
Mathilde was the only one I really knew, though
I believe there were two or three senior girls

"Thanks, Betty. I thought you would know,
I believe I'll do what you suggest and if you'll
bring that account tomorrow it will be in plenty
of time. All the copy has to go in tomorrow

The young "reporter" ran away satisfied and
Betty turned, to come face to face with Jack.
She flushed and her heart beat a little faster
than usual. How she dreaded the interview
which must occur sooner or later!

Jack was as sober as she ever saw him look,
and she did not realize how thoughtful and
serious a face she raised to him. Brown and blue
eyes regarded each other for a moment. "Betty,"
said he, "I've got to talk to you. When can I
see you?"

"Would you like to come out to the house?"
inquired Betty.

"I should say not!" Jack seemed more
startled at the idea than rude. "Can't I see
you after school? I've got my roadster."

Betty shook her head negatively at that suggestion.

"If you don't want to ride with me, Betty,
I'll take you to the nearest park or tea room,
