In the morning we went up to the village ssssssssss
and bought a wire rat trap and fetch- ssssssssss
ed it down, and unstopped the best rat ssssssssss
hole, and in about an hour we had fifteen ssssssssss
of the bulliest kind of ones; and then we ssssssssss
took it and put it in a safe place under ssssssssss
Aunt Sally's bed. But while we was gone ssssssssss
for spiders, little Thomas Franklin Ben- ssssssssss
jamin Jefferson Elexander Phelps found ssssssssss
it there, and opened the door of it to see
if the rats would come out, and they did; ssssssssss
and Aunt Sally she come in, and when we ssssssssss
got back she was a standing on top of the ssssssssss
bed raising Cain, and the rats was doing ssssssssss
what they could to keep off the dull times
for her. So she took and dusted us both ssssssssss
with the hickry, and we was as much as ssssssssss
two hours catching another fifteen or six-
teen, drat that meddlesome cub, and they ssssssssss
warn't the likeliest, nuther, because the first haul was the pick of the flock. I
never see a likelier lot of rats than what that first haul was.
We got a splendid stock of sorted spiders, and bugs, and frogs, and cater-
pillars, and one thing or another; and we like-to got a hornet's nest, but we
didn't. The family was at home. We didn't give it right up, but staid with
them as long as we could; because we allowed we'd tire them out or they'd