page-scan ............prev...................v? 


Chapter X

The Find -- Old Hank Bunker -- In Disguise ......... 79


Chapter XI

Huck and the Woman -- The Search -- Prevarication -- Going to Goshen ......... 84


Chapter XII

Slow Navigation -- Borrowing Things -- Boarding the Wreck -- The Plotters -- Hunting for the Boat ......... 9S


Chapter XIII

Escaping from the Wreck -- The Watchman -- Sinking ......... 102


Chapter XIV

A General Good Time -- The Harem -- French ......... 109


Chapter XV

Huck Loses the Raft -- In the Fog -- Huck Finds the Raft -- Trash ......... 115


Chapter XVI

Expectation -- A White Lie -- Floating Currency -- Running by Cairo -- Swimming

Ashore ......... 122


Chapter XVII

An Evening Call -- The Farm in Arkansaw -- Interior Decorations -- Stephen Dowling

Bots -- Poetical Effusions ......... 132


Chapter XVIII

Col. Grangerford -- Aristocracy -- Feuds -- The Testament -- Recovering the Raft -- The

Wood-pile -- Pork and Cabbage ......... 143


Chapter XIX

Tying Up Day-times -- An Astronomical Theory -- Running a Temperance Revival -- The Duke of Bridgewater -- The Troubles of Royalty ......... 157


Chapter XX

Huck Explains -- Laying Out a Campaign -- Working the Camp-meeting -- A Pirate at

the Camp-meeting -- The Duke as a Printer ......... 167

