p006-->   taught this Purana to his son, the wonderful Suka. Suka did not
     p008-->   The birds are His wonderful art.
     p095-->   King Prachina Barhis wondered why such beautiful teachings
     p132-->   Maya, the Danava Magician, has built wonderful houses, gar-
     p136-->   The attendants of Vishnu expressed wonder at these words.
     p144-->   Indra could not help wondering at the wisdom and magna-
     p154-->   soul, and remained wonder-struck at the superior properties that
     p160-->   The boys expressed wonder, for they knew Prahlada to have
     p161-->   lion. Hiranya Kasipu with wonder saw He was neither man nor
     p181-->   Vamana wonderfully grew in size. The whole Universe became
     p194-->   knew what had happened, every one wondered what the outcome
     p252-->   Kansa was wonder-struck. Me removed the fetters of Vasu-
     p254-->   could not account for this wonderful phenomenon. The boys, who
     p261-->   all the deeds of Krishna, even the killing of Agha, with wonder,
     p265-->   The older Gopas and Gopis, hearing all the wonderful deeds of Rama
     p271-->   The Gopas struck with wonder approached Nanda. They
     p271-->   the holding aloft of this big hill. We wonder whether your son may not
     p271-->   heard from Garga and they all ceased to wonder. Indra and Surabhi
     p275-->   become full of Him. Do not wonder at this. For Krishna is the Lord
     p289-->   cause of the wonder.)
     p309-->   If men broke that law, what wonder that the gods should re-
     p313-->   on dancing and dancing. The Devas looked with wonder and envied
     p313-->   the lot of the Gopis. Let that wonder grow amongst us. Let us
     p322-->   yumna was an image of Krishna. What wonder if even his mother
     p333-->   have given the kingdom to the Vrishnis and Yadus. A wonder in-
     p333-->   "What a wonder that Srikrishna married 16 thousand girls,
     p345-->   Karma. Narada said it was no wonder that he should ask this ques-
     p427-->   dom, as one looking wonderful with a thousand feet, thighs, hands


     p004-->   love for Krishna. Through that love my mind became fixed in Him
     p004-->   stood on end through exuberance of holy love, I was completely lost
     p025-->   i.--The cloven-footed.
     p028-->   life which pervades all. Devotional love is another equally essential
     p037-->   passion of love and became importunate. Kasyapa asked her to wait.
     p058-->    m. 50. Suravi------Cloven footed
     p058-->    cloven-footed.
     p089-->   Puranjana broke forth into words of love, and asked who she was.
     p090-->   love.
     p103-->   Apsara Purva-chitti and became love-stricken, so much so that he
     p136-->   mony to win the love of that girl. He gave up his own wife and
     p140-->   (3) By Surabki'. Cloven-footed animals.
     p141-->   (10) By Kdsthd: Beasts other than cloven-hoofed.
     p142-->   Varuna once felt love for Urvasi. Agastya and Vasishtha were then
     p164-->   love be written in characters of gold, and let them be engraven in the
     p171-->   love. How could he be called fsvara, who depended on others, (and
     p171-->   woman," said the girl. But the Asuras had fallen in love with her,
     p209-->   lover of Sakuntala daughter |
     p236-->   attempt to do what is right. Far more it is for those who love others
     p236-->   and who do good to them. For service and love pertain to planes
     p236-->   selfish and love is divine. The lower forms of service and love pertain
     p253-->   that you are blessed with the sight of a lovely son. Friends cannot
     p261-->   Balarama thought for a moment. "Never was such love wit-
     p262-->   love for Krishna than for their own sons?
     p262-->   "Self, O King, is the most beloved of all things not so be-
     p262-->   loved are one's sons or wealth. Therefore, O king, people love them-
     p262-->   Those that deem their body to be their own Atma or self, love that
     p264-->   itself. It was a lovely sight and the Devas sang in joy and rained
     p267-->   the lovely faces of Rama and Krishna, with the flutes touching their
     p267-->   Some said: "Look, O companions! how lovely does Vrinda-
     p267-->   the flute. Even the rivers shew the love transformation of their
     p269-->   loved. Those that care for their Atma or self bear unconditional
     p269-->   Direct contact is not necessary for love. Think of me with all your
     p272-->   God of love by enjoyment of others' wives. But it is really not so.
