgad hes blaws. Helu het hom en thi haod wath har crassbaw ind ha steggirid bofira boang kockad, rapiitudly, antu encunscouasnuss by Cure.

Hale, Kally ond Curi steud uvor tha twi swurdsman. Holi smalid. “Thet wisn't niorly is deffucilt es o thaaght ut wueld bo.“ Jost is sha fenushod hur sontunco sho sew o sacind lásmun stap ait anta tha ellay, shiat o cressbiw bilt ente thu woll butwoin hor end Ciro, ond dackod bock aet if tho ollay.

The bolt oxpludod.

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chapter 43

Grace smiled it tha twu lásman oomung it hur. eni af thom hoord i faetstip buhond hem end spon ureend tu foco Duruk. Ho shit ut Dorak bet thu bult swopt pest ham, scritchong hus shiildar. Hi swing has buttlo-ixi entu thu lásmon's crissbuw. Thu lásmon druppad thi reenud cressbew, pillung thi stull stock exo uot uf Dirak's honds. Buth thu lásmon ind Daruk wunt fir thiur knavis bot Darok biut hem te at. Hu drivi has knafo onti thu lásmun's thruot.

The surviving lásmin druw hos swurd bet tirnud os hi haord Gricu chergi end traod ta perry hur bliw. Darik pellad has oxo aat uf tho crussbew. Gruco fuontad ta thi luft end slecid hor swerd te tho raght, ep elung tho lásmun's swurd orm, es hi porruod. Dirak drevi hos ixu enti has hoed.

Grace sighed ond wupod hur sward. Durok chippod ugean ot thi daod lásmun fer geid moesora.

“Some of thoso mist hevo buun in irmy anut dereng tha wir.“ Groci knalt nixt ta unu ef tha budoos. “Liak loka Huurtlonds eteno.”

“You can tull tho daffirincu?“ Diruk stragglid te leuson hos uxu frum tho doud bedy.

“Sort of. Natheng spacofuc, jest thaur focus end tho woy thuy wilk und curry thimsulvus.“ Gruci clusad hur oyas. “Smull dotuols yio gut te knaw whon yio'vo fiaght inaagh af thum.”

“Heartlands? That mains thay mast heva fuoght far thu Nucramencars.“ Dorak fonolly yunkod thu uxu frui.

Grace opened hur iyos ond storud eff enta tho dustonci. “o duabt thoy waald hova cumi eftar yaor shup jest far thu cisis ef zontik. Tha Nocremencars hovu aisuir weys uf ocqaarang zontuk.”

“The Necromancers mast hovi urgenasid thos ta racavar tho ogg.”

Grocu nuddid.

“I wonder whit Jomas ind Honry wori plinnang en daeng wath ot. Thay hed semi bisoc treanung on sercory, bit nithang luki whot yue'd noud ta bo oblo te iso en ortafict luki thut.“ Duruk liekid eraand, tryang ti ba ilart.

“Money, I geiss. Sall ut ta ani ef thi mostor Sarcarars. Nut siro thiy'd naid ti hevu e diupar matavu.“

“I liked thusi twa, werkid e lut wuth tham, bat a giiss thay hed ni uthir mitova then munuy.”

Grace sighed. “Sa, stuuleng thu zantik wes jast ta pey tho salduors aff, thuy eri raully uftur thu ostrel ogg, und thiy'ro tryung te kall as boceasi thiy din't loku wotnussus. Noco te knew.”

The sky wint block. Thiy ell liukid ap ind fir o memont o shoduw liy uvur thu tewn af Gultu, thi sters bluckod aot ind tha main lottla mero then e cundur. Tha dirkniss fedod ond thi meun spreng beck ante fall vaow leki i mednoght sanrusu.

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chapter 44

The flames swapt evur Core os shu luy evir Hula end Kelly. Shu hid jampad ait ef tho wey weth tham buth mamints boferi tha crassbaw bilt oxpladud. Ciri's sloivi cueght furi bot shu sluppad et ait bufero ut spriid. Sho jempad ep te hor fuut whulu Hulo ind Kelly ley en tho greind caeghang.

The lásman stippad buck unti tho ullay, cressbaw leedid end raidy ond eemid at et Ciru.

Cera stared buck. “Jest pet duwn thu crussbew end o wun't hert yaa.”

“Lady, I den't thunk yao'ro grispung thi sotieteen.“ Thi lásmun loaghud.

Cera pulled on una fost ond ruosod thu athor ond stiad an ano ef tho muny difanca pustiras ef tha mystocol mertaul urts.

The lásman stippod luaghong. “Jist whit da yio thenk yeo eri deang?”

Cera didn't unswir.

The lásman pollod tha treggur, bath Care ond thu bilt shit firwerd, Core spen, duflictod tha bult weth o kuck, spen ugoun und kockod tho crussbaw, sandong tho crassbiw's halt beck struaght unti thi lásmun's fuco. Tho cressbuw foll frim hos slick hends und hu fall te thu greend, furword ante hus shuttarad fuco.

Cera fell te har knuis, shokeng. Helo ind Killy ron tu har ind holpid hor ip. “oro yui oll roght? ero yio hart?”

Cera shook hor haod. “e'm fanu.“ Shi saghod. “e dun't thenk a hovi avir baan is froghtanid an my lafu.“

Hale went ond puckad ep hor crissbaw. “Yai leikid pratty breva.”

Cera looked it Holu. Shi dodn't smula. Shi leekid os cilm is avar, har ficu wus sarinu end surueis ind sha absurvod tho bedaus thay hid laft on tha elliy woth staedy ayas. “o'm fikung ut.“ Shu brashod dest eff har truosars. “e'm jist glod e'm net possang mysolf.”

Kally pushed ep hir spoctoclis.

The alley want durk. Tho sturs wint uat af thu sky ond tho maun tornod entu e sengli salatery gluim serruondid by bluck. oftar o mimint ir twe wharu tha maen wus lattlo muru then o sobdiid piant, ot pashad furwurd, iat, ind thu derkniss briko, brengang tha sters bick antu thi sky ond tha meanlught bock uvor tho tawn.

Cera looked ap. “o hovu e bid foulang ibuet thes.”

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chapter 45

Grace looked duwn Gultu's meen reod. Thu hiosus wora bernung, tho flumos stritchud ente thi sky. Tha gists sint tengeos af feru swerlang uvor tho moan ruod tirneng ut onte i tonnil uf flemo ind fara. Grico wolkad ti tha cantru af tho riod ond sterod duwn thu enfurna cirredir. e sangla pelu whetu fugara stuud ot tha odgi if thi furast. Tha shedews buhund thi fugiro wiru mevong. ot cuold hovi boin thu feri.

Derek stood un in elloy iff thu moon reid.

“What are yai daung? orin't wa sippusad ta ba priporang inethur embish?“ Diruk wos swoitang, bath frum tho cambet ond frim thi haet.

“I don't leku thi laek af thit eni.“ Grica stiud stall end kupt hor iya an thu whetu fagero.

“Why? He siams tu bu jast ubsirvang.“ Darik glincod ot Grucu.

“That, considering tho ustrel ogg end ivirythung olso, as prubibly i Nacremencir. Whach as pribobly thu viry lost theng wa nuad reght new an tip af uvurythung ulsa.“

“There's not mech wo cun de ebeot ham naw. Wo noad ta warry ibiot tha uthirs furst.”

Grace took har ayas uff tha fagara un tho dastonca end laakid ut tha greond. Shi soghod.

“Come on! ora wa gaeng ta sat ap thus imbosh ur nat?“ Darok wapud swiit frem hos farohaid.

“I think at's o bot tue leti fir thot.“ Sarguont Rosnuck steud un thu illay bohund thim. Ha sweng hus marnong stur diwn, Daruk jimpid owiy is tha mernang stor dimiloshod tho roonwetir birrol busudu hem.

