101 Things To Do Til The Revolution __ by Claire Wolfe 10:04 __ by Ben Lerner 11/22/1963 __ by Stephen King 1984 __ by George Orwell A Bend In The River __ by V.S. Naipaul A Bright Shining Lie __ by Neil Sheehan A Clockwork Orange __ by Anthony Burgess A Conflict Of Visions __ by Thomas Sowell A Dance To The Music Of Time (Series) __ by Anthony Powell A Farewell To Arms __ by Ernest Hemingway A Feeling For Books __ by Janice Radway A Girl Is A Half-Formed Thing __ by Eimear McBride A Good Man Is Hard To Find __ by Flannery O'Connor A Handful Of Dust __ by Evelyn Waugh A High Wind In Jamaica __ by Richard Hughes A Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy __ by Douglas Adams A Hologram For The King __ by Dave Eggers A House For Mr Biswas __ by V.S. Naipaul A Life Of One's Own __ by David Kelley A Mathematician Reads The Newspaper __ by John Allen Paulos A Mathematician's Apology __ by G.H. Hardy A Modern Prophet __ by Harold Klemp A Passage To India __ by E.M. Forster A Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Man __ by James Joyce A Prayer For Owen Meany __ by John Irving A Preface To Morals __ by Walter Lippmann A Room Of One's Own __ by Virginia Woolf A Room With A View __ by E.M. Forster A Separate Peace __ by John Knowles A Study Of History __ by Arnold J. Toynbee A Theory Of Justice __ by John Rawls A Town Like Alice __ by Nevil Shute A Visit From The Goon Squad __ by Jennifer Egan Absalom, Absalom! __ by William Faulkner Adam __ by Ariel Schrag Ain't Nobody's Business If You Do __ by Peter McWilliams All The King's Men __ by Robert Penn Warren All The Light We Cannot See __ by Anthony Doerr America's Great Depression __ by Murray N. Rothbard American Gay __ by Stephen O. Murray Americanah __ by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie An American Dilemma __ by Gunnar Myrdal An American Tragedy __ by Theodore Dreiser Anatomy Of Criticism __ by Northrop Frye And So It Goes, Kurt Vonnegut __ by Charles J. Shields Angle Of Repose __ by Wallace Stegner Animal Farm __ by George Orwell Annihilation __ by Jeff Vandermeer Anthem __ by Ayn Rand Appointment In Samarra __ by John O'Hara Arrowsmith __ by Sinclair Lewis Art And Illusion __ by Ernest H. Gombrich As I Lay Dying __ by William Faulkner Aspects Of The Novel __ by E.M. Forster At Swim-Two-Birds __ by Flann O'Brien At The Mountains Of Madness __ by H.P. Lovecraft Atlas Shrugged __ by Ayn Rand Autobiographies __ by W.B. Yeats Ayn Rand: A Sense Of Life __ by Michael Paxton Babbitt __ by Sinclair Lewis Bad Feminist __ by Roxane Gay Bark __ by Lorrie Moore Battle Cry Of Freedom __ by James M. McPherson Battlefield Earth __ by L. Ron Hubbard Before I Fall __ by Lauren Oliver Before You Suffocate Your Own Fool Self __ by Danielle Evans Behind The Beautiful Forevers __ by Katherine Boo Behind The Mask __ by Ian Buruma Being Mortal __ by Atul Gawande Beloved __ by Toni Morrison Beyond Liberal And Conservative __ by William Maddox & Stuart Lilie Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk __ by Ben Fountain Black Boy __ by Richard Wright Black Lamb And Grey Falcon __ by Rebecca West Blood Meridian __ by Cormac McCarthy Blood, Bones And Butter __ by Gabrielle Hamilton Bonfire Of The Vanities __ by Tom Wolfe Bossypants __ by Tina Fey Boy, Snow, Bird __ by Helen Oyeyemi Brave New World __ by Aldous Huxley Brideshead