page-scan ............prev...................v? 


Chapter XXXII

Still and Sunday-like -- Mistaken Identity -- Up a Stump -- In a Dilemma ......... 277


Chapter XXXIII

A Nigger Stealer -- Southern Hospitality -- A Pretty Long Blessing -- Tar and Feathers ......... 284


Chapter XXXIV

The Hut by the Ash Hopper -- Outrageous -- Climbing the Lightning Rod -- Troubled with

Witches ......... 293


Chapter XXXV

Escaping Properly -- Dark Schemes -- Discrimination in Stealing -- A Deep Hole ......... 300


Chapter XXXVI

The Lightning Rod -- His Level Best -- A Bequest to Posterity -- A High Figure ......... 309


Chapter XXXVII

The Last Shirt -- Mooning Around -- Sailing Orders -- The Witch Pie ......... 316



The Coat of Arms -- A Skilled Superintendent -- Unpleasant Glory -- A Tearful Subject ......... 324


Chapter XXXIX

Rats -- Lively Bed-fellows -- The Straw Dummy ......... 333


Chapter XL

Fishing -- The Vigilance Committee -- A Lively Run -- Jim Advises a Doctor ......... 339


Chapter XLI

The Doctor -- Uncle Silas -- Sister Hotchkiss -- Aunt Sally in Trouble ......... 347


Chapter XLII

Tom Sawyer Wounded -- The Doctor's Story -- Tom Confesses -- Aunt Polly Arrives -- Hand Out Them Letters ......... 355


Chapter The Last

Out of Bondage -- Paying the Captive -- Yours Truly, Huck Finn ......... 364



