{{prxprp034.jpg}} || 34 PRIDE AND PREJUDICE ||
'Undiul tcdlv,' replied Darcy, to whom this rcnurk was chiefly
ddrrsscd, 'tl.ac is meanness in ell the arts which ladies sometimes
, A.ndcsccnd to cmplov for rapt ration. \Vlutc\cr bears allinity
,o cunr.ing is despicable.'
Miss Hn.gln was not so entirely satisfrd with this reply as to
continue tl c subject.
??lElmbcth ji :ncd them again onl) to uy thr.t b.cr sister was
ui tic, and iliat she could not leave her. Binglcy urged Mr. Jones's
Ik tv sci t t r nnnicdiatcly; wlilc bis sisters, convinced that no
count ft.aivicc could be of any service, rco mmended an express
to lo.vn fcr one of the most emmet t pbyicians. "I his she would
nc-K I cr if; but she was not so unwilliitg to compl) with their
I rentier's propoul; and it w-s sailed (hat Mr. J «t es should be
sent Kr carl) in the morning, if.Miss Dcnnct were not decidedly
betid. Dinglcy v. as quite uncomfortable; his sistcts declared
that tl.ey were misctablc. They solaced tbcir wrctcl.cdr.css,
however, ly duets.liter supper, while he could fnd no Inciter
rebel to his feelings than by gmng b.is housekeeper dircaions that
ever) 1 possible mention might be paid to the sick lady and
her s: tcr.