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Chapter The Last



The first time I catched Tom, pri- ssssssssss

vate, I asked him what was his ssssssssss

idea, time of the evasion? -- what it ssssssssss

was he'd planned to do if the eva- ssssssssss

sion worked all right and he man- ssssssssss

aged to set a nigger free that was ssssssssss

already free before? And he said, ssssssssss

what he had planned in his head, ssssssssss

from the start, if we got Jim out all ssssssssss

safe, was for us to run him down the ssssssssss

river, on the raft, and have advent- ssssssssss

ures plumb to the mouth of the ssssssssss

river, and then tell him about his ssssssssss

being free, and take him back up ssssssssss

home on a steamboat, in style, and ssssssssss

pay him for his lost time, and write ssssssssss

word ahead and get out all the nig- ssssssssss

gers around, and have them waltz ssssssssss

him into town with a torchlight ssssssssss

procession and a brass band, and then he would be a hero, and so would we.

But I reckened it was about as well the way it was.


We had Jim out of the chains in no time, and when Aunt Polly and Uncle

Silas and Aunt Sally found out how good he helped the doctor nurse Tom, they

made a heap of fuss over him, and fixed him up prime, and give him all he

wanted to eat, and a good time, and nothing to do. And we had him up to the

