
scribed their preparing and delivering the
Thanksgiving baskets.

Lucia looked interested and asked Betty why
she had not asked her to help with the gifts.
"I could have done something as well as not,"
she said.

"There's plenty of time to do something,"
Betty told her. "We're going to dress dolls for
Christmas and, I imagine, fill a basket again.
How would you like to dress a doll?"

Lucia smiled at that. "I've never dressed a
doll in my life," said she, "but I'll buy one and
have it dressed. That would be fun. I'll tell
you what we'll do. I asked Mother if I might
have you for a week-end some time, and we'll
see to it then -- if you'll come. Will you?"

"Of course I will!"

"That was what I wanted to plan at Thanks-
giving, but I found that I could not, on account
of all Mother had on hand. I have a few wor-
ries to talk over with you, if you don't mind,
and I'll get one of the maids to do most of the
sewing. Do you know about doll patterns and
things like that?"

"I think so; enough, anyhow."

"Perhaps we could have a meeting of the girls
at our house and everybody dress dolls to-
