
order the books in advance, as they were too
expensive to have any copies left over. Not all
felt that they could buy one, but those who did
were generous with them and it was not unusual
to see a group gathered around, peering over
shoulders to look at the pictures of groups or
individuals, taken some time back, when the
camera men came out to the school.

Betty and Carolyn secured their copies among
the first and plumped down in seats in the
auditorium at the close of school to look at
them. Mary Emma and Selma were standing
behind them, bending over with interest; and
not far away Chet and Budd were chuckling
over a copy. Naturally, their own individual
pictures with their class were of first interest.
"Oh, Betty!" cried Mary Emma, "that isn't
half as pretty as you are, but it's pretty good
after all! And look at mine -- there -- on the
same page. Isn't that awful! I'm just smirk-
ing! Somebody had made me laugh and I was
trying to get over it and just smile a little."

"Wait till you see mine," said Carolyn, "be-
fore you shed tears. I'm the Grossest girl you
ever saw, so far as mere looks are concerned."

"Why, Caroline, you just look serious. Of
course, you usually don't, but what is a little
thing like that?" This was Betty.
