
day that she had to go to some club. Do you
know what it was, Lucia? But you weren't here
then, were you?"

Mrs. Ferris looked troubled again, as if she
were trying to recall events and could not.
"Don't you think you'd better call up and see
if you can find Laura, Bessie? Tell her I want
to see her. Oh, I do want to see Laura so much."

"Of course," soothingly said the nurse, ad-
dressed as Bessie. Mrs. Ferris thought her her
maid as formerly. "Shall I open the box, Miss

But Lucia was already taking the cover from
the box and disclosing the doll in its tissue
wrappings. "See, Grandmother, it hasn't a
thing to wear. I could have gotten dressed dolls,
but I had to dress this myself -- only I mean
Giovanna to do the sewing!" Lucia made
a comical face at her "grandmother," who
laughed. "That is just like you, Laura. You
were always a hand to get out of work."

Turning to Betty, Mrs. Ferris continued.
"You know, Mary, that I used to do all the
work for Laura and her father and the other
children. That was before Mr. Ferris made so
much money and the children died, all but
Laura. Why, Laura, let me get some of your
little brother's things for this baby. Bessie,
