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Chapter XLVI


Elizabeth had been a good deal disappointed in

not finding a letter from Jane on their first arrival at

Lambton; and this disappointment had been renewed

on each of the mornings that had now been spent there;

but on the third her repining was over, and her sister justi-

fied, by the receipt of two letters from her at once, on one

of which was marked that it had been mis-sent elsewhere.

Elizabeth was not surprised at it, as Jane had written the

direction remarkably ill.


They had just been preparing to walk as the letters

came in; and her uncle and aunt, leaving her to enjoy them

in quiet, set off by themselves. The one mis-sent must be

first attended to; it had been written five days ago. The

beginning contained an account of all their little parties and

engagements, with such news as the country afforded; but

the latter half, which was dated a day later, and written in

evident agitation, gave more important intelligence. It was

to this effect:--


'Since writing the above, dearest Lizzy, something has

occurred of a most unexpected and serious nature; but I am

afraid of alarming you -- be assured that we are all well.

What I have to say relates to poor Lydia. An express came

at twelve last night, just as we were all gone to bed, from

Colonel Forster, to inform us that she had gone off to Scot-

land with one of his officers; to own the truth, with Wick-

ham! Imagine our surprise. To Kitty, however, it does

not seem so wholly unexpected. I am very, very sorry. So

imprudent a match on both sides! But I am willing to hope

the best, and that his character has been misunderstood.

Thoughtless and indiscreet I can easily believe him, but this

step (and let us rejoice over it) marks nothing bad at heart.

His choice is disinterested at least, for he must know my

father can give her nothing. Our poor mother is sadly

grieved. My father bears it better. How thankful am I,





