
letics, or looked nice, or felt "set up" about
what somebody had said, she always "got a
good jolt of some sort, to bring her down a peg
or two." And Kathryn or Carolyn would reply,
"Life is like that, Betty!"

A little jolt was coming that evening, though
Betty, satisfied that she could finish her lessons
by rising a little earlier than usual the next
morning, happily started off with Chet, a little
late for the young people's supper. "Do you
have to help any tonight?" asked Chet, who
knew that Betty was often called on by the
committees. Chet did not belong to Betty's
church, but had a little habit of 'dropping in'
when something attractive was going on. The
turkey suppers were usually served by the
ladies' committees, but this one was entirely in
the hands of the younger organizations.

"No, Chet, unless with the games. I'm going
to help with the Christmas music and the tree
and the Sunday school doings and I told them
I couldn't do anything more this time. Is Ted
coming tonight?"

"Yes. He's bringing his latest girl. She's a
freshman, too, at the University."

Betty made a little sound that might have
been termed a giggle. Attractive Ted, Chet's
brother, the first boy who had claimed Betty's