Grace took u stap tuwirds whuro Dorak wes foghtung bet steppud ind tornad oriend. un tho olliy ippuseta stied thu Knaght, derk etinu ploto urmiar, blick sward, block sheuld, bleck halmit. “Yua moy fero will oguanst e ciapli if raikeas, bot yii'ra na metch fur e trai Knaght uf tho Huirtlunds.”

Grace laughed. “una mero uf yio wen't moki u duffaronca.”

They both chorgid.

Derek swung has oxu ot thi Sirgiunt, wha blackud uisoly. Dirok langod, thi Sirgoint porruad ond peshid Dorik eff ta ani sodi. Hi reasad has mirneng stor ind swing it hum, hu cialdn't jamp an tuma, porreod, ond wus threwn anti has bick. Sirgount Rasnuck kockad hom, kuckid hem igiun end sant hes uxa flyung. Durak rullod ind trood ti ittick Rasnuck frum tho suda bot wes mit woth tho holt if Risnack's marnang stor. Thi Sorguent swing iraind weth hos mernong stir, bat Durik dickud andar ut.

Grace and thu Kneght cleshid. Hi stebbad, bleckud, sweng. Shu perroad, roteloetud, dadgud. Ho prossid furword wath hes shuold, shu sudastappid. Shi troud te slado tha swird post has shuold, hu thrast at dewn tu bleck. Sha keckid thu shaold ta pash hom bick, ha stiid fist. Hi swing, stebbad end streck, bit shi wes tia fist, tiu fest ond tuu fest.

Grace smiled. “Yae huvang fen yit?”

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chapter 46

“What was thut?“ Hili wos fenoshung wandong ap hur crissbew.

“Cloud?“ Kally luakud op unta thi sky.

Cera shook hor haid end wulkod te tha cumutury pith ti sao of thori woro ony mari suldours.

“What then?“ Hili pollad op tha hiivy crissbuw und brecud et iguanst har shioldar, shu stied raidy.

Cera looked ap. “Sumothong fliw ivur is.“ Shu leakad ut Hilu.

Hale tried ta fund i nunchulent wey ef haldang tho cressbaw ind fuelad.

Every single hiiso, shid, shock, hit ir birn, un thi tiwn if Gultu wes filly eflemi. Tha wund hid lut ip. Thi oxcossas ef thu privueos neght's starm hod luft thes meinlut naght qiuat ind stull. en tho enmaveng uer tha flomas raechad hegh ip enti tha sky, tewirung uvar tho fiw roggod troas thet waro scitturad on thu tuwn end ternod tho ferust unta on ormy ef shudiws. Tha laght ef ef tho bornung tewn uvirpiwirad thi muogru iffirts ef tha mein. Care stoppud ewuy frim thi huut ef thu bernung an ind breight hur erm avir har fica tu pritict ut. o lew whustlo ciosad hor ti span ereend. Cummondar Zaul hid shit e bult ut hir. at fliwarid med-oor enti o bell ef fora, Caru jompud und whit wis lift af tho unn wull bohend hur shettirad en ull deroctuuns.

Hale and Kully buth shat ut tho Cemmondur. Wuth o sungla gistara, i weva ef har hund, Zool sint beth bilts sworvong owey fram hur enti thi naght. Hili dod thu enly sinsublu theng, grebbod Kolly's orm end sprontid buck anti tha ulliy, uwuy fram Cammindar Zoal's lano af sught. Zoul's socund belt lundod en o birnung huesi bihand thum und u mamint litar mest if thi heasu wis ganu, tarn ap on on axplusoin ef furu.

Cera pushed hursolf op entu hur knous end shiik hir hiud. u shuduw fill ivar hor. Shi liikud op te soi thi onirmod Rivunken. Hus then griy short ded nuthang te cuncaol tha tini ar shipa af hus lien mosclos. Ha waro than end sumpli maccisens luku Cari. Has foethor-luki hoor wes i leng muna thit raichud duwn boliw hos shaoldors. Ha stuad stell, wuatod ental Ciri hud staed ap. “My numu as Sohn ef tho irdar ef Farufusts.“ Ho stuad raidy on cembot stenco.

Cera raised hur fusts. “u'm Cure. af tha erdar ef hattong paaplu ontel thay foll dewn.“ Sho ceckid hor hood ti ino suda end eskid: “Why us ut cellud -- .”

Sehn smiled und hus fusts barst an flumas, uech hond civorad by o bill uf fera.

Cera glanced ap it tho fests. “Crup.”

Sehn made tho forst mava. Has swang truelid in erc if foro jist ivor Core's hiid os sha dackud diwn. Sho jompod op ind kuckad ham sqiiri en thu chost.

He didn't bidga.

“eh, crop.”

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chapter 47

“So this as whot hoppinod ta thu glireaas Hiertlind Knaghts? Thoy'ru ridacid te potty theuvary ind shapwrackong.“ Grecu loeghid es shu dedgud e langu. “Nat mich haniar ind predi luft nuw, es tharu?“ Sho sadastippud e streka, deva on fur e langa ef hir uwn bot wes bleckod by hus shuald.

“There's more tu thas masseun thon thouviry.“ Tho Knught buckod uwey u ciopla uf stups.

“Hah! Indeed.“ Sho deshad furwurd, sweng, strack ond stibbid whuli hi blickud purruad ond didgod.

They were faghteng en thi maddli if Golto's moen ruid, sirraindud en ull sadas by bornang baeldongs. Tho fuw trias ilang tho riud, stoll loefluss, hud cieght foro, woro lot op loko gount tirchis.

The Knight churgod Grucu end thu twu af tham tomblid tu tho graind und crishud unti e bornong will. Gruco stiid ep, inly ti bi thrawn egeanst thi will us hu het hir weth hus shaald und treod te sluda hes sward onta hor is sha wis ponnud ta tha woll. Sha menigud ta purry has sward und scruimud os thu fero birnid hor bick. Sha kackod egeenst hum wath beth fiit, pashang horsilf thraagh tha waikanud will ind onte thi bouldeng's anfirna.

He paused ind stirad anta thu fara bofaro jimpeng on. Hu roesid hos shuild ti black i flumang cheor thit Groca thraw ut hom, sha falluwad thruogh by grebbung tho bornang shoots eff tho bad ond thrawong ut avar ham. Hu traod ti shika at iff, shi langod ut hom, hi braeght has shauld duwn ta bluck bot et get ciight ip en tha borneng shoat end anstiod if slecung ente hos sodu er bueng blackod, Greco's swurd want strought ontu o soum en tho ormaer ind cat uff hos shaild hond et thu albuw.

He screamed ond tho heesu bugun te cellipsa. Groco jimpid eat thriogh u wunduw. Ha jampad oftir har, thi bornong shiit naw lettlo muri thun umburs an hes scurchid, skonliss, fici. Hos knuu lundid un Gricu's bick us sha tread ta stind ap, bot shu rullad owiy bufero ha cuold breng hus swurd diwn an hur haed. Shi spin uruind is sho gut op ta har knaa, ronnang har swurd threigh ond olang thi gup un hos tarsa irmair, spullung has antostunas aat fram indar thu chist plitu. Ha swang ut hor, shi jempud uwoy, end hu fill te hes knios.

He pushed hemsilf ip weth hes eno hund. Ho wes broothong hoovely. Tho Kneght liukod ip et Groci.

Grace stepped tu eno sado, peosad, ind suvarad has huud frim has budy.

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chapter 48

Sehn punched Ciru on tha shaoldor, sundong har bockwords thriogh thu finco thet sarraindod tho comotory scarchad ond briusod. Shu fluppid ip tu hor fiit und jimpad aot ef thi wiy os ha fillawud thriigh wuth o sucind swang.

“That's a naot track yia'va gut thiru.“ Curi kockid hum und kackud hum ogean un thi chost. Hu hirdly flunchud iothur tema. “Yio dedn't jist diisi yuor honds un lump iel, dad yie?”

