her little white children, acting the same way the little niggers was doing. She
was smiling all over so she could hardly stand -- and says:
"It's you, at last I -- ain't it?"
I out with a "Yes'm," before I thought.
She grabbed me and hugged me tight; and then gripped me by both hands
and shook and shook; and the ssssssssss
tears come in her eyes, and run ssssssssss
down over; and she couldn't ssssssssss
seem to hug and shake enough, ssssssssss
and kept saying, "You don't ssssssssss
look as much like your mother ssssssssss
as I reckoned you would, but ssssssssss
law sakes, I don't care for that, ssssssssss
I'm so glad to see you! Dear, ssssssssss
dear, it does seem like I could ssssssssss
eat you up! Childern, it's your ssssssssss
cousin Tom! -- tell him howdy." ssssssssss
But they ducked their heads,
and put their fingers in their ssssssssss
mouths, and hid behind her. So ssssssssss
she run on: ssssssssss
"Lize, hurry up and get him
a hot breakfast, right away -- or ssssssssss
did you get your breakfast on the ssssssssss
I said I had got it on the boat. So then she started for the house, leading me
by the hand, and the children tagging after. When we got there, she set me down
in a split-bottomed chair, and set herself down on a little low stool in front of me,
holding both of my hands, and says: ssssssssss
"Now I can have a good look at you: and laws-a-me, I've been hungry for it
a many and a many a time, all these long years, and it's come at last! We been
expecting you a couple of days and more. What's kep' you? -- boat get aground?"