yes! 2014 is the year of the smart sexy strong woman! -bowerbird it might have been that amazon was accenting the fact that it is authors who are the ÒbrandÓ that a book makes ÒfamousÓ. not publishers. and unless you can tell us, without looking, the publisher of animal farm, 1984, and all art is propaganda, amazon wins. -bowerbird > I am always interested in efficiencies. > If you have any ideas about how to smooth out this process, > please do leave a comment. i'd suggest you learn some light-markup (e.g., markdown). the .rtf would convert to light-markup quickly and easily, retaining styling and structure, which then moves you directly to .html, where a little scripting gives you .epub. i'd guess that approach would take about half the time of the indesign-mediated workflow you described here. (and i'd not be surprised if it took a quarter of the time, given your recently-noted fluency with find-and-replace.) plus you and your client would then have master-texts that would be _much_ simpler to edit, revise, remix, etc. i encourage you to put the light-markup tool in your chest. you might be amazed how often it's the most efficient one. -bowerbird i think it's ironic that you work for mozilla. because i think it's ironic mozilla hasn't already created such a simple system, which is obviously needed, and been asked for by countless people, some of whom have asked for it countless times. there's no money in this -- by design -- so there is certainty that a for-profit company will never do it. on the other hand, if we only had a company that was a "global, non-profit organization dedicated to making the web better, one that emphasized principle over profit, and believed that the web is a shared public resource to be cared for, not a commodity to be sold", then surely we would already _have_ this service, right? i'm just sayin'... -bowerbird i'm glad you didn't take it personally. i don't mean it personally. even for the people who make the decisions, and who probably _should_ take it personally. -bowerbird