     p272-->   Moreover through this love topic, the five chapters on Rasa are cal-
     p273-->   lover reunited after long separation besmears the face of his beloved
     p273-->   of men (ckarshani). Krishna looked at the Moon, the lover of the
     p273-->   with minds absorbed in Krishna rushed forth to where their lover
     p275-->   feeling of love, anger, fear, affection, kinship or devotion and you
     p275-->   love for me, it Is only meet and proper, for all people have their love
     p275-->   and unbecoming. You may bear love to me in other ways than by
     p275-->   Thou speakest, O love, of our duties to husbands, sons, and friends
     p276-->   they had seen their lover. They enquired of the creepers, the earth
     p279-->   attracted towards fsvara, by means of Sringara Rasa or love topics.
     p279-->   Hence the love matter of Sri Krishna. This is the purport. Sridhata)
     p284-->   for constant devotion, for friendship with the devotees and for love of
     p284-->   ed the brothers, with zeal and love. Krishna pressed her feet with
     p287-->   "Go, Uddhava, to Vraja. Bear my love to Nanda and Yasod??,
     p288-->   does not dwell so much upon the lover, near at hand, dearest though
     p288-->   he be, as it dwells upon a distant lover, being full of him.
     p299-->   mysteries of Vrindavana, and became full of devotional love. He
     p303-->   They also love their offspring. This gives rise to family connections,
     p303-->   and, what is more, of devotional love. The ideal spiritual bliss is that
     p307-->   tional love. We shall now see how they became united to the
     p308-->   lover. They became full of Him (tanmayd), and they worshipped
     p308-->   were found out. So it was to be a matter of open love now.
     p308-->   the Gopis and the consummation of their love (Rasa Lila).
     p310-->   majesty of power. In Goloka there is the sweetness of love. Love
     p311-->   an Avatara is different from Sri Krishna as the beloved and the
     p311-->   lover. As an Avatara, He forces allegiance, and expects it as of
     p311-->   right. As a lover, He seeks His Bhaktas as they seek Him.
     p311-->   was no trace of human passion in them, no love of human flesh, no
     p314-->   panion, a lover. Whatever pleased the Lord pleased them. What-
     p314-->   embraced their friend, their lover, than he disappeared into the re-
     p314-->   The Lord of the Universe was not the lover of the Gopis.
     p314-->   He could not be the direct object of their love. But, when the Gopis
     p314-->   failed not to bear the same love to Him. But the majesty of the
     p314-->   Universe was ill-adapted to the sweetness of their domestic love.
     p315-->   man and man. If we can get an object of unselfish love, to
     p315-->   lesson of self-surrender. By the bond of love, souls group together in
     p315-->   better object of love can one have than one of the Avataras himself?
     p315-->   And Sri Krishna offered himself for such love to those that are
     p315-->   those that complete the love-union with Sri Krishna. They form an
     p320-->   "O Achyuta, thou most lovely of all, my mind has forced
     p322-->   tip and Mayavati approached him with expressions of love. "What
     p330-->   the figure of Aniruddha, the princess indicated him as her lover.
     p335-->   The Pandavas vied with one another in shewing respectful love
     p343-->   smallest thing brought by my Bhaktas becomes great by their love,
     p345-->   have this love to me, for by that love you gain me back. I am the
     p345-->   feet of Krishna. They became centres of devotional love in the bosom
     p346-->   were detained for three months by the Yadavas, such was their love
     p347-->   at each other and felt mutual love. One day, Subhadra, with the
     p352-->   spurned such words from Him, so great was their personal love for
     p352-->   They were now to seek Him, not as the lovely Krishna, playing upon
     p367-->   By such practices, and by the recital of His dear names, love
     p368-->   "He who bears love towards fsvara friendship towards his de-
     p369-->   of Bhagavatas, interchange devotion and love, remind each other and
     p376-->   The love of taste is to be conquered above all, for it is most
     p376-->   lover who might come and make presents to her, with breathless
     p402-->   as long as you are not drawn by love for me. True to your duties,
     p412-->   separateness, material enjoyment, love of excitement, love of fame,
     p436-->   in pure love and devotion. He will not then be of this universe, but
     f004-->   "Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth: for thy love
     f004-->   ointment poured forth, therefore do the virgins love thee.
     f004-->   "Tell me, O thou whom my soul loveth, where thou feedest,
     f007-->   with the genius of the Hindu religion, particularly with its love
     f007-->   enthusiastic and rapturous love of the human soul for the Divine
     f007-->   The Divvans and Sufis bore the highest love to their divine Lover,


     p004-->   mother died of snake-bite. I deemed that an act of God and went
     p014-->   huti. He taught Brahma Vidya to his mother.
     p014-->   his step-mother. He went into the forests and made
     p042-->   the teachings of Kapila to his mother in the Yoga philosophy of
     p081-->   mother, who has been nourishing all Jivas in their course of evolution.
     p083-->   the bitter words of his stepmother Dhruva forthwith left the place
     p083-->   and went straight to his mother and related to her his grievances.
     p083-->   by his mother. Narada met him on the way. "Thou art a child
     p084-->   forest. Thy stepmother Suruchi shall die in pursuit of her son. The
     p111-->   but he is all spirituality within. Such is the nature of our mother
     p141-->   son Visvarupa. Though connected on the mother's side with the
     p143-->   to the Devas, but secretly reserved some for his mother's relations
     p148-->   watched his step mother to discover a breach of the rules. He
     p160-->   taught to her, more for the child in the womb than for the mother, the
     p166-->   name of the Avatara's mother was also truth. The Yakshas and
     p184-->   mother Nature dissolves the material elements for some better use
     p203-->   the father of the child. The child reproved his mother for the delay
     p205-->   Satyavati and her mother both asked Richika to prepare Chant
     p205-->   himself. In the meantime, the mother thought, the daughter's Charu
     p205-->   and the daughter partook of her mother's Charu. When the Rishi
     p250-->   "And mother Devaki, the Great Purusha Himself is in Thy
     p253-->   my son (Balarama) who lives at your place with her mother, and who
     p253-->   of Nanda. She looked like a kind mother and Yasod?? and Rohini
     p254-->   of all sorts. (The protective mantra uttered by the mother with passes
     p254-->   not hear. He then raised his feet aloft, weeping for his mother's milk,
     p255-->   opened His mouth, the mother saw the whole Universe within it.
     p256-->   Krishna had eaten earth. The mother remonstrated. "They have
     p257-->   ashamed. Finding that his mother was perspiring in the effort and
     p261-->   please the mothers of the Gopa boys, He Himself became so many
     p261-->   minutest detail. The mothers thought they had got their boys and
     p267-->   And even the calves stand with their mothers' milk in their mouths,
     p271-->   by me void of all pride." Surabhi, the divine mother of cows, thanked
     p271-->   Indra and other Devas, by the command of the Deva mothers, bathed
     p275-->   mothers, fathers, sons, brothers, and husbands. They are seeking you.
     p286-->   Bhagavan consoled them. He then liberated his father and mother
     p288-->   he is of all the sons, the self, father, mother and fsvara. Nothing
     p310-->   heavenly mother of the cows, said: "Now that thou hast taken the
     p322-->   is this mother?" asked Kamadeva, "Why this change in your feel-
     p322-->   yumna was an image of Krishna. What wonder if even his mother
     p325-->   Naraka, son of the Earth, deprived Aditi, mother of Indra, of
     p341-->   of Kshatriya father and Brahmana mother, but he took his seat higher
     p346-->   my mother to remove her grief. They shall then go to Devaloka,
     p347-->   mother Subhadra, the sister of Rama and Krishna.
     p349-->   mother earth. Therefore the Rishis (the Mantras or their perceivers
     p356-->   The Devas said, addressing Devaki: "Rejoice mother, the
     p361-->   mother Devahuti. (III. 26).
     p375-->   returned they found the young ones netted by a hunter. The mother

