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My reasons for believing it are briefly these:-- It does not

appear to me that my hand is unworthy your acceptance, or

that the establishment I can offer would be any other than

highly desirable. My situation in life, my connections with

the family of de Bourgh, and my relationship to your own,

are circumstances highly in my favour; and you should take

it into further consideration that, in spite of your manifold

attractions, it is by no means certain that another offer of

marriage may ever be made you. Your portion is unhappily

so small, that it will in all likelihood undo the effects of your

loveliness and amiable qualifications. As I must, therefore,

conclude that you are not serious in your rejection of me, I

shall choose to attribute it to your wish of increasing my love

by suspense, according to the usual practice of elegant



'I do assure you, sir, that I have no pretensions whatever

to that kind of elegance which consists in tormenting a

respectable man. I would rather be paid the compliment of

being believed sincere. I thank you again and again for the

honour you have done me in your proposals, but to accept

them is absolutely impossible. My feelings in every respect

forbid it. Can I speak plainer? Do not consider me now as

an elegant female intending to plague you, but as a rational

creature speaking the truth from her heart.'


'You are uniformly charming!' cried he, with an air of

awkward gallantry; 'and I am persuaded that, when sanc-

tioned by the express authority of both your excellent par-

ents, my proposals will not fail of being acceptable.'


To such perseverance in wilful self-deception Elizabeth

would make no reply, and immediately and in silence with-

drew; determined, that if he persisted in considering her

repeated refusals as flattering encouragement, to apply to

her father, whose negative might be uttered in such a man-

ner as must be decisive, and whose behaviour at least could

not be mistaken for the affectation and coquetry of an ele-

gant female.






