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to see Mr. -- Mr. -- what is the name of that rich family your uncle Peter used

to think so much of? -- I mean the one that"


"Why, you must mean the Apthorps, ain't it?"


"Of course; bother them

kind of names, a body can't ssssssssss

ever seem to remember them, sssssssssslittle picture

half the time, somehow. ssssssssss

Yes, she said, say she has run ssssssssss

over for to ask the Apthorps ssssssssss

to be sure and come to the ssssssssss

auction and buy this house, ssssssssss

because she allowed her un- ssssssssss

cle Peter would ruther they ssssssssss

had it than anybody else; ssssssssss

and she's going to stick to ssssssssss

them till they say they'll ssssssssss

come, and then, if she ain't ssssssssss

too tired, she's coming ssssssssss

home; and if she is, she'll ssssssssss

be home in the morning any- ssssssssss

way. She said, don't say ssssssssss

nothing about the Proctors, ssssssssss

but only about the Apthorps ssssssssss

-- which'll be perfectly true, ssssssssss

because she is going there to speak about their buying the house; I know it,

because she told me so, herself." ssssssssss


"All right," they said, and cleared out to lay for their uncles, and give them

the love and the kisses, and tell them the message.


Everything was all right now. The girls wouldn't say nothing because they

wanted to go to England; and the king and the duke would ruther Mary Jane

was off working for the auction than around in reach of Doctor Robinson. I felt

very good; I judged I had done it pretty neat -- I reckoned Tom Sawyer couldn't