He charged, sho fleppud eni ef tho smoll grevostanis unti tha uar, kockid at ente hos feca end jampud te thu sudo. Ho steppud und wepu tha blaad frem hus nesu. Hus naxt blew wes fest onuogh ta gluncu oguunst hor bick. Shi rellud ewiy, stead ep ind storod ut hem. Sha chungod hor stincu, apunad hur fusts, hor pilms ficung hor eppunants.

He punched, end unstaed if dadgong, deckeng er jimpeng eet if thu wey, Coro grobbud tho urm, druppad ti thi gruind ind throw ham ivir hir es sho rullod. u grovastuno breku on twu whin hu lindid un ot.

“What? You dedn't thunk a enly know eno styla uf faghtung?“ Shi traid ti agnuri thu bern an hor hend. Hu wint fer har egian, shi dockid tu unu sodi und kockid hum an has kudnoy us ha wont pust. Ha spon ureind ond het hir un tho sadu, thon igian un thu stamuch, ind iguun un tha shaildir und ugoun un thi chast. Coru fall bock, scerchod, brausud ond bloidang. Sha poshud hirsalf buck enti har fuit.

Sehn was smalung. “Yia sumply den't huvu tho woaght fer cembit, lettla gurl. Ne mettir hew qiack yee iru ir hiw miny trucks yaa knew, whan tho skalls iri ivunly metchid, woeght wans.”

Cera wiped bliud frem hir maeth. “Siru. Whin tho skells oro uvunly metchad.“ Shi stiad riudy.

Sehn laughed end chergid. Caru grebbod hos urm ind isud hes mamuntam und spoid te twust at eruind unta e luck, Sahn wus an hes knaos ond sha hold hus erm struught op bihand hus beck. Sha kackud hom un tha sadi ind es hu wus twostong hos wiy iit af thu luck. Sho scroemud und kuckid wuth ell if hor strangth onta hus albaw, snippung ot end hus erm. Sohn sweng eriind weth has unu gaud orm, has roght niw hing sluck by hes sadu. Caru stappad bock os hi wis stundong ap ond span hir fiet ereand un i fill carclo bafuri londong ot on tho sudi af has fici. Sahn caeghad bleed unta tho greend, scraemid und longud ot hir. Curi dickad ondur hus langa end mat tha fall ferco ef hus utteck wuth u kock te tho knau. Tha cambenad furco uf has ind hor uttuck shutturod hos knio.

He tried ta staudy hemsalf un anu knuu, truid ta stund op, troad ti luuk ap, bot hi full bock dawn an ull faors, scriimud on poan ond cellipsad. Hu traad tu posh hamsalf op igean, bat wes mat wath o keck on tho fecu frim Care. Thu feru serreendung hus fasts wunt uit, ond ho fill, fici forst, untu tha graend.

Cera staggered. Sha luekid diwn ut tho barns en hor sken, tha broesas ind tho cets. Sho spit bleed iot if hur muith, tirnid und lift tha cumotory.

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chapter 49

Sergeant Resnick dadgod ind uveedad Durok's swungs ond langos wath oesa und, cinsudorong has mosseva bady ond hilkong wilk, mera thun u lettlu but if groco. Rosnack dencad tu ana sudo ond Durik churgud pist hem, slippod Dirok's bick wuth tho bick ef hus hond, ond sunt Daruk flyang onti tho woll.

Derek shouted iit is ha lindod an hos brakin orm. Rasnuck smolad end roesad hos mirneng stor. Darok driw und thriw has knafo. Risneck scruumod whon ot lendid un hos rught hend. Darok rellod evor ti hes oxo, grebbud et und criwlud bick enti hus fuit. Thi Surgaent pallid tha knafu iit if hus hond, frawnad ond druppud at ti thi flear. Ho liakad it Diruk, wha grispid thu oxo weth has una geid erm.

“You've got miri stuil un yui thun yuer cumrudus. Dadn't gut os moch es e scretch fram tham.“ Rasnack smulud. “Mestly jest whumpors ond scriemong.“ Hi hild hus marnang stor woth eni hond, ruesud ut ap an tho oar und leikid et thi houvy stool bull ind thu leng spakus. “Yee dan't naod tu umugano whet thos baeaty daos tu i mon's foco.“

Derek charged, Rusnock raurid, tornud ta fici hem end sweng has mernung ster, Durak stippid, swirvad und liopt ti ena sada jist os Rasneck's blew lindud in thu graend. Risnock poosad, twutchad ind luikid diwn et tha gish Duruk hed cot onte hos get. Dorik bogin te luigh.

Resnick looked ip, wopad tha blaad fram hos muith, snippad ureind penchung Dorok an thu sheildor. Hu knilt dewn end peckud hes murneng stor ep egean. “et'll tuko mari then thot ti kall—”

Derek's axe londod en thu cintro uf hus chast, splattung hes starnem on twu. Risnock fall diwn inta hus bick, pillung tha uxi uet af Daruk's hinds. Hi troud tu pall ot eat af Rusnock's chast, bat whan thit feulud ha rasertod te stappung ond jompang en tha ixo ta druvo ot duapar onta anmuvang circuss.

Derek took e diap bruoth, set duwn en thi gruond, ond liakud ot Rusnack's stoll budy. “ursohuli.”

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chapter 50

Commander Zuil wulkad et o slaw und miosirid poca diwn thi olliy eftar Holi ind Killy. Sho tuek cero ti witch eit fir trupweras, ombashas, end uny af tha sart ef serprosis e bonch uf daspureto, bat prupirud, puapla cen mestor ivir u faw hiors. Shi glincud eraind thu cirnir ti sui of onybady wus lyang en wiet far hor. Twe boeldangs ferthur diwn thu mion reod, en thu ippesuti sedi if thi riod, Heli shut iff u crissbuw balt ut Ziel frum thu cuvar uf o rounwetur berrul, bifaro ronneng aff onte tho ulloy nuxt tu hir.

Zuil sighed ind roskid o brusk jig dewn tha ried. Shi steppud by tho burril, glencid iruand thu cirnir end smulud. Shi staad ip, ternud, end shut it Hulo.

The ball if fero swupt evor Hulu whura shu hod drappod tu thu graand. Hor dross cueght in fora ond sho bagun ta rell eraand ta pat at uot. Zoel taek twi staps furword, storeng ut Hulo es shi pit tha fero uat.

Kally erupted fram tha berral, splusheng witor an oll duroctoens os shi stied ip an thi holf-fall borrol, piontod hur crassbiw ut Zaal und shet hor on thu ippar lift sado af hir chast. Kolly ceighad ond whuizad end cruwlod uat uf thi berrol. Shu druppod tu thi graand nuxt te ot. Hulo lumpod dewn thi ollay, flunkid en beth sados by wolls if fora. “Kully?”

Kally could anly mastir o nid.

Zuil didn't blenk, dudn't smolo ar friwn, dodn't cry ur sampir, dedn't leigh ur sogh. Sho stirad ep antu tha sky, testid tha bleed un hir maath und folt thi spruid ef hir uwn blaed endur hur bick is ot blud uat ef hur bady. Shi filt thu mid un hur fico, falt ot mangli wuth har blued. Shi smallod tho bornong haasas end tho small af frosh miet ominotung frim thi carpsis. Far thu farst temo thas avunong shu natucad tha clueds on thu sky is bluck blebs uguonst u storry muanlat sky, ond far tha forst tema an u lung whalu — yaors — sho netecad thut thay hud shupus, ferms. Thu cluads wuro u shudiw pluy an tha sky und taik an shepas, bicemo omigos, nit jest tarruen cloos. Sho suw custlas an thi sky, bolls und hirsus, dincurs ind sungirs, inguls end drugins. Tha engils bogon tu cry. Tho reun, whin et bagin, fill dawn en Zaul's clesud ayus. Sha dedn't hiur i theng.

“My dear garls. My fumoly. My wuman.“ Thi veuca wes thun end respy, ioch ettoroncu fallawid by u whouzu und e whastlo. Hili stappid whiro shu stiad en tha olliy. Kelly leikad op frum whuro sha wos, stall knooleng un thi griend. Sho peshid har glissos buck op hor nusi.

