away a three-gallon jug of whisky, too, that he found under a wagon when we
was starting home through the woods. The king said, take it all around, it laid
over any day he'd ever put in in the missionarying line. He said it warn't no use
talking, heathens don't amount to shucks, alongside of pirates, to work a camp-
meeting with. ssssssssss
The duke was thinking he'd been doing pretty well, till the king come to
show up, but after that he didn't think so so much. He had set up and printed
off two little jobs for farmers, in that printing office -- horse bills -- and took the
money, four dollars. And he had got in ten dollars worth of advertisements for
the paper, which he said he would put in for four dollars if they would pay in
advance -- so they done it. The ssssssssss
price of the paper was two dol- ssssssssss
lars a year, but he took in three ssssssssss
subscriptions for half a dollar ssssssssss
apiece on condition of them ssssssssss
paying him in advance; they ssssssssss
were going to pay in cord-wood ssssssssss
and onions, as usual, but he ssssssssss
said he had just bought the con- ssssssssss
cern and knocked down the ssssssssss
price as low as he could afford it, ssssssssss
and was going to run it for ssssssssss
cash. He set up a little piece ssssssssss
of poetry, which he made, him- ssssssssss
self, out of his own head -- three ssssssssss
verses -- kind of sweet and sad- ssssssssss
dish -- the name of it was, ssssssssss
"Yes, crash, cold world, this ssssssssss
breaking heart" -- and he left ssssssssss
that all set up and ready to ssssssssss
print in the paper and didn't charge nothing for it. Well, he took in nine
dollars and a half, and said he'd done a pretty square day's work for it.??