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Chapter XVIII



By-and-by it was getting-up time; so I ssssssssss

come down the ladder and started ssssssssss

for down stairs, but as I come to the ssssssssss

girls' room, the door was open, and I ssssssssss

see Mary Jane setting by her old hair ssssssssss

trunk, which was open and she'd ssssssssss

been packing things in it -- getting ssssssssss

ready to go to England. But she ssssssssss

had stopped now, with a folded ssssssssss

gown in her lap, and had her face in ssssssssss

her hands, crying. I felt awful bad ssssssssss

to see it; of course anybody would. ssssssssss

I went in there, and says: ssssssssss


"Miss Mary Jane, you can't

abear to see people in trouble, and I ssssssssss

can't -- most always. Tell me about ssssssssss



So she done it. And it was the

niggers -- I just expected it. She said the beautiful trip to England was most

about spoiled for her; she didn't know how she was ever going to be happy there,

knowing the mother and the children warn't ever going to see each other no

more -- and then busted out bitterer than ever, and flung up her hands, and

