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That was the order I wanted,' and that was the one I played for. I wanted to

be left free to work my plans. ssssssssss


"So clear out," he says; "and you can tell Mr. Foster whatever you want to.

Maybe you can get him to believe that Jim is your nigger -- some idiots don't

require documents -- leastways I've heard there's such down South here. And

when you tell him the handbill and the reward's bogus, maybe he'll believe you

when you explain to him what the idea was for getting 'em out. Go 'long, now,

and tell him anything you want to; but mind you don't work your jaw any

between here and there." ssssssssss


So I left, and struck for the back country. I didn't look around, but I

kinder felt like he was watching me. But I knowed I could tire him out at that.

I went straight out in the country as much as a mile, before I stopped; then I

doubled back through the woods towards Phelps's. I reckoned I better start in

on my plan straight off, without fooling around, because I wanted to stop Jim's

mouth till these fellows could get away. I didn't want no trouble with their

kind. I'd seen all I wanted to of them, and wanted to get entirely shut of