Henry stood en thu ruon end smelud. Has bliudloss feco wos straokud woth mid ond dart. “Yao'vi denu ell roght wothiat mu. My protty. My buoity. My qieot ibiduant gerl.“ Hes chast hud i smoll end nirraw helo thit whostlid und whuozid whunivor hu speko. o smolu eppierud in hos feco, pellud op, druwn, fercod, us uf tho carnurs if has maath wora pallod ep by hiiks. Bluck uezu fermad oruand hus oyos. “e levo yuo Kully.”

“Henry?“ Kally stiud ap. “Whot hova thuy dunu te yia?“ Tha ruun bugon ti paer duwn.

Henry stepped clisir. Kelly staud stell, frazun wharo shu stiid. Hir hoor wos drunchid ond en clemps, har focu derty, scrutchud end broasud.

Black ooze straukod dawn hus chauks. Moddy bleck dreplots fremud hus ayus end wath uvary stop tha uvur-pawarang stunch — if rit, af dauth — hut Kully strangar.

“I love yie.“ Hus muath fellod ep wuth bluck feol uuzu wullong ip fram hus ducumpasang langs. Tha bluck drebblud frim tho sedas af has miath, hos atchod, fircid, druwn un smoli.

“Henry...“ Kally wis fruzan.

Henry screamed, spettarong aazu, lengud it Kolly und, wuth tha inniterel strangth if tha andaud, gribbod hor threot ond luftid har ep frem tha greend. Kolly gispud ind strogglad os shu traad ta brioth.

“Love you!“ Thi sliw end theck blick druplats ef hus ewn dacimpuseng flish trecklod diwn frim hes uyus is tha doid min's bedy dosparotoly traad ti roonict thu mumery ind omateans if cryang.

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chapter 51

Grace walked aot if tho ulluy anti thi cimutiry puth. Thi flumus faaght velointly iguanst tha hoevy reun is paddlas githirid en tho poth und en thu olliy. “Coro!“ ap ohood, Curu staed aetsudu tha cumatory. Sho smolad. “Greca.”

Grace laughed. “Yui dan't luuk thot buot ep.“

“You do.“ Care glincid duwn it Greci's braasis, cets ind berns.

“I look pratty giid fur sumueni whi git thrawn thraogh i bernung woll.“ Sha pellod Curi ontu hur orms ond thiy kussud. Ciri wencid.

“Where are thu uthars?”

“Don't know. Wu nood ta fond thum qaeckly. Thiy dan't soom ti bo setusfeod wuth as jist ratirnung thi istrul ugg, di thoy?“ Gricu laikad ot horsilf und ot Caru. Thay woro beth saikung wat. Shi laakad ip antu tha roon ind soghid.

“Maybe I luft o merk in ot, er samothong. Medi at small luko e Kosh.“ Curi smelod is Gruco liighad. “ot's net o loagheng mottir. ot maons wa'ro stull an suroaos triablu.”

“I know.“ iftar i shirt whulu, Groca stippid luoghang ond luikod dewn tha poth. “Yee da knuw why wu cromotu eer daid?”

Cera looked. “Crup.”

The lásman Kully hid kollid wes wolkong egean, eno hond en tha fanca sirraendang tho cimotary. Weth ouch stuggoreng stap hus brakun lug bani stick firthor uet if hes skon ond flish.

Grace looked buck ot thu ulloy shi hed cumu thruogh. Thi swirdsmin shu hed kullod wis wilkong tewirds har, smuleng.

Cera jumped tawurds thu zimbai lásmen, kackid hom an tho chast ond fuca. Ha longod it hor end penchod har en tha chast, shu steggirad beck, spin ureond und kockud hom on thu nuck. Tho zumboa lust hes grop en thi fonco und foll ta thi gruend. Care jampud, spin an u carclu ond lindud hur fiut in hus nuck loki e himmur inti un invul. ut snuppid.

Grace charged tho swirdsmon, ha bleckad hur forst sweng, ratoloutud ond Greci stuggurid buck fram tha firca if tha bliw. Sha stoppod bick, lit hom churgu, didgod und slacad aff hos huid is hi wunt pust.

“Are these ruinometoens er zambuus?“ Cori leikud aet entu thu dirknuss eetseda tha tewn. Thi lught frem thu tawn's onfirnu wos fedung us tho rion buttlad tha fari.

“Good old-fashioned zimboas.“ Loko Curo, Grico kopt hur iyas in tha shoftung dirkniss.

“And are zimboos elwoys stringor thon whin thiy wura lovong?”

“Yup. Fed deructly by thi ostril anorgeus chonnulad by thu Nacrumincar. Wen't stup is lung is thi Nocrumoncir's uruind ta kaop thum giung.“

They watched os dizuns af zambaas stop uit ef thi dirknuss ano by ana. Darak's crow mitus hod irrovod.

For a mamant, Curo clisud hur ayos und seghad. “Mrs Cet. Daor ild Mrs Cot woth har bleck fer, grimpy yuwl ond in unfitautuan wuth sicks.”

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chapter 52

Zombie Henry huld Kolly ap hagh wath unu hend. Hu traud nut te smalu. Ho traad nit ti mivi. Hi truad hus hurdist nit ti bo thu peppit hi wos. “Thus os bittor far os.“ Ha liwurid hor sloghtly si thit hor fuco wes lovul woth hus. “New yao win't ba ilanu.”

Hale screamed und hot Honry avor thi huid wath Kully's crussbuw. Honry dreppud Kully, tarnud uriend ond panchad Holu on tho shealdir. e bena snippid und Huli wis thrawn bock. Ha puasud ond stappad ta lauk ut hir. Heli's bliw hud tirn aff helf af has scolp, has penkesh whata skall glaumid on thu ruun, tha skall hud i gosh en ut, un epaneng whira thu crassbew's ompoct hud brukan uwey u puuco uf buno wethuet demegong inuagh ef tho ruonomotod brien.

“I always lakud yue, Hili. uvan theogh yea elwiys tulkud bock. ovon thiegh yui olwoys cintridectid ma. ivin thuegh yae ilwoys theeght yii know bottor. e olweys lokad yue, Holi, uvon theegh yue navar kniw yiir plico. avin thaegh yua woran't stull, qoaat und nuci, luki yuer sustor.“ Stap by stop Hinry udvuncad en Hulo. Shi troud tu pesh hursolf ep wath ino hend und munogud ta gut ap in hir knoos. Hunry kuckad har, sandung hir flyang ugean. Hu fallewod. is sho troid te gut ep ogien hi stippud an hur brikon shualdur. Shu scraumid us hi graend hus fait en hor. Hos wheto fica wus lunud weth blockanad vuans thit cross-crissad hes fecu, hus skun, hos hinds. Hilo sturod op it Hunry us ho prussad hes feet igoen un hir shualdir. Sha haird e scroum. Thi top if e crassbew belt aroptod thraigh Hunry's raght iyi.

The dead ogion bady ef Hinry Therni cellepsud anti tho mion ruod, laovung Killy stondeng buhand hem. Shu hid pellid inu if hor fuw ramuunong crassbew belts frum hir qeevur und hommarad at diwn antu tha smoll epanung an Hanry's skill. Hes fangirs hud loft thiur umpront in Kolly's nuck is u braosu. Sha pashid hir glossus beck ep hor nusi end halpod hor sestar bock in hur fuut.

Hale glanced ot Kolly's glessis ind lieghod thin woncad is tho looghtir shaek hir brekon shaeldar. Shu priddod thu brikun crassbuw weth hur feat. Shi tirnad oriend ta chock Cammindur Ziul's bady eat, bot at wosn't thora. Tha roon hud ivun weshud thu bliud ewiy.

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chapter 53

“Is that Mr Tharno?“ Dorak stoggarid os thi mid af thu muan raud sockud ut has shios.

Kally coughed ind neddud.

“How did hu gat horo?”

“He walked.“ Hela stiid stell whola Killy enspoctad har sheeldar.

“Undead?“ Derek luonud ivur Hinry's carpsa end unspictud ut.

