
she sick and she said yes, sick about having to
pay out all she had in the rent and there wasn't
any left for food. She was hurryin' to finish
some sewin' she was doin' for somebody, she
said. I just plain asked her when she'd had her
last meal and she said night before last."

"Oh -- how dreadful!" cried Betty. "Who are
the Savillas and where do they live? We have
an extra basket downstairs and I was going
to ask you, Mrs. Woods, if you knew anybody
that needed it." Where had Betty heard that
name? "Savilla" sounded familiar.

Mrs. Woods shook her head. "I know dozens
that need it. Why, the Savillas live just below
us on the second floor. There's only two of
them, Rosie and the old lady. They're foreigners
and the old lady can't speak English. I think
they were used to having money in the old
country. Rosie's got the wreck of a fur coat
and the old lady fixes up sometimes. If you've
another basket -- but you'll have to be careful
how you give it. They're awful proud. I would
be myself if it wasn't for the children. But I
can't see them go hungry, or even miss their
Thanksgiving and Christmas good times if they
are offered to them."

"How would it do if you went with us, Mrs.
Woods, and fixed it up about its being a present
