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into my pockets, but only felt outside with his hands, and said it was all right.

He told me to make myself easy and at home, and tell all about myself; but the

old lady says: ssssssssss


"Why bless you, Saul, the poor thing's as wet as lie can be; and don't

you reckon it may be he's hungry?" ssssssssss


"True for you, Rachel -- I forgot."


So the old lady says:


"Betsy" (this was a nigger woman), "you fly around and get him something

to eat, as quick as you can, poor thing; and one of you girls go and wake up

Buck and tell him -- Oh, here he is himself. Buck, take this little stranger and

get the wet clothes off from him and dress him up in some of yours that's dry."


Buck looked about as old as me --

thirteen or fourteen or along there, ssssssssss

though he was a little bigger than me. sssssssssslittle picture

He hadn't on anything but a shirt, ssssssssss

and he was very frowsy-headed. He ssssssssss

come in gaping and digging one fist ssssssssss

into his eyes, and he was dragging a ssssssssss

gun along with the other one. He ssssssssss



"Ain't they no Shepherd sons

around?" ssssssssss


They said, no, 'twas a false alarm.


"Well," he says, "if they'd a ben

some, I reckon I'd a got one." ssssssssss


They all laughed, and Bob says:


"Why, Buck, they might have

scalped us all, you've been so slow in ssssssssss

coming." ssssssssss


"Well, nobody come after me, and

it ain't right. I'm always kep' down; ssssssssss

I don't get no show." ssssssssss


Never mind, Buck, my boy," says the old man, "you'll have show enough,

