
special, you know, Doris. But he was great to-
day, just as nice as can be to all the girls. I
think they will have a different opinion of him
now. Lucia's being so pleasant to him makes a
difference, too. She said when a lot of us were
sitting around eating lunch, that her mother
used to know Jack's mother when they were
girls, just what she told me. And she did the
introducing to several girls instead of me, as it

So the busy days whirled by. There was a
girls' swimming meet for which Betty had been
preparing, though that was only fun. And it
happened that Mr. Lee's "little fish" or "mer-
maid" won more honors for her school, attempt-
ing more difficult feats than in her sophomore
year. Betty was working now, also, on the life-
saving tests, of practical importance, her father
told her, though she must be "fit" and ready for

One more occurrence that deeply interested
Betty Lee happened before the birthday party.
It was on Saturday afternoon, when Mr. Lee
had come home from the closed office and sat at
his desk, for which there was no good place ex-
cept the living room. He was figuring away at
something and looked annoyed when the bell
rang. "Mother, I simply must have another
