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??I mean every word I say, Aunt Sally, and if somebody don't go, I'll go. I've

knowed him all his life, and so has Tom, there. Old Miss Watson died two

months ago, and she was ashamed she ssssssssss

ever was going to sell him down the sssssssssslittle picture

river, and said so; and she set him ssssssssss

free in her will." ssssssssss


"Then what on earth did you want

to set him free for, seeing he was al- ssssssssss

ready free?" ssssssssss


"Well, that is a question, I must

say; and just like women! Why, I ssssssssss

wanted the adventure of it; and I'd a ssssssssss

waded neck-deep in blood to -- good- ssssssssss

ness alive, AUNT POLLY!" ssssssssss


If she warn't standing right there,

just inside the door, looking as sweet ssssssssss

and contented as an angel half-full of ssssssssss

pie, I wish I may never! ssssssssss


Aunt Sally jumped for her, and

most hugged the head off of her, and cried over her, and I found a good enough

place for me under the bed, for it was getting pretty sultry for us, seemed to me.

And I peeped out, and in a little while Tom's Aunt Polly shook herself loose and

stood there looking across at Tom over her spectacles -- kind of grinding him into

the earth, you know. And then she says: ssssssssss


"Yes, you letter turn y'r head away -- I would if I was you, Tom."


"Oh, deary me!" says Aunt Sally; "is he changed so? Why, that ain't Tom

it's Sid; Tom's -- Tom's -- why, where is Tom? He was here a minute ago."


"You mean where's Huck Finn -- that's what you mean! I reckon I hain't

raised such a scamp as my Tom all these years, not to know him when I see him.

That would be a pretty howdy-do. Come out from under that bed, Huck Finn."


So I done it. But not feeling brash.


Aunt Sally she was one of the mixed-upest looking persons I ever see; except

