if I'd a called it a bolt-head it would
what it would take three days to fix it. ssssssssss
a done just as well. ssssssssss
Now I was feeling pretty com-
fortable all down one side, and ssssssssss
pretty uncomfortable all up ssssssssss
the other. Being Tom Sawyer ssssssssss
was easy and comfortable; and ssssssssss
it stayed easy and comfortable ssssssssss
till by-and-by I hear a steamboat ssssssssss
coughing along down the river -- ssssssssss
then I says to myself, spose Tom ssssssssss
Sawyer come down on that boat? ssssssssss
-- and spose he steps in here, any ssssssssss
minute, and sings out my name ssssssssss
before I can throw him a wink ssssssssss
to keep quiet? Well, I couldn't ssssssssss
have it that way -- it wouldn't do ssssssssss
at all. I must go up the road ssssssssss
and waylay him. So I told the ssssssssss
folks I reckoned I would go up ssssssssss
to the town and fetch down my ssssssssss
baggage. The old gentleman was for going along with me, but I said no, I could
drive the horse myself, and I druther he wouldn't take no trouble about me.