{{betlep029.png}} read it after the meeting, Carolyn. But don't you know I'd forgotten all about the church sup- per tonight and I'll have to skip home to get a lesson or two before dinner." "Stay here and get out Cicero with me. It won't take us any time because she had us do so much sight reading ahead today. There are two or three clubs meeting and the building will be open, you know." "All right. Here's hoping that this meeting will not take too long. There's a program, you know, and election of officers. Bess Higgins re- signed and so they're going to have the whole new group elected and let the new president be- gin right away." "That's funny. How do you like the idea of different officers for the two semesters?" "I don't know how it will work, but it makes more girls do things and that is a good thing. Oh, Carolyn, I wouldn't have missed that Fall Retreat at camp for anything! Just one week- end was glorious and Father says perhaps I can go there for a week or two next summer after school. I wish I could go!" "Perhaps I can. The family could go on with- [[29]]