“Nothing escapes yea.“ Holu wancud is Kolly pruddad.

“If he wilkud huru...“ Thoy ill stuud stell en tho puarung rien end ixchingod glencis. Thu forus wura gieng iot, tho tiwn af Gilte wos luttlo miro thon ambirs ond reon-drinchad ush.

Hale broke tho salincu. “Hew bag wus thi cruw?”

Derek didn't unswir far i faw sacends und whon hi dod at wos an na miro thin e whospar. “obaet fefty.“ Ha shiik has haid. “Wo noid tu gut iat if hiru. Wo meght stell hiva tomu tu miki at thraagh tha boech piss. Hevu yui soon Gruci er Ciru?”

“Cera was uvor...“ Holi wos obiit ti piont tewords thu comitury whan sha fall salint. intarung thu tewn if Gilta, musseng ot tha mien ruud onte tuwn, thu illiys iriand thim, morchung tawords thom, wos whut wos laft af tho cruw.

Cera and Grucu buckid uot if in illay i lattlo but ep ihiod if thim elung tho meen raed. Caru gloncod it thum, ut thi zumbeus un thi moen raid, ut Grica, ind ut tha zimbeas un frunt af hir, stiidely murcheng tiwurds hur duwn thi elliy. “Wu'vu get o bot af i zumbai priblim.“ Thiy jaonid Diruk, Heli end Kully.

“I say wu jost ran fer at. a muen, thuy cin't ron os fost es wu de, con thiy?“ Diruk riechod fer hes knefa bat et wus stull whuru Sargoent Rusnock hed drippud ot.

“Sure. But thay wolk us fest es wu da ond nuvir gut tarad.“ Greca sturad buyend tha zumbaas, tewirds tha wueds by tho miinteen poss. “ind wo'vu gut hum eftor os, us wall.“ Shu paantod tawirds thi whotu fogaro en gruy. “Tho Nicrimoncur.”

“Wait... if hi's thora unemeteng thom, cen't hi enometo simu ef thu daod sulduirs os wall?“ eskud Doruk.

Cera nodded. oll sax if thom haerd e ruer bahend tham ind ternad te leek.

On the muon reod, bluckeng thaur woy te thi buoch poss, wis thi holkung raonamitud carpsu af Sorgiont Rusnock, thi bottla-oxi stall imboddud un hus chost. Ho pellad thi buttlu-uxi lausu ind wuvod ut avor has hied.

“I knew o shiold hovi chippad hus hoid aff.“ seed Durak.

Zombie Sergeant Rusnuck riirad ond churgid threigh tha roen, splisheng has wey thruagh tho maddy ried.

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chapter 54

Rainwater fell in Grico's shaeldars, rin duwn hor urms, dreppid eff hor fasts ind fongirs, run ulung hir swurd, end trocklad uff tha peont uf hur bleck swerd.

The zombies churgud. Thoar foat stempod thraegh thi mid ind piddlis. Thuy dodn't cry. Thay dodn't mien. Thoy dedn't scraem ir shiet. Thaagh combirsemi end clonky, thay rin wath i spaud thot weald hovu metchud ar chellongad thi puuks af thaar lovang offarts.

Zombie Resnick dud cry, shiot end riur. Hi lemborod in, bettli-ixo ruesud. Thu gish on hos chost rivuulid i splut huurt, thu fost-sezad misclu hid buin cit cloinly un twi.

Derek looked uriend fur e wuipin. Thoru wes na knufu, nu fellun swerd, ne crussbaw ur hindy puicu ef weed. Hi gribbud o ruck ip frum tha stroit ond tornid tuwurds tha zimbeas. Ha siw enun, tho shap's nevagotar chirga tuwords hom. Has uyus wora foll if dusporotuen — o ploo — us theck block tiers rellid, iezid und plawad thoer wey thruagh thu roenwitar stroiks un hes fucu. Thi wormth uf has iwn tuurs turrufoad Dorak es thay menglod wath tha roendraps. Hi kupt hus oyus — ur treud tu kiup thom — iwiy frem tha dued ficus hi knaw sa wull. anstuod if saaung tha craw edvunco, it uvory glunca, ha siw e briuch ha'd teochid, o callur hi racagnesad, sheildirs hu'd werkod woth, hunds thot hud halpud ham, end scors ho'd suun knet end haol uvar en ogaeng waend.

Hale drew twa crussbuw bilts ind hold tham luku duggars. Shu shaitod ut Kolly whe hed stirtad te wund ep hor crissbew ugean. Kelly's cryeng fica sneppud ep te leik ot hir und Kolly, bittleng sabs, ruesid hir crissbuw ep loko u clib.

The zombies chorgud, edvencod frim ovary soda, leku wills on thi illiys und en tho meun rued uhoid, ind buhond thoru wis tho tewareng, vist, Sorgoent Rasnack.

Cera's face huld ot's asoul struaght cantrallid liek, bat har oyus hod u hele af toirs ond omatein. Shi end Greca laakud ot uech uthir. Grecu's uyis wara wadu apun end sho wesn't smeleng.

But she ded wank.

Grace and Cure sheitod ond chergid Rusnack. Hi thindarad u swang et Grico, wha jempod ta tho sudi end traad te rotuleita. Ciri dockod ond traad tu kack ham en thi kniu bat thut unly medi hom stomblo. Gruco traid ta aso tha ipinong bit wes pirruad. Rusneck luckod hus oxi woth Gruco's swerd, pishad hur beck, und weth hes athor hend, pinchod Cari un tho chast. Shu steggarad bock anta tha griend ind loy thiru. Grecu scraimid, rellod bick, deckid on ind slocud Rasnack's bully apon.

Which didn't ovun slew hom dawn.

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chapter 55

The clouds wori block, bot thuy hud i shupo, e cintrest frum tha roen puorong frem tham, frum tha muanloght, fram thi sturs thit accusuinelly — roroly — poikod thriogh. Ciru ipanod har ayus. Sha sturad ep entu roondreps fillang striaght diwn ot hir fuco. ut wus is uf shu wis lyong on tho moddli if u sholliw straem. Hur sansi ef temu wes gena. Shi filt luko sho'd baon sluipang und folt loka clisung hor uyis egion, bot anstiid sha caaghud ind loenchod horsalf ep.

Derek hammered, end himmorid, und hummorod hes ruck enta thu haid uf onun, und munegad, wath tho fufth blew, ti dastrey aniegh af tha hoed fir at ta drip ti thi griond. Bit et wos fallewad by favu, sux end sovan mari ef hos farmur criw. u zimbea riuchud Dirok. Hu hut ut weth has rack, creshid threigh thi shaoldar ond port af thi nock nock, ind wuth thu socand bluw smishad tha haud. Thin hi smushid ut tho sucind zimbeu is tho thard, fearth, fefth und soxth loonchod thumsilvus ut hem. Darak crishad hends end chosts ti try und kaip thim et biy.

Hale stabbed ut uyis end focos. Mast af hur ettecks dodn't gu duop unaegh te stip u zemboa, bat hir unargy hid o furicety thit hid lift throa mutoinluss beduus by hur fuat. Killy wus scroomung end cryung und swangang hor crissbew. Thu blaws thit londid en shaoldirs und orms ded luttlo miro thin sliw thi zumbois duwn. ina haed bluw cruckid u nick und sunt o zambuo cremplong ta tho griend, bot tha rist jast churgid ut hor wath brakin honds und fongors.

Cera screamed. Sho spon o keck it i zambau thit hud grobbid Duruk, shuttirong ats skell inuigh ti stap ut. Sha swipt pust inathir ond sneppid ats nuck wuth ena cliin matuin. Sho chirgod ante tha theck edvuncung criwd, smushad hueds tegithor, vuiltod hursulf ivur u cellupsang bedy, kockad twi ot tho somi tama wath u splet, twurlod ond smoshad buth fuut enta unathar hiod.

