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frum, below Revfrleans. No-sirree-Joi, they ain't no trouble 'bout that specu-

lation, you bet you. Say, gimme a chaw tobacker, won't ye?"


I didn't have none, so he left. I went to the raft, and set down in the

wigwam to think. But I couldn't come to nothing. I thought till I wore my head

sore, but I couldn't see no way ssssssssss

out of the trouble. After all sssssssssslittle picture

this long journey, and after ssssssssss

all we'd done for them scoun- ssssssssss

drels, here was it all come to ssssssssss

nothing, every thing all busted ssssssssss

up and ruined, because they ssssssssss

could have the heart to serve ssssssssss

Jim such a trick as that, and ssssssssss

make him a slave again all his ssssssssss

life, and amongst strangers, ssssssssss

too, for forty dirty dollars. ssssssssss


Once I said to myself it

would be a thousand times ssssssssss

better for Jim to be a slave ssssssssss

at home where his family ssssssssss

was, as long as he'd got to be ssssssssss

a slave, and so I'd better ssssssssss

write a letter to Tom Sawyer ssssssssss

and tell him to tell Miss ssssssssss

Watson where he was. But ssssssssss

I soon give up that notion, ssssssssss

for two things: she'd be mad and disgusted at his rascality and ungratefulness

for leaving her, and so she'd sell him straight down the river again; and if she

didn't, everybody naturally despises an ungrateful nigger, and they'd make

Jim feel it all the time, and so he'd feel ornery and disgraced. And then think of

-- me! It would get all around, that Huck Finn helped a nigger to get his

freedom; and if I was to ever see anybody from that town again, I'd be ready to

