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here comes a frame house down, on the west side. She was a two-story, and

tilted over, considerable. We paddled out and got aboard -- clumb in at an

up-stairs window. But it was too dark to see yet, so we made the canoe fast

and set in her to wait for daylight. ssssssssss


The light begun to come before we got to the foot of the island. Then we

looked in at the window. We could make out a bed, and a table, and two old

chairs, and lots of things around about on the floor; and there was clothes

hanging against the wall. There was something laying on the floor in the far

corner that looked like a man. So Jim says:


"Hello, you!" ssssssssss


But it didn't budge. So I hollered again, and then Jim says:


"De man ain't asleep -- he's dead. You hold still -- I'll go en see."


He went and bent down and looked, and says:


"It's a dead man. Yes, indeedy; naked, too. He's ben shot in de back.

I reck'n he's ben dead two or three days. Come in, Huck, but doan' look at his

face -- it's too gashly." ssssssssss


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