
That is inevitable. But I am sure that you are
able to meet the situation."

Betty was not quite sure just how she could
meet it, but the very distance from the party
was helpful now, in point of time and reflection
upon it. Two days went by. No Jack at school.
Mathilde was there, but carefully keeping away
from Betty as Betty was keeping away from
her. Then came the week-end and Monday
again. Jack was in his classes. Lucia Coletti
was back having had a touch of tonsilitis. Betty
saw her and overheard her saying to Jack that
she was "so sorry" she missed his party.

But some little echo of affairs had reached
the school. The junior reporter of the school
paper came to Betty with a puzzled look upon
her face. "Betty, tell me about Jack Huxley's
birthday party. We were going to make a note
of it, mostly something nice about Jack, if we
could, though it wasn't a junior party, of course,
and I heard that they were mostly outsiders.
How about it?"

"There was a notice of it in the newspaper.
Did you see that? In the junior society do-


"There was a list of names given, the more
prominent ones, at least, though I was omitted