Revisited __ by Evelyn Waugh Bring Up The Bodies __ by Hilary Mantel But Is It True? __ by Aaron Wildavsky C __ by Tom McCarthy Cadillac Desert __ by Marc Reisner Cat's Cradle __ by Kurt Vonnegut Catch-22 __ by Joseph Heller Changing My Mind __ by Zadie Smith Charlotte's Web __ by E.B. White Children Of Crisis __ by Robert Coles Citizen __ by Claudia Rankine Citizen Of The Galaxy __ by Robert Heinlein Classical Individualism __ by Tibor Machan Cleopatra: A Life __ by Stacy Schiff Cognitive Therapy And The Emotional Disorders __ by Aaron T. Beck Dare Me __ by Megan Abbott Darkness At Noon __ by Arthur Koestler Darkness Visible __ by William Styron Daughter Of Smoke And Bone __ by Laini Taylor Dear Life __ by Alice Munro Death By Government __ by R.J. Rummel Death Comes For The Archbishop __ by Willa Cather Deliverance __ by James Dickey Dianetics: The Modern Science Of Mental Health __ by L. Ron Hubbard Doors Of Perception __ by Aldous Huxley Double Star __ by Robert Heinlein Dumbing Us Down __ by John Taylor Gatto Dune __ by Frank Herbert Economics In One Lesson __ by Henry Hazlitt Ecoterror __ by Ron Arnold Eleanor And Park __ by Rainbow Rowell Eminent Victorians __ by Lytton Strachey Ender's Game __ by Orson Scott Card Eros The Bittersweet __ by Anne Carson Ethan Frome __ by Edith Wharton Every Day __ by David Levithan Everything I Never Told You __ by Celeste Ng Evil And The Mask __ by Fuminori Nakamura Far From The Tree __ by Andrew Solomon Farenheit 451 __ by Ray Bradbury Fear __ by L. Ron Hubbard Fifth Business __ by Robertson Davies Fingerprints Of The Gods __ by G. Hancock Finnegans Wake __ by James Joyce Flash Boys __ by Michael Lewis Florence Nightingale __ by Cecil Woodham-Smith For Whom The Bell Tolls __ by Ernest Hemingway Franny And Zooey __ by J.D. Salinger Free To Choose __ by Milton Friedman & Rose Friedman Freedom __ by Jonathan Franzen Freedom In Chains __ by James Bovard From Here To Eternity __ by James Jones General Theory Of Employment, Interest, And Money __ by John M. Keynes Ghettoside: A True Story Of Murder In America __ by Jill Leovy Go Tell It On The Mountain __ by James Baldwin Going Clear __ by Lawrence Wright Gone Girl __ by Gillian Flynn Gone With The Wind __ by Margaret Mitchell Goodbye To All That __ by Robert Graves Gravity's Rainbow __ by Thomas Pynchon Greenmantle __ by Charles de Lint Guilty Pleasures __ by Laurell K. Hamilton Gulp __ by Mary Roach Healing Our World __ by Mary Ruwart Heart Of Darkness __ by Joseph Conrad Henderson The Rain King __ by Saul Bellow Homage To Catalonia __ by George Orwell Home __ by Toni Morrison How Music Works __ by David Byrne How To Lie With Statistics __ by Darrell Huff How To Live Safely In A Science Fictional Universe __ by Charles Yu Howards End __ by E.M. Forster I'll Be Right There __ by Kyung-Sook Shin I, Claudius __ by Robert Graves Ideas And Opinions __ by Albert Einstein Illusions __ by Richard Bach In A Dark Wood __ by Alston Chase In Cold Blood __ by Truman Capote In Our Time __ by Ernest Hemingway In The American Grain __ by William Carlos Williams Invisible Man __ by Ralph Ellison Ironweed __ by William Kennedy It __ by Stephen King James Joyce __ by Richard Ellmann Jazz __ by Toni Morrison Jefferson And His Time __ by Dumas Malone Just Kids __ by Patti Smith Kim __ by Rudyard Kipling Lady Chatterley's Lover __ by D.H. Lawrence Libertarianism: A Primer __ by David Boaz Life After Life __ by Kate Atkinson Light In August __ by William Faulkner Lolita __ by Vladimir Nabokov Longitude __ by Dava Sobel Look Homeward, Angel __ by Thomas Wolfe Lord Jim __ by Joseph Conrad Lord Of The Flies __ by William Golding Loving __ by Henry Green Main Street __ by Sinclair Lewis Melbourne __ by Lord David Cecil Memory And Dream __ by Charles de Lint Men To Match My Mountains __ by Irving Stone Men We Reaped __ by Jesmyn Ward Midnight's Children __ by Salman Rushdie Mission Earth __ by L. Ron Hubbard Modern Times __ by Paul Johnson Moonheart __ by Charles de Lint More Guns, Less Crime __ by John R. Lott More Liberty Means Less Government __ by Walter Williams Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore __ by Robin Sloan Mrs. Dalloway __ by Virginia Woolf Mulengro __ by Charles de Lint My Antonia __ by Willa Cather My Brilliant Friend __ by Elena Ferrante My Butt Itches __ by Pedro Derycz Mythago Wood __ by Robert Holdstock Naked Lunch __ by William S. Burroughs Native Son __ by Richard Wright Nostromo __ by Joseph Conrad Not Out Of Africa __ by Mary Lefkowitz Notes Of A Native Son __ by James Baldwin NW __ by Zadie Smith O Pioneers! __ by Willa Cather Objectivism: The Philosophy Of Ayn Rand __ by Leonard Peikoff Of Human Bondage __ by W. Somerset Maugham Of Mice And Men __ by John Steinbeck On Growth And Form __ by D'arcy Thompson On Immunity __ by Eula Biss On The Beach __ by Nevil Shute On The Road __ by Jack Kerouac One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest __ by Ken Kesey One Lonely Night __ by Mickey Spillane Open City __ by Teju Cole Operating Instructions __ by Anne Lamott Ordinarily Sacred __ by Lynda Sexson Orientalism __ by Edward Said Orlando __ by Virginia Woolf Out Of Africa __ by Isak Dinesen Out Of The Crisis __ by W. Edwards Deming Pale Fire __ by Vladimir Nabokov Parade's End __ by Ford Madox Ford Parliament Of Whores __ by P.J. O'Rourke Patriotic Gore __ by Edmund Wilson People Who Eat Darkness __ by Richard Lloyd Parry Philosophy And Civilization __ by John Dewey Pilgrim At Tinker Creek __ by Annie Dillard Placing Movies __ by Jonathon Rosenbaum Point Counter Point __ by Aldous Huxley Portnoy's Complaint __ by Philip Roth Portrait Of A Lady __ by Henry James Present At The Creation __ by Dean Acheson Principia Ethica __ by G.E. Moore Principia Mathematica __ by Alfred North Whitehead & Bertrand Russell Private Parts __ by Howard Stern Property Matters __ by James V. de Long Psychiatry: The Ultimate Betrayal __ by Bruce Wiseman Pulphead __ by John Jeremiah Sullivan Rabbit, Run __ by John Updike Radical Son __ by David Horowitz Ragtime __ by E.L. Doctorow Real Presences __ by George Steiner Rebecca __ by Daphne Du Maurier Redeployment __ by Phil Klay Religion And The Rise Of Capitalism __ by R.H. Tawney Reverse Angle __ by John Simon Right From The Beginning __ by Patrick J. Buchanan Rise Of The Unmeltable Ethnics __ by Michael Novack Salvage The Bones __ by Jesmyn Ward Samuel Johnson __ by Walter Jackson Bate Schindler's List __ by Thomas Keneally Science And Civilization In China __ by Joseph Needham Scoop __ by Evelyn Waugh Selected Essays, 1917-1932 __ by T.S. Eliot Send In The Waco Killers __ by Vin Suprynowicz Separating School And State __ by Sheldon Richman Sexual