
 Chapter X


A crystal star over the central entrance of
the high school building, and within, gave
evidence that the school, teachers and pupils,
were making much of the season. It contained
small electric bulbs of different colors, har-
moniously selected, and gave beauty to the large
square hall as well as a thrill to some of the
pupils. The bulbs were glowing this last
morning, and beneath their radiance, the boys
and girls, visitors, parents and friends entered
to see the play and the last assembly of the
year; for before school met in session again a
new year would be ushered in.

Betty had merely reported at her home room,
for the dramatic director had urged every one
to "hurry into costume," as the play would
begin at once. There was not a long wait. The
older classes were admitted to the auditorium
first. The rest and the junior high would see
the second performance. No change of scenery
hampered the stage directors, for the play was
