
erly leaning forward, almost afraid to believe
the countess. Rich people sometimes had kind
impulses and then forgot!

"I mean it," smiled Countess Coletti. "Finish
the lace now. Come tomorrow and by that time
I will have consulted our new housekeeper and
considered the matter of furniture and just
what rooms shall be cleared for you and your
mother. There is every arrangement for cook-
ing light meals there, since it was often neces-

"Mother is more sick with worry than any-
thing," said Rosie. "This news will make her
happy -- and to be safe! She is old and has been
through so much that it will be like heaven here!
I will do everything. No work is too hard for

The countess smiled. "You shall do enough
to earn the way of both of you, never fear,
though I shall want to know some time what
daughter of Spanish nobles is living on our
third floor."

Rose smiled at that. "You shall know all,
perhaps, some day. I thank you for _trusting_

At last the trail was laid to bring Ramon and
his mother and sister together. Betty felt satis-
fied. Her neglect or carelessness earlier in the
