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Well, everybody was in a state of mind, now; and they sings out:


"The whole bilin' of 'm 's frauds! Le's duck 'em! le's drown 'em! le's

ride 'em on a rail!" and everybody was whooping at once, and there was a rat-

tling pow-wow. But the lawyer he jumps on the table and yells, and says:


"Gentlemen -- gentlemen! Hear

me just a word -- just a single word -- ssssssssss

if you PLEASE! There's one way yet sssssssssslittle picture

-- let's go and dig up the corpse and ssssssssss



That took them.


"Hooray!" they all shouted, and

was starting right off; but the lawyer ssssssssss

and the doctor sung out: ssssssssss


"Hold on, hold on! Collar all

these four men and the boy, and ssssssssss

fetch them along, too!" ssssssssss


"We'll do it!" they all shouted:

"and if we don't find them marks ssssssssss

we'll lynch the whole gang!" ssssssssss


I was scared, now, I tell you.

But there warn't no getting away, ssssssssss

you know. They gripped us all, and ssssssssss

marched us right along, straight for ssssssssss

the graveyard, which was a mile and a half down the river, and the whole town

at our heels, for we made noise enough, and it was only nine in the evening.


As we went by our house I wished I hadn't sent Mary Jane out of town; be-

cause now if I could tip her the wink, she'd light out and save me, and blow on

our dead-beats. ssssssssss


Well, we swarmed along down the river road, just carrying on like wild-cats;

and to make it more scary, the sky was darking up, and the lightning beginning

to wink and flitter, and the wind to shiver amongst the leaves. This was the

most awful trouble and most dangersome I ever was in; and I was kinder stunned;

