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Chapter XXXI



We dasn't stop again at any town, for ssssssssss

days and days; kept right along ssssssssss

down the river. We was down south ssssssssss

in the warm weather, now, and a ssssssssss

mighty long ways from home. We ssssssssss

begun to come to trees with Spanish ssssssssss

moss on them, hanging down from ssssssssss

the limbs like long gray beards. It ssssssssss

was the first I ever see it growing, ssssssssss

and it made the woods look solemn ssssssssss

and dismal. So now the frauds ssssssssss

reckoned they was out of danger, ssssssssss

and they begun to work the villages ssssssssss



First they done a lecture on

temperance; but they didn't make ssssssssss

enough for them both to get ssssssssss

drunk on. Then in another village ssssssssss

they started a dancing school; but they didn't know no more how to dance than

a kangaroo does; so the first prance they made, the general public jumped in

and pranced them out of town. Another time they tried a go at yellocution;

but they didn't yellocute long till the audience got up and give them a solid good

cussing and made them skip out. They tackled missionarying, and mesmerizer-

ing, and doctoring, and telling fortunes, and a little of everything; but they

couldn't seem to have no luck. So at last they got just about dead broke, and

