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and Hank, and Joe, and Andy, and talked lazy and drawly, and used con-

siderable many cuss-words. There was as many as one loafer leaning up

against every awning-post, and hie most always had his hands in his britches

pockets, except when he fetched ssssssssss

them out to lend a chaw of to- sssssssssslittle picture

bacco or scratch. What a body ssssssssss

was hearing amongst them, all ssssssssss

the time was -- ssssssssss


"Gimme a chaw 'v tobacker,



"Cain't -- I hain't got but one

chaw left. Ask Bill." ssssssssss


Maybe Bill he gives him a

chaw; maybe he lies and says ssssssssss

he ain't got none. Some of ssssssssss

them kinds of loafers never has ssssssssss

a cent in the world, nor a chaw ssssssssss

of tobacco of their own. They ssssssssss

get all their chawing by borrow- ssssssssss

ing -- they say to a fellow, "I ssssssssss

wisht you'd len' me a chaw, Jack, ssssssssss

I jist this minute give Ben ssssssssss

Thompson the last chaw I had" ssssssssss

-- which is a lie, pretty much ssssssssss

every time; it don't fool nobody ssssssssss

but a stranger; but Jack ain't no stranger, so he says --


"You give him a chaw, did you? so did your sister's cat's grandmother. You

pay me back the chaws you've awready borry'd off n me, Lafe Buckner, then I'll

loan you one or two ton of it, and won't charge you no back intrust, nuther."


"Well, I did pay you back some of it wunst."


"Yes, you did -- 'bout six chaws. You borry'd store tobacker and paid back

nigger-head." ssssssssss



