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questions but me; so I didn't want the plan to begin working till pretty late

to-night. I says: ssssssssss


"Miss Mary Jane, I'll tell you what we'll do -- and you won't have to stay

at Mr. Lothrop's so long, nuther. How fur is it?"


"A little short of four miles -- right out in the country, back here."


"Well, that'll answer. Now you go along out there, and lay low till nine or

half-past, to-night, and then get them to fetch you home again -- tell them you've

thought of something. If you get here before eleven, put a candle in this window,

and if I don't turn up, wait till eleven, and then if I don't turn up it means I'm

gone, and out of the way, and safe. Then you come out and spread the news

around, and get these beats jailed." ssssssssss


"Good," she says, "I'll do it."


"And if it just happens so that I don't get away, but get took up along with

them, you must up and say I told you the whole thing beforehand, and you must

stand by me all you can." ssssssssss


"Stand by you, indeed I will. They sha'n't touch a hair of your head!" she

says, and I see her nostrils spread and her eyes snap when she said it, too.


"If I get away, I sha'n't be here," I says, "to prove these rapscallions ain't

your uncles, and I couldn't do it if I ssssssssss

was here. I could swear they was beats sssssssssslittle picture

and bummers, that's all; though that's ssssssssss

worth something. Well, there's others ssssssssss

can do that better than what I can -- ssssssssss

and they're people that ain't going to be ssssssssss

doubted as quick as I'd be. I'll tell you ssssssssss

how to find them. Gimme a pencil and ssssssssss

a piece of paper. There -- 'Royal None- ssssssssss

such, Bricksville.' Put it away, and ssssssssss

don't lose it. When the court wants to ssssssssss

find out something about these two, let ssssssssss

them send up to Bricksville and say ssssssssss

they've got the men that played the Royal Nonesuch, and ask for some witnesses

