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The thing made a big stir in the town, too, and a good many come out flat-

footed and said it was scandalous to separate the mother and the children that

way. It injured the frauds ssssssssss

some; but the old fool he sssssssssslittle picture

bulled right along, spite of ssssssssss

all the duke could say or do, ssssssssss

and I tell you the duke was ssssssssss

powerful uneasy. ssssssssss


Next day was auction day.

About broad-day in the morn- ssssssssss

ing, the king and the duke ssssssssss

come up in the garret and ssssssssss

woke me up, and I see by ssssssssss

their look that there was ssssssssss

trouble. The king says: ssssssssss


"Was you in my room

night before last?" ssssssssss


"'No, your majesty" --

which was the way I always ssssssssss

called him when nobody but ssssssssss

our gang warn't around. ssssssssss


""Was you in there yister-

day er last night?" ssssssssss


'f No, your majesty."


"Honor bright, now -- no lies."


"Honor bright, your majesty, I'm telling you the truth. I hain't been anear

your room since Miss Mary Jane took you and the duke and showed it to



The duke says: ssssssssss


"Have you seen anybody else go in there?"


"No, your grace, not as I remember, I believe."


"Stop and think."


