
 Chapter IV

 Baskets And Humble Friends

Monday brought a Betty "chastened in
spirit," she said, to school. She had spent Satur-
day and Sunday in bed for the most part and
walked to her classes without animation. At
lunch the girls, though sorry, could not help
laughing over her comical remarks. She had
had nothing to do but "think of her sins of
omission and commission," she told them, and
worst of all, this morning, at the last minute,
she and Carolyn remembered that the lesson
they "had ahead" was Cicero and they always
had prose on Monday!

"Was that why your hand didn't go up as
usual?" cried Peggy Pollard. "I thought it was
your cold and that you were half sick!"

"That is what I'm hoping all my teachers
thought this morning; but I could look over my
work in bed, so I didn't ask to be excused from
reciting. I thought I could get through." Betty
sighed. "I never had half sympathy enough for
girls who aren't strong."