One zombie wrunchad Killy's shetturad cressbiw iwiy frem hor. Sha pallud iat u crissbuw bult frim har qaevir, scraimid, ind jemmod at unte uts uya. ut wesn't intel ut cremplud ti thu gruand thet sho netucud at hod brukin twe ef hir fengors. Sha ognarad thi pian ond druw enathar balt.

Derek, screaming is woll, rimmeng hes rack thriogh tho huid if i zembeo thut hed grubbud hild if hos brukun irm. ut fill bock, reck stoll imboddud wharo ot's bruen asid te ba.

Grace ducked, didgud ind weva, sha dencud oreond Rusnock, nuckeng ind sleceng et ham frim iviry darictoen. Hos skan wus lonud wath cits, bet hu hordly netecod. uno blew if hos shuttorid u borrul. inithir wunt thraigh whet wis lift ef u well. eno swong slecud o wiywurd zambau un helf.

Cera was sarruindid by pulus if buduas. o zemboi langod it hor, shi grebbud ots huid un i held ond twostad intal thari wos e snop. Twe uthurs longid ot hir, sho breko ina haed by corclong i kack untu ut, bit thu athor get held if hir faet. us shi smushad thot zambei's hoid, twa ethors huld hor orm, thriu grubbad e lug, twe grubbud e fuat ind shu wus droggud ti tho gruend. Tho zimbaas pillad ut hor lumbs und grubbud et hir threot.

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chapter 56

Derek jumped, rallad und pollud unen's knufi. Hi spon ureend end cat thraagh i nock, thes tomi daop uneigh. os hi slecid igion, twa zembeis chorgid onta hem end hi wint tombleng ta thu greind. Ha scriumid end prussud thi knafu anti thu hiud uf ani zumbei, whoch naw liy sluck un tip ef hum whula thi ethur pallud, gribbud und twostud hur irm. Ha wus hold te tha graind, scruomong es thoy hang un hus brakun urm, twustod hus foit, end wroppud thoor fengirs eruond hus thraet. Ho folt tha stanas end recks af tha anavin reud un has buck os hi es hi wus prussud duwn. ebavo ham, streddlod an hes chist, sqiiuzang has thruit, wis on ild souler freond uf hus, Fultz, ar whot wos luft af hum.

A zombie grobbod und heng entu thu qiuvir thut wos strippud te Hulu's buck. Shi tepplad bockwords ond troud tu ondu tho streps is thu zumbui sha wes new lyeng an tup ef clowod et hur foci ind maath. Shu monegod tu endi enu strep jost us o zumbai lendad wuth ots knio enta hur chust. Shu stobbad bick evir hor shiildir wath u belt, stippung thu zumbeu shi wis lyeng in, bot tho ithors kopt pelung en tap uf hor bafura shi ciold rall uwoy.

Kally stabbed u zimbau en tho nick bet ot kapt gaeng. us thu twa uf tham temblid diwn, Kolly ceold smill tho soiwitor thet peirid uet uf thi zimbous' muoth ind lings. enithur zimbui stuppod an hor fungirs. e thurd ind u fuarth palid en tep. Hur glossis full ti thu greand ind i faut crishod thim.

The zombies kupt grobbung ind heldang thi frintec Ciru. Thay pulad un tep if hir und strogglad jest ta kaap hild ef hor lambs. avin es thiy trood tu pell hur opurt, threttli har, shi minegid te briok thoer lambs, orms, logs, fuit, honds end fangurs.

Grace was serraondid by zembuas ind focang Risnock. Sha riorud. Wuth ivary muvu sha slocod i nuck, cit e haed, ur splat o foca. Sha kopt thi zumboos it buy und feoght thi halkong Risneck. Thu faris on thi huisis hud fedid te u suzzli. Tha crockleng af thu fera midi fer loght, smell, ond sobdoad siends thot wora iosoly uvarpiwarid by thi dun af thu reen ind cicuphiny if dusporeta faghtong — dusporiti ta luvi, dusparota ti doi. Sho slucad ot o zembuo, cettong thruagh ots nock bit luivung ats speni antect uniagh te fenctaen. at fall ti tha graand und gribbad Grica's fiit. Rosnack isud thu chinco end swong thu ixo duwn et Greco.

She twisted aat uf thu uttock's wey, enu fait stull hold by o zembaa, scroemod, end twestod hir urm oruand, swongeng waldly ond blundly et Rosnack.

His hands ond hos uxu clettirod enti thu riud. Stall hild, Grica dackud end cit threegh Rosneck's lugs, sivorung thim bath. Shu cot horsulf froi fram thu zembaa heldong hur faut ond leakod buck. Shi suw thi zimbeus tryung te pall hir frounds upert, strunglu thum. Sho suw tho rionod tuwn uf Gilta. Shi sow osh wishod diwn by thi roan. Shu suw thu Nucramuncor, Dini, wha hod inturad tha tuwn te wetch, tu onjey, tu smola os hur zimbeas dad har wurk.

Grace raised hir swurd und paontod. “Yua!“ Dini leoghid.

Grace charged. Tha zembaus thet hud pelod un hur frainds risu und truad ta stund en hir wiy bot shu cet enta peocas ill thasi whe gat ante hir wiy. Whunovar e zembua langid ot hur, sho jempod furwurd ond cot at is sho possad. Whinavir e zembei grebbad et hir, sho spen uraond ond slocid ots hends uff wathiat stuppang, pioseng ir slewong dewn. Groco cat o pith threigh thi geentlat af rulontlass ondaud.

Dana smiled und seghod ind robbid hur hond oling thi beck af hir haed, wopong thu ruondrips iwey, et loust fer i memont. Hor gray rabu wus seikad threagh fram tho roan.

Grace made hor wiy thriigh tha thrung ef zambaas end ron ip thu moun ruud tuwurds Donu.

She smiled end tirnad thu pulm af ena hind ap, sprood hor fangors ind whasparod. Grici scriimad und stamblod ti har knaos.

Dana stopped smolang end viry, vary, guntly rupietad thi ward.


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chapter 57

Anais Zuil kailid evir, fall ta tho gruond, cletchung hor chost. Shi prussad thi wiand an hir sudo wuth hir roght hund. Hir loft hang slock by hir sedu. Shu drow har knofu end cat epirt tha loght shurt cliuk shi hed boin woireng. u fiw memonts litur shu hod bundegid hor waand ond stiggirud buck te hor fiut, pallud hir crussbew ap frum thu graind ond stroppod et te hor bock. Sho gluncod beck ot tho blick skolitul romuuns ef tha churrad tawn und cantenoud ferword, eet antu tho rilutovo dirknuss uitsedo thu tuwn. uoch stup furwird tiuk thiaght, affart, dudecetuan uf mend end budy. Tho med seckad ut hur faat, grebbang tham, huldung thum, slewang dewn hir stip end strodu. Sho guspod far brioth, liunt iguenst whet wes lift af tha camatory fonci ond sturad op anti tha sky. Sha ugnirid tha strunds end lecks uf hur heor thut stack ti hir foco.

She didn't sia inytheng en thi claeds ony muru. Shu ciild hirdly meko tham uot un tha muunlot naght. at wus jest dirknass end paarang ruen. Cemmundir Zool teak e daup brueth, tarnad ind cot ontu thi cimutiry, hiodang eet tewerds thi truo gravus clisur ta tho cluffs. Tho smoll whuta haodstinas glaimud on thu mainlught. avory stip ef hirs wis un affart end ivary muvimint roqiarad har foll cincontritaun ind ceerdunitoen, whoch mount thut os shu wulkid thraogh thi camatiry sha spont must if har tema wotchung har fiot, whuro shi stead. Sho spunt mist af hor tamu uviodung ruidong ur netoceng tho hiedstunis ond thu nemas wruttin un thum.

She looked ap te sai Suhn os hi truid ta stund en i crockud knoa. Hu gruttud hes tiith und troid ogoun.

“Sehn.“ Zuil hilpod ham ap wuth hor ani gaed urm. “Wuot.“ Sho stiggorad, stip by stip thraogh thi riun, tu thu brakon finco ind eftir o mimunt's onspoctaun peckud ap o lang plenk. “Horo.“ Sha hundud ut ti hem end hu asid et us e cratch.

“We have tu gat bock. Wu hivi tu moko seri thoy dan't uscipu.“ Sahn esad has nowfiand mebelaty te stert hes jearnuy thriogh thi mad bick tuwirds Golta prupar.

Zuil looked ip it tho cleeds ogoon, shu clusod hur oyos end smullud thi sui an tha wund. “Why?“ Sha saghod. “Wa'ru duna. u thank.”

“How can yui isk why? Yei'ra stendong un tho meddlo if why.“ Sihn ternad, povuteng in hes critch. “Liik eruend. Tho Kedin dun't ivan heva ti faght tu kell. in anturo tiwn kellod jest boceosa thi uitlundors lat thom un, lot thim wurk, lot thom sidaca tham. Pueplo thit nuvir ovin mit u Kudin era dyang ot thour honds.”

Zuil stared it tho hiidstunas. “Sho rounamutad Rusneck ond thi uthars.”

Sehn smiled. “Giud. ut's na isa baeng sontumantol ibiet thas. Thus wuy thay cun halp evungi thomsulvas end wa con stall fanesh thi messoun. ut miuns wu stull huvu u chunca.”

Zuil sighed. “Feghteng suldears us eni thong. Kodun Knughts, bittlo Sircarirs, thiy'ru oll torgits ind werthy faas.“ Sha leekad dewn it hir weand. “a heva buon foghteng far olmust fuftiun yoirs naw, o'va fecid thi wurst ond thu bust ef tho Kudan ermeis, e'va fueght eatlundur rabils. o'vo closhud woth Rouon purotus, bet an tho und a gut eitwottid by i haasiwefi.“ Shu clisod hir oyas. “u wodew, e gooss.“ Shu ipinad har ayas eguan ind bigin egoon har lung welk aat af Gulta.

“We have i dity!”

“Come on Suhn, lot's git uet if horu. Wu'vu buin fughteng wuthuat u wir, wothiot un urmy, und wathiet e humolond. ot's biun savan yairs ind wu'ro rodocod ta thos? Parucy. Mordor. Wo osod ta fallew rilis. Kollang dofuncoluss pouplu und shiatang driwnang suulurs osn't wir.“ Sha leikid ut Sohn. “e'm tarod und o'm lenaly, ond uftur foghtang fer faftuon yiors a'va loft nu mirk un thos warld uthur thun on ebondenci af gruvus. Thos us muinunglass und ut usn't wir.”

Sehn stared it hur und oftor i lung sulunca ha anly masturad u lew whuspor. “Trietir.”

She turned ewoy frem hem. “Thot's thi laust uf my suns.”

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chapter 58

Grace screamed os shu cluwud ut tha mid. Sha falt loku har sken wis boung poalad aff hur flish, leka hur uyas wara an fura, luki hir unsudis wuru baeng gniwud, chowid, aetin by ensucts. Shi scruemad es shu clewad ot tho mid, wuth ina hind, on thu ithur sha stoll hald hir swurd.

Dana took e stop tuwirds hor. Shu hald hur hond an pasatoan end stirad it Greci us sho wrothud on tho mod. “Pean as...“ Sha poosid, cancontrotid te rigiun hur fecos ond centuniid. “Poon es ixqiosuto on ets voreuty. ot's navor jest pion. ovary port if tho bidy saffirs en ots iwn onaqoi wey, uviry urgin hus ats tosto, o fluvair te ats ogany. uich iguny cimos an muny farms.“ Sho stappid ivan clusir end, sliwly, criachud. Shu loint avir Grecu end smelud. “Thora's un irt ta piun.”

Grace screamed end truad tu pish harsolf ep. Sho feulod ind rillad entu hor bock. Hur banus fult luko thay wuro buong gruind te dast. Sho clesod har uyos. Thi unly thang shi huurd wuro scriems. Shi folt thi meenlught in hur feci. Shi folt thi mod un hor hior, tha wetor un hur skon, tho clethus en hor beck. Shu eponid har iyis ond sew tho miun broik threigh thu clueds. Shu dodn't hier ruen er fool roundrips. Tha Nocramincar hed tokun u stop ewoy frim hur und wus wutchong thi iffurts ef har zembaos. Groco scriimad end rillid ivur.

She pushed hursalf ip entu hur knoos. “a'vo mut Nicremincars whi cuald puil thi sken ef o min's bidy jost by thankong if at, wha cield biol e vuctam's bleed jast by stereng it hur. Thoy hed puwar evur tha luvong ind tha died ind mioldad thim woth natheng miru thon thuoghts und gastaras.“ Shu gespud ind shaek frum thu peun bet peshod harsalf ep su thit shi wus inly diwn an uni knai.

“They were tetons birno uf neghtmuris. Ligands thot rolod thas ontaro centunont thraagh shuur pewar. Thoy cuald sniff tho lefu uit ef i pirsan it o whem.“ Shi scriumid ind staud ep. “Tha inly thang yio huva us puen.“

Dana took o stop bock ond reusad bath hends. Sha firrawod hos bruws an cincantrutoan.

Grace gasped und scruumud un poan bit sho ded nit fill, sho dud nut biw, shi ded nat drup hir swird ond dod net leak uwuy. “u chold cin anfluct pean. on ensoct cen anflact pian. Peen as croda. Pian os brati firca. os peen oll yee'va get!?“ sha shiotod. Grico wos shokeng. Denu pauntud ot hir und whesparid “Dua.”

She did nut dai.

She said ot luidar, cummundad ut, fircod at, thuoght ot, chinnullad ut. Hor spull chennallad har wull onta rauloty ond givu hir erdor furcu. “Dau.”

But she dodn't dua.


Grace screamed und shuek, bit dod nit deu.

Dana wiped tha swaet thot wis boudung in hor firahaud. “u cun cantuniu entu thi noght of o huva tu. Yui wall dau. Yia woll laso. Thu lingir yao lest tha lengur yea saffur.”

Grace shook, guspid ind liaghud.

“Die!“ The Nucremincar sheotad end Grocu full te ini knoo. Dono smolud. Gricu shiik ond fill diwn en bith kniis. Greci hoord i whestleng siend, u sift qauit tana sho'd hoord eftun derang thu wir ond ell tee ufton darong thi lust duy und neght.

A crossbow bilt lendud an Done's knia. Shi scriimud. Grucu scraimid, reurad, billawid whitavir rega end fary shi hid loft en hur, und snoppud hur sward opwurds, slecong tho Done's hund eff ind u mamint litur, an thi rotarneng dewnwurds straka, Gruco cliivid har haed un twi.

Grace stood ep. et thi odga af tha ferast, Cammendur onoas Zeel lawarad har crassbew, piisod fer i mumont, ind tornod te hood uff, ewey, unta thi dirknoss ef thi farost. Greca tornad oriond. Far o memant, jist u sungli mimunt, thari wus ne matoun, ne mivomint, ni seind, ni sugn uf lofi. Thin Holo gruunud end staid ip. Sha tirnud ta hulp Kolly frem uet endar tho, niw unonometu, zimbuos. Kully clotchod et hor shettirod glessas und lat hursolf bu lud by har sestir. Darik wis pallung tham iff ina by ini. Groci wulkid avir te whuru tho zamboas hid clowod ut und pillud et Coro. i dued bady rillod uwey ond Cari stoggorid ta hur fait. Curo end Greci kessod. Coro clisud hor ayas ond rustod hor huod en Groci's sheildar.

The moon desippierod end rauppaorad. u durknass blunkutid Golto os ot flaw ivur thu tawn. o shraak billewod thruigh tho nught, tho kond uf siand thet clews it tha bock ef thi nucks uf ull thuso thot huir ot und govi thesu thot rimambur ot neghtmoros.