Personae __ by Camille Paglia Shadow And Act __ by Ralph Ellison Shane __ by Jack Schaefer Sidewalks __ by Valeria Luiselli Silent Interviews __ by Samuel R. Delany Silent Spring __ by Rachel Carson Sister Carrie __ by Theodore Dreiser Six Easy Pieces __ by Richard P. Feynman Skippy Dies __ by Paul Murray Slats Grobnik And Some Other Friends __ by Mike Royko Slaughterhouse-Five __ by Kurt Vonnegut Slow Getting Up __ by Nate Jackson Someplace To Be Flying __ by Charles de Lint Something Wicked This Way Comes __ by Ray Bradbury Sometimes A Great Notion __ by Ken Kesey Song Of Solomon __ by Toni Morrison Sons And Lovers __ by D.H. Lawrence Sophie's Choice __ by William Styron Speak, Memory __ by Vladimir Nabokov Starship Troopers __ by Robert Heinlein Station Eleven __ by Emily St. John Mandel Storming Heaven __ by Jay Stevens Stranger In A Strange Land __ by Robert Heinlein Studies In Iconology __ by Erwin Panofsky Submergence __ by J.M. Ledgard Suttree __ by Cormac McCarthy Swamplandia! __ by Karen Russell Swimming Studies __ by Leanne Shapton Ten Thousand Saints __ by Eleanor Henderson Tender Is The Night __ by F. Scott Fitzgerald Tenth Of December __ by George Saunders Thank You For Your Service __ by David Finkel The Adventures Of Augie March __ by Saul Bellow The Affluent Society __ by John Kenneth Galbraith The Age Of Innocence __ by Edith Wharton The Age Of Jackson __ by Arthur Schlesinger Jr. The Alexandria Quartet __ by Lawrence Durell The Ambassadors __ by Henry James The American Language __ by H.L. Mencken The American Political Tradition __ by Richard Hofstadter The Ants __ by Bert Hoelldobler & Edward O. Wilson The Art Of Fielding __ by Chad Harbach The Art Of Memory __ by Frances Yates The Art Of The Soluble __ by Peter B. Medawar The Autobiography Of Alice B. Toklas __ by Gertrude Stein The Autobiography Of Malcolm X __ by Alex Haley & Malcolm X The Autobiography Of Mark Twain __ by Mark Twain The Awakening __ by Kate Chopin The Beautiful And The Damned __ by F. Scott Fitzgerald The Black Count __ by Tom Reiss The Bostonians __ by Henry James The Boys In The Boat __ by Daniel James Brown The Bridge Of San Luis Rey __ by Thornton Wilder The Buried Giant __ by Kazuo Ishiguro The Call Of The Wild __ by Jack London The Catcher In The Rye __ by J.D. Salinger The City In History __ by Lewis Mumford The Civil War __ by Shelby Foote The Color Purple __ by Alice Walker The Contours Of American History __ by William Appleman Williams The Cunning Man __ by Robertson Davies The Day Of The Locust __ by Nathanael West The Death Of The Heart __ by Elizabeth Bowen The Declaration Of Independence __ by Carl L. Becker The Discovery Of Freedom __ by Rose Wilder Lane The Door Into Summer __ by Robert Heinlein The Double Helix __ by James D. Watson The Drunken Botanist __ by Amy Stewart The Education Of Henry Adams __ by Henry Adams The Elements Of Style __ by William Strunk & E.B. White The Empathy Exams __ by Leslie Jamison The Emperor Of All Maladies __ by Siddhartha Mukherjee The End Of Racism __ by Dinesh D'souza The Face Of Battle __ by John Keegan The Fault In Our Stars __ by John Green The Flamethrowers __ by Rachel Kushner The Flute Of God __ by Paul Twitchell The Fountainhead __ by Ayn Rand The French Lieutenant's Woman __ by John Fowles The Frontier In American History __ by Frederick Jackson Turner