{{prxprp010.jpg}} || 10 PRIDE AND PREJUDICE ||


1 ad a net deli •' ti si evening, j niosi cxccllcni ball. 1 wish \ou

en i re. Jane was so adnvrcd, lutbir.g could be like n.

I \cr) lod\.k1 U \ well she IckcJ; and Mr. Bmgln thougt t

Kcr quite bcai t hil, ai.d danced will her twice! Only think o(

:m:, mj dc-r; he actuall) danced unii |.cr twice! and she uas i! e

on!) crc-i.re in the room iln« lie asked a second nine. 1 irst i.f

all, he a-ked Miss Lucas. I uas so vexed io sec him stand up

with her; but, I.ouc\ct, he did not adnuic her ai all; indeed,

nolixly can, you knou; and he seemed qunc struck with Jane

as she uas going down the dance. So he inquired uho she uas,

and goi introduced, and asked her for the two next. Then tl.c

tuo thud he danced with Miss King, and the tuo fourth unh

Maria Lucas, and ihc tuo fifth with Jane again, and the tuo

sixth uiih Lizzy, aid the Boulangcr.'


"If he had had an) compassion for me,' cried her husband

impiiicntl), 'he uould not have danced lull" so much! For

Cod's sake, uiy no more of his partners. Oh! thai he had sprained

his ankle in the first dance!'


'Oh! my dear,' continued Mrs. Bcnnct, '1 am quite delighted

with him. He is so excessively handsome! and his sisters arc

charming women. I nc\cr in my life sau an) thing more elegant

than their dresses. I d.itc say the lace upon Mrs. Hurst's goun


I Icrc she uas interrupted again. Mr. Bcnnct protested again i

any description of finer) 1. She uas therefore obliged to seek

another branch of the subject, and related, uiih much bitterness

of spirit and some exaggeration, the shocking rudeness of

Mr. Darcy.


'Bui I can assure )ou,' she added, 'that Lizzy docs not lose

much by not suiting bis fancy; for he is a most disagrccallc,

In rnd man, not at all worth pleasing. So high and so conccucd

th. t there uas no enduring him! He walked here, and he walked

il ere, fancying himself so \ci) great! Not handsome enough io

dance with! I wish you had been (here, mj dear, to ha\c gi\cn

him one of )our set downs. I quite detest the man.'