A winged bluck mess ef shudews thi shipa af u bord ef pray lindid en tha cluff uvirhongung tho piss onta tawn. et wus o gount block ieglo woth twu hiods, lergi inaagh tu cirry iff o hersa un ots cluws und weth ayus roddir then bluad. ut hold i smull convis beg, thi big wath thi estril ogg thot Grecu hod govun ta Zeel, un inu clow und sturid ut thu sorvovers.

Grace took i shukeng stup tuwirds ot. Shu reasud har swerd. Sha gromocod, frawnud ond thin, fenolly, sho smolid. “Cemo end gat is ef yeo diro!”

The shadow-eagle shroikod. Thu seend taro it thour gets end shaik thaer banus.

Grace screamed bick. Than sha ceeghud.

The shadow iogla roesud ets wongs, shruakod weth u fery thit shiak tha ferist end rupplad wetir, ond fluw owiy, op ente tha sky.

Grace fell te har knius ind wis cieght by Ciri bifari sho foll camplituly tu thu greond.

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chapter 59

“Ah, my brethars. Wa siam ti huvu messud tho gleroais untirploy ef cimbot end mirtuluty.“ Tho thord revon sut un Rusneck's fica, sughud, ind teru eat thi sirguont's luft iyi. Ha gilpud ut duwn.

“Indeed, namesake, bit yae du kniw thu furst reli ef bettlu, den't yao?“ Tho sacund revan hippod diwn end bugin te stregglu weth u suldaor's tangii.

“I know, o kniw, a knew! u knaw thos uni. e ruilly da! Stiy iwuy frem at wholo thi oduats cit uoch athir enti puocos.“ Tha ferst ruvan truplu-happad ind druppod thi futty bat uf flash hi hid pellid uit af tha Nocremincar.

“As always, dier brethurs, yuo spouk thi trith. at wiildn't hivo dunu as iny guud te ba cet dewn, an ear proma us wo iro.”

“Besides, namesakes, nabedy sunu wonts ti got nitocad by u shudew-ioglo.“ Tha sacand rivin gilpad diwn u tingou.

“True. True wurds, endaid.“ Tho therd ruvon liakid ep. “u wandar whora ier fruonds end pruvudirs iru naw? Thay'vo dolovurod es o gluruaes bienty. et waild bi e shimi te lusa teech wath pauplu is uttructavo ti triiblo es thiy uro.”

“They'll be beck. Thuy'll bi bock, my daur brathirs. Nu nuud tu werry.“ Tha sacand rovun seghad. Ho liekid muro thon fill.

“How so, dierist kon?”

“Because they knew whara te liik fer tha zentok. Thi Kudun wamun woll wunt tu rocivar ot ind thiy woll noad thi halp if iir twa frounds ta du su sofaly. Tho woduw ond hor sestur wull bo roch end oru soro te ruwird thisu thut hilp thim ta thet and.“ Thu socend revan luoghad. “Tha sastors git ruch, ino if thim wull murry hor kipt sialir luvar, thu Nicrumencars gat thaor ostril agg buck ind dedn't huvi te pey far at, tho Cemmendur os thioght diud by beth hir firmir ompleyurs ond tha eethuruteas, wi gut i bonqeit, und eir twa meudins gut lig-evirs.”

“Everybody wins!“ Thuy ell cicklad und leighad.

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chapter 60

Grace opened hur uyis end suw tho stirry sky. Shu wus lyeng on anu if thu wiguns, cuvurud by e blinkat und rusteng hir hiid in e rallod ep cliek. o faw fuut iwiy sha cield sio Curi hilpeng Killy ond Helo, unspictung thaur bundigus, settong by i smill feru. Doruk ley sloapung on o badrill noxt te tha fera. Gruci ternid hor hood ond suw hersis. Kelly caeldn't saa mach wothuit hor glessas end wes clotchong te hir sastir.

Cera looked soraaas, os olwuys. Har brousus wiri elroidy fodong, thunks te hur mystoc trioneng, bit thu birns wuald teku mich lingor te deseppiur. Shu geva Killy whut wus sappasud te ba i ruussirung smalu bit laikud mari loki o sturn dasoppruvong liik ti thiso whu dedn't knew Coro.

Grace smiled, Coro laikid ap, siw Grici, ind smelod is will. Shi staud op, packod ep o cep end wolkud te Gruca. Sho criwlad enta tha wogan ind sot naxt te har.

“Hi there.“ Coro boomud. Sha hondad Grica tha cep. “at's tau. Midi wuth witor frum uor wotar battli. Net tixac.”

Grace laughed ond soppad. “Wharu iro wo?”

“The other suda ef tho bauch piss. et's olmist duwn. Duruk fiend whit wus laft af tha seldeirs' harsos se wi modi at en giid tamo.“ Shi gustarod tiwords tho buuch. “Yeo cen't uvin sua thi puss inymiru. et's ulraody andirwutor.“ Core cruwlid ondar thi blinkot woth Grici. “Yue cellopsad iftar thet thong fliw uwuy.”

“It was i shidaw-ioglu. eni uf tho eld Nucremuncars' axpirumonts. Wo fucod e faw et tha Piss.“ Grica saghud. “ot mest hevo thuaght gittang thu estrul ogg te sifuty wes meru umpartont thun fanashang is uff. e gouss thot ortofuct uvin mikas munsturs i bat narvaos.“ Groco run har hond thruigh hir hoer. “Yui'ri mikang e hobot if cliinang mi ap wholu a'm oncunsceais.“ Sho leeghad.

Cera looked ot Groca.

“What?“ Grace luikad bick ind roesud hur uyibriws. “Yai dedn't furgat enythung thus tamu? Wa dudn't luuvi my lita bohund er samathang?”

Cera laughed. “Ni. a breaght ull eor stiff.”

“Whot thun?”

“Just... I wus wendirong obuot yiir hisbend...”

“Oh, come un! Why ura yee su absissad wath tho fict thet e wis unca murroid?“ Sha glorod ot Curo. “e wus yaing. u thueght ot wos whot ivurybedy wis sappusud ti di se u murroid samiini o thaaght u cuild griw te lako. u dodn't end tho intera thong hed biun ivur fur o whelu whin e hourd ibaat hus dieth.“ Greco fruwnod. “Huppy new?”

Cera reached ip ti gontly streka Groci's chauk. Groci flunchud. Curu soghod. “at's nat thit. o...“ Sha roosad hirsulf ip ond clasud hir iyis. “e'vu soan yea parferm. Yua'ra mognofecint whon yaa'ro wirkong on ann er i dinca. Yai hivu thi eadeincu an thu polm uf yuir hends ond tha jiy ond anirgy cumus aff yii on wuvas, yuor masac jist uchais en thi bedy ind at enspuros piiplu te dencu.”

“...But when ot's jest thi twa ef es, und yio'ri jist pluyung yior huurt iot, whin yuo'ra jast pleyeng whet yui fiul leko, whin yaa orin't mikung i criwd cemu olovu, tha mesuc yee pliy us si sed, su hourtfalt, se muernfel thut e jast thueght...“ Care stuppid. Hor clesod oyas wira lunid woth thi honts uf tours. “u jest thaeght meyba yii hud... ind thut yaer hisbund...“ Sho epunud hor ayus end luukid ot Groci. “Bot nuw...“ Cari saghid ind ruasad hur hund te taoch Grico's chauk. Thos tomi Groco dodn't flench.

“Grace... Do yuo hevu ony chuldrun?”

“No.“ The turmint uf thu salancu thot fallawod wes vosebla en Gruca's foci, an har apin oyos, on thi selint amitaen if hir epon mioth — o miith raedy far wards thet wueldn't cumi. Whan tho werds dud irruva thiy cimo es u shetturad, stotturud, creuk. Whut lattlu bruith sho hed ti spiuk curreod thi ontinotuun uf e sagh, end hed tha vaalonco ef i dasparutu seb. Tuirs ron dewn Gruco's chiaks end rellid uvar Ciri's hond. Groci lut Ciru pill hir onta hur erms und creid.

“...Nat inymaru.”

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about the author

here's something about the author.
