{{betlep132.png}} advised. "You just leave all the carrying to Chauncey and me." "Not a bit of it!" cried Kathryn. "We want to see those little Woods kiddies. Moreover, cars do lock, Betty." "We know where to find them this time any- how," said Betty. Again the Allen car wound round the Lyon High drives out upon the wide thoroughfare, making its way down town and out to the dis- trict whose buildings and surroundings made it very clear that poverty marked its inhabitants. The hall which the young people reached after climbing the two flights of rickety stairs gave some evidence of having been cleaned and there was a rush to the door by young feet, they could hear, after the knock which Kathryn gave. The door was flung open and grins of pleasure welcomed the high school representatives. "We saw you come and Mother said we could open the door," said the eldest, her eyes big at the array of what had been brought. "Oh, Mother, come! There's a bushel basket and lots of things!" "Merry Christmas," said Betty, smiling at everybody, as she looked past the children at Mrs. Woods, who again appeared with a sleepy baby that she placed upon the bed. The room, [[132]]