I crept to their doors and listened; ssssssssss
they was snoring, so I tip-toed along, ssssssssss
and got down stairs all right. There ssssssssss
warn't a sound anywheres. I peeped ssssssssss
through a crack of the dining-room ssssssssss
door, and see the men that was watch- ssssssssss
ing the corpse all sound asleep on ssssssssss
their chairs. The door was open ssssssssss
into the parlor, where the corpse ssssssssss
was laying, and there was a candle ssssssssss
in both rooms. I passed along, and ssssssssss
the parlor door was open; but I see ssssssssss
there warn't nobody in there but the ssssssssss
remainders of Peter; so I shoved on ssssssssss
by; but the front door was locked, ssssssssss
and the key wasn't there. Just ssssssssss
then I heard somebody coming down ssssssssss
the stairs, back behind me. I run in the parlor, and took a swift look around,
and the only place I see to hide the bag was in the coffin. The lid was shoved
along about a foot, showing the dead man's face down in there, with a wet cloth
over it, and his shroud on. I tucked the money-bag in under the lid, just
down beyond where his hands was crossed, which made me creep, they was
so cold, and then I run back across the room and in behind the door.
The person coming was Mary Jane. She went to the coffin, very soft, and