
"Suppose it was -- wouldn't that be nice

"No, Mary Emma. Looks are something
you're born with and can't help and they're no
credit. See?"

"H'm. You're a funny girl! So are people
born either with brains or without 'em. I don't
agree with you. And I'd rather have looks than

"Much you would. But as you're pretty well
supplied with both you needn't worry."

"I thank you," said Mary Emma with mock
formality, as they separated inside of the door,
Mary Emma to seek her locker and home room,
Betty to report first with her costume, before
she also would join the other junior girls of
her home room.

So old Budd thought she would have made
a good angel. That was nice. Budd had been
at the pageant at the church. He had a part
in the play to be given this morning. And as
Betty happened to meet him in the hall on her
way to her home room, she gave him such a
welcoming smile, without realizing it in' the
least, that Budd was pleasantly surprised. He
believed he'd get ahead of old Chet and ask
Betty way ahead for something or other in
the party line. Say, why couldn't he take her
