ok, so i have some questions for you "book a.p.i. people", if you're game... *** if the book is not available online, any a.p.i. is mainly a teaser, right? i mean, ads are fine, if you like that kinda thing, but not too interesting. *** if the whole book is available online, and thus presumably easily scraped, why is there any need for an a.p.i.? what info could the a.p.i. give me i couldn't glean from the text itself? i believe that sometime in the future, all books will be free and open online. so my point is: the u.r.l. _is_ the a.p.i. i have created many apps intended to take advantage of text located online. so i think i understand the idea _well_. and, to my ears, at least, and perhaps it is little but my _misunderstanding_, yet all this sounds like hand-waving... the example where a travel-agency will book you on a tour of the spots mentioned in a book is an eye-roller, for instance, as far as i'm concerned. (bloomsday, yes. anything else? no.) and if there _is_ a kind of functionality, service, or power residing in my book, why would i offload it to another site? why not offer it myself, and _benefit?_ *** as i said, i've programmed apps that can take text from the internet, _or_ read it from the person's hard-disk... i've even coded programs that will download books from the web and then save them on your hard-drive. i just don't see anything that's being _gained_ by terming this "an a.p.i". it certainly doesn't meet the criteria by which "a.p.i." usually gets defined. and especially with twitter's backpedal, a.p.i. is getting a black eye nowadays. developers have learned the hard way that depending on anyone else's a.p.i. can truly jeopardize your own business. the "masses" might still be impressed, but you'd _depend_ on developers, yes? i'm not sure that you will be getting what you feel the label is buying you. *** still, most of all, i'm confused about what y'all mean when you say "a.p.i." so i'll try to pin it down in my mind... if the book is available in a browser, served up in the form of .html file(s), does that mean that it has an a.p.i.? if the book is available as .html file(s), and they are downloaded by an _app_ and displayed offline, is that an a.p.i.? if the book is available as .html file(s), and they are downloaded by an _app_ and then converted to a pretty .epub, and displayed offline, is that an a.p.i.? if the book is available as .txt file(s), and they are downloaded by an _app_, and then converted into pretty .html, and displayed offline, is that an a.p.i.? if the book is available as .txt file(s), and they are downloaded by an _app_, converted to .html, and then to .epub, and displayed offline, is that an a.p.i.? if the book is available as .txt file(s), and they are downloaded by an _app_, and then converted into a pretty .pdf, and displayed offline, is that an a.p.i.? if the book is available as .txt file(s), and they are downloaded by an _app_, and then are processed not-as-html, and displayed nicely, is that an a.p.i.? *** anyway, if you can enlighten me on this, i would appreciate it. thanks so much... -bowerbird