
performances, turned to leave just in time to
come face to face with another boy, a junior this
time, Mickey Carlin, who was carrying a cornet.

"You saved yourself by turning around,
Betty," said the youth usually addressed by the
boys as "Irish." "I was just going to set off a
few gentle blasts behind you to see how much
you love real music. Going to join the band?"

"Certainly," replied Betty as she threw up
her hands in pretended horror at Mickey's cornet
and statement. "I had to deliver a message
for the principal -- honestly," she added, as
Mickey made a face which indicated some doubt
of her veracity. But Betty was smiling. "I've
got to fly now before the gong rings."

Betty, too, joined the ranks of the hurried, as
she went back to her home room to report the
result of her errand and to explain the length
of her absence from the room. The "adorable
Miss Heath" was her home room teacher this
year and she would believe her truthful. It
was such a comfortable feeling to be under a
teacher who trusted you and to whom you were
"making good." Betty would have been "boiled
in oil," she declared, before she would take advantage
of Miss Heath's confidence. She did