The Future And Its Enemies __ by Virginia Postrel The Gate Of Heavenly Peace __ by Jonathan D. Spence The Ginger Man __ by J.P. Donleavy The Girl On The Train __ by Paula Hawkins The Gnostic Gospels __ by Elaine Pagels The God Of The Machine __ by Isabel Paterson The Golden Bough __ by James George Frazer The Golden Bowl __ by Henry James The Goldfinch __ by Donna Tartt The Good Lord Bird __ by James McBride The Good Soldier __ by Ford Madox Ford The Grapes Of Wrath __ by John Steinbeck The Great Bridge __ by David McCullough The Great Gatsby __ by F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great War And Modern Memory __ by Paul Fussell The Greatest Story Never Told __ by Lana Cantrell The Guns Of August __ by Barbara Tuchman The Handmaid's Tale __ by Margaret Atwood The Haunting Of Hill House __ by Shirley Jackson The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter __ by Carson McCullers The Heart Of The Matter __ by Graham Greene The Hero With A Thousand Faces __ by Joseph Campbell The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy __ by Douglas Adams The House Of Mirth __ by Edith Wharton The House Of Morgan __ by Ron Chernow The Hunt For Red October __ by Tom Clancy The Immortal Life Of Henrietta Lacks __ by Rebecca Skloot The Imperfectionists __ by Tom Rachman The Information __ by James Gleick The Interestings __ by Meg Wolitzer The Isle Of Youth __ by Laura van den Berg The Job __ by William Burroughs The Journalist And The Murderer __ by Janet Malcolm The Jungle __ by Upton Sinclair The Liberal Imagination __ by Lionel Trilling The Little Country __ by Charles de Lint The Lives Of A Cell __ by Lewis Thomas The Lord Of The Rings __ by J.R.R. Tolkien The Magician King __ by Lev Grossman The Magnificent Ambersons __ by Booth Tarkington The Magus __ by John Fowles The Mainspring Of Human Progress __ by Henry Grady Weaver The Making Of The Atomic Bomb __ by Richard Rhodes The Making Of The English Working Class __ by E.P. Thompson The Maltese Falcon __ by Dashiell Hammett The Middlesteins __ by Jami Attenberg The Minuteman: Restoring An Army Of The People __ by Gary Hart The Mirror And The Lamp __ by Meyer Howard Abrams The Mismeasure Of Man __ by Stephen Jay Gould The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress __ by Robert Heinlein The Moviegoer __ by Walker Percy The Naked And The Dead __ by Norman Mailer The Nature And Destiny Of Man __ by Reinhold Niebuhr The Old Man And The Sea __ by Ernest Hemingway The Old Wives' Tale __ by Arnold Bennett The Open Society And Its Enemies __ by Karl Popper The Postman Always Rings Twice __ by James M. Cain The Power Broker __ by Robert A. Caro The Prime Of Miss Jean Brodie __ by Muriel Spark The Promise Of American Life __ by Herbert Croly The Proper Study Of Mankind __ by Isaiah Berlin The Psychopath Test __ by Jon Ronson The Puppet Masters __ by Robert Heinlein The Rainbow __ by D.H. Lawrence The Recognitions __ by William Gaddis The Right Stuff __ by Tom Wolfe The Rise Of The West __ by William H. McNeill The Rise Of Theodore Roosevelt __ by Edmund Morris The Road To Serfdom __ by F.A. Hayek The Roosevelt Myth __ by John T. Flynn The Round House __ by Louise Erdrich The Satanic Verses __ by Salman Rushdie The Second World War __ by Winston Churchill The Secret Agent __ by Joseph Conrad The Sense Of An Ending __ by Frank Kermode The Shadow University __ by Alan Charles Kors The Sheltering Sky __ by Paul Bowles The Short And Tragic Life Of Robert Peace __ by Jeff Hobbs The Sixth Extinction __ by Elizabeth Kolbert The Son __ by Philipp Meyer The Souls Of Black Folk __ by W.E.B. Du Bois The Sound And The Fury __ by William Faulkner The Sound Of Things Falling __ by Juan Gabriel Vasquez The Stand __ by Stephen King The Strange Career Of Jim Crow __ by C. Vann Woodward The Strange Death Of Liberal England __ by George Dangerfield The Structure Of Scientific Revolutions __ by Thomas S. Kuhn The Studs Lonigan Trilogy __ by James T. Farrell The Sun Also Rises __ by Ernest Hemingway The Sweet Science __ by A.J. Liebling The Taming Of Chance __ by Ian Hacking The Telephone Book __ by Avital Ronell The Texan __ by C.S. Barrios The Thousand Autumns Of Jacob De Zoet __ by David Mitchell The Tiger's Wife __ by Tea Obreht The True Believer __ by Eric Hoffer The Ultimate Resource __ by Julian Simon The Unnamed __ by Joshua Ferris The Varieties Of Religious Experience __ by William James The Virtue Of Selfishness __ by Ayn Rand The Wapshot Chronicles __ by John Cheever The War Of The Worlds __ by H.G. Wells The Way Of All Flesh __ by Samuel Butler The Western Canon __ by Harold Bloom The White Goddess __ by Robert Graves The Wind In The Willows __ by Kenneth Grahame The Wings Of The Dove __ by Henry James The Wonderful Wizard Of Oz __ by L. Frank Baum The Wood Wife __ by Terri Windling The World According To Garp __ by John Irving The Worm Ouroboros __ by E.R. Eddison Their Eyes Were Watching God __ by Zora Neale Hurston Things Fall Apart __ by Chinua Achebe Think And Grow Rich __ by Napoleon Hill Thinking, Fast And Slow __ by Daniel Kahneman This Boy's Life __ by Tobias Wolff This Is How You Lose Her __ by Junot Diaz This Side Of Paradise __ by F. Scott Fitzgerald Those Guys Have All The Fun __ by James Andrew Miller & Tom Shales Time Warped __ by Claudia Hammond Tiny Beautiful Things __ by Cheryl Strayed To Kill A Mockingbird __ by Harper Lee To The Lighthouse __ by Virginia Woolf Tobacco Road __ by Erskine Caldwell Trader __ by Charles de Lint Tropic Of Cancer __ by Henry Miller Trustee From The Toolroom __ by Nevil Shute U.S.A. (Trilogy) __ by John Dos Passos Ulysses __ by James Joyce Undaunted Courage __ by Stephen E. Ambrose Under The Net __ by Iris Murdoch Under The Sign Of Saturn __ by Susan Sontag Under The Volcano __ by Malcolm Lowry Up From Slavery __ by Booker T. Washington V. __ by Thomas Pynchon Vermeer __ by Lawrence Gowing Vindicating The Founders __ by Thomas West Waking And Dreaming __ by Joseph Hart Watership Down __ by Richard Adams Ways Of Seeing __ by John Berger We The Living __ by Ayn Rand We Were Liars __ by E. Lockhart West With The Night __ by Beryl Markham Where Angels Fear To Tread __ by E.M. Forster White Noise __ by Don Delillo Why Government Doesn't Work __ by Harry Browne Why We Can't Wait __ by Martin Luther King Jr. Wide Sargasso Sea __ by Jean Rhys Wild __ by Cheryl Strayed Winesburg, Ohio __ by Sherwood Anderson Winnie-The-Pooh __ by A.A. Milne Wise Blood __ by Flannery O'Connor Women In Love __ by D.H. Lawrence Working __ by Studs Terkel Yarrow __ by Charles de Lint Zen And The Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance __ by Robert Pirsig Zuleika Dobson __ by Max Beerbohm