on a scale of 1-99, skep gave these ratings to the following books:

rated positively

90 ......... A Mathematician's Apology __ by G.H. Hardy ......... 90

80 ......... A Clockwork Orange __ by Anthony Burgess ......... 80
80 ......... 1984 __ by George Orwell ......... 80

70 ......... A Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy __ by Douglas Adams ......... 70

rated neutral

60 ......... Tropic Of Cancer __ by Henry Miller ......... 60
60 ......... This Side Of Paradise __ by F. Scott Fitzgerald ......... 60

50 ......... Where Angels Fear To Tread __ by E.M. Forster ......... 50
50 ......... Animal Farm __ by George Orwell ......... 50
50 ......... A Mathematician Reads The Newspaper __ by John Allen Paulos ......... 50
50 ......... A Farewell To Arms __ by Ernest Hemingway ......... 50

40 ......... White Noise __ by Don Delillo ......... 40
40 ......... V. __ by Thomas Pynchon ......... 40

rated negatively

30 ......... A Room With A View __ by E.M. Forster ......... 30
30 ......... A Room Of One's Own __ by Virginia Woolf ......... 30

20 ......... Ulysses __ by James Joyce ......... 20
20 ......... To The Lighthouse __ by Virginia Woolf ......... 20