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That ain't got nothing to do with it. The thing for us to do, is just to do

our duty, and not worry about whether anybody sees us do it or not. Hain't you

got no principle at all?" ssssssssss


All right, I ain't saying nothing; I'm the servant-girl. Who's Jim's

mother?1 ssssssssss


"I'm his mother. I'll

hook a gown from Aunt ssssssssss



"Well, then, you'll have

Lo stay in the cabin when me ssssssssss

and Jim leaves." sssssssssslittle picture


"Not much. I'll stuff

Jim's clothes full of straw ssssssssss

and lay it on his bed to re- ssssssssss

present his mother in dis- ssssssssss

guise, and Jim 'll take the ssssssssss

nigger woman's gown off of ssssssssss

me and wear it, and we'll all ssssssssss

evade together. When a pri- ssssssssss

soner of style escapes, it's ssssssssss

called an evasion. It's al- ssssssssss

ways called so when a king ssssssssss

escapes, f'rinstance. And the ssssssssss

same with a king's son; it ssssssssss

don't make no difference ssssssssss

whether he's a natural one or an unnatural one."


So Tom he wrote the nonnamous letter, and I smouched the yaller wench's

frock, that night, and put it on, and shoved it under the front door, the way Tom

told me to. It said: ssssssssss


Beware. Trouble is brewing. Keep a sharp lookout. signed, Unknown Friend.??


??unknown friend


Next night we stuck a picture which Tom drawed in blood, of a skull and

crossbones, on the front door: and next night another one of a coffin, on